Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1111: Twenty-one. Clash into the door of Sedan! (20)

Admiral An Qire may not be as competent as the commander of the group army. He is also a person who has brought soldiers and went to the battlefield. In the face of emergencies, he can still maintain enough calmness to analyze and inventory the status quo. It should be said that this is a Very good quality. Worthy of being an old soldier who climbed all the way to the position of admiral, indeed some dry goods.

At this time, the information from the front is not only scattered, but also somewhat contradictory. It is difficult to piece together the entire battlefield with these scattered fragments. For those invisible blank parts, the parties who can only receive and analyze the information can use their own experience and wisdom to calculate a rough outline. It can be said that the flexible operation space is quite large, and it is said that the brain battle is used to guess the battlefield situation. For too. The headquarters of the group army was sitting in the conference room inside the Sedan fortress, waiting for the commander to make a clear way for everyone.

So, what does Admiral An Qire think about the status quo?

"Gentlemen, my battlefield experience tells me that sometimes the battlefield is a mist, and only by seeing the truth of the battlefield through the mist can you be invincible."

There is no doubt that this is a correct nonsense. Everyone knows that fighting must rely on accurate information. This kind of words will be spoken as long as there is a little brain. The problem is that the ranks of the officials are overwhelming. The head boss is showing off his qualifications and experience. Unless there is an ambition in the conference room to squat down the pit to accept the baptism of battle, otherwise it can only be as now. Suddenly comprehend the situation, make an humbly and instructive, and make a deep feeling, and at the same time offer warm applause and don't want money.

From the standpoint of the third party, this scene may be very disgusting. In fact, this is already a common phenomenon in all political and business circles of the Charlemagne today. While the entire Charlemagne turned to militarism, bureaucracy and corruption also took root in the country. The faction-lined army is also the hardest hit by the proliferation of bureaucracy, formalism, standardism, and small group hilltopism. Almost every level of officer is using every opportunity to seize the interests of himself, his family and affiliated faction organizations. When things happen, they can be pushed and pushed, they can be dragged, and if they can’t drag on, they make an excuse-usually the so-called "Follow the convention"-throw the pot out. One of the most popular words in the military stationed in the large rear area today is "do more and make more mistakes, do less and make fewer mistakes, and do not do well". The 2nd Army forbids training at the grassroots level, and even sacrifices the trick of "organizing all trainers without authorization." In addition to embezzlement and embezzlement of training funds, it also has the reason for the above utterly bureaucratic indolence. In the eyes of these military leaders whose primary goal is to promote wealth and become wealthy, since they can’t expect to get rich in Agento Raton and Yalfheim, they can only manage their own one-acre three-point land, as long as there is no accident, Undead, An An firmly insisted on retiring from retirement, even in the second half of his life.

It can be said that as a major illness in human society, bureaucracy, a special kind of cancer, has shown terminal symptoms in Charlemagne. Basically, it is to stay in the intensive care unit filled with tubes and see if it can persist for a few days.

As the beneficiaries of the bureaucratic system, the officers present here can not be unaware of the various shortcomings, but as vested interests, they naturally will not go to the point of deficiencies, nor will they be in front of the commander of the group army, Point out that he should not waste his precious time on meaningless display and nonsense.

Anyway, even if something goes wrong, there is a group army commander, why should he jump out and take the initiative?

Admiral An Qire also has a thorough understanding of this layer. He really understands the mentality of the **** who is not willing to take responsibility. Instead, he was in the same position. At the first time, he would also think about how to push the responsibility out. It is best to throw the pot on enough scapegoats.

The ideas of this group of **** are destined to fail, not only because the wise Admiral An Qi has seen their conspiracy, but also because there is no crisis from beginning to end.

"Gentlemen, judging from the information gathered so far, there is indeed a group of rebels entering the Ardennes and fighting with the local garrison. However, it should be noted that the rebels launched a battle in the Ardennes The massive auxiliary attack."

Applause sounded again, but this time many people failed to hide their doubts and confusion.

Auxiliary offense? Mobilizing a large marching column, including division-level armored forces, just to launch an auxiliary attack? Did you hear it wrong, or did the commander-in-chief of the group army still haven't figured out the situation?

The response of all the subordinates fell in the eyes of Admiral An Qire. He was not surprised at all, nor was he offended.

"This is a gap in experience, gentlemen."

The pretender deeply slapped the trimmed neat beard, and Admiral Anqi said proudly.

"Obviously, the rebels were heavily hit by the Wang Jun on the frontal battlefield, and they were in a state of defeat. Since they could not reverse the situation on the frontal battlefield, they desperately hoped to launch a massive campaign in the Ardennes. Feinting, with the intention to contain Wang Jun on the frontal battlefield. Gentlemen, I have to admit that the pressure of the end of the world will indeed inspire people's potential and creativity, even if they have pointed ears heresy, they can come up with It's a deceptive battle that leads to a lingering breath.

There was a long sigh in the meeting room again, this time with a lot more sincerity.

It turned out that the enemy forces made such a big move to contain the frontal battlefield, so it all made sense. The reason why he chose the difficult-to-surpass Arden Sky as the offensive direction was to cause unexpected psychological effects. In fact, the rebels did not expect to break through the Arden Plateau at all. The reason for such a big battle is to lure the main force of the king's army from the front battlefield of Ajang Toraton to the reinforcement of Arden-Sedan. While the main force of the Wang Jun was running back and forth, the rebels just sorted out the broken line and continued to resist.

"But, sir."

A young staff member raised his hand and, after obtaining the nod permission from Admiral An Qire, the young man who appeared to have just walked out of the military academy raised his doubts.

"Several reports of aerial reconnaissance allege the discovery of a convoy that stretches over 10 kilometers. Soldiers and refugees evacuated from Arden also claim that the enemy troops have invested in large tanks and floating combat boats, as well as the magic armor. …I think, as a feint, will there be too much power?"

"Good question, young man."

Admiral An Qire nodded slightly, showing a seemingly admiring smile.

"This is the psychological trap that the enemy has set for us. The greater the movement made in Arden, the more they can draw our army's attention from the frontal battlefield. For this reason, they even let refugees and soldiers escape. Take a walk out of the information that the large rebel forces are operating in Ardennes. However, this just became the biggest failure of the whole plan-if there is really a troop composed of countless tanks and air battleships~www.readwn.com~ How could they let refugee carriages with their mouths and infantry soldiers moving on two legs escape? The only explanation is that they need these people to leave alive to spread the news."

"Then frontline troops..."

"Of course, the opponent did invest considerable combat power and defeated the 5th Light Cavalry Division and the 55th Infantry Division. This is the limit they can achieve, but this is enough. Remember, young people, don't believe it. Messages from deserters and soldiers. These people are usually frightened. Fear will make people hallucinate and magnify the power of the enemy many times. In order to escape the blame of retreating, they will deliberately exaggerate the enemy. If we believe the report of the cowardly person and report all these lies full of lies to it, it will affect the deployment of the final decisive battle. At that time, we will be Charlie Man’s sinners, and future generations will be ashamed of us. Okay, is there any problem?"

Of course there is no problem, and not to mention that the analysis of the commander of the group army is indeed very reasonable and logical. Judging from the information collected so far, it is basically possible to get the right seats, which makes people irrefutable. What's more, your commander has already taken down the "sinners of the country and the nation" and "the future generations are ashamed"-such a violent hat, who dares to have problems? Do you want the whole family to hang a "non-national" sign so that everyone can appreciate it?

After sweeping around the silent meeting room, Admiral An Qi nodded contentedly, cleared his throat, and the sound of oppression reverberated throughout the meeting room.

"Since there is no problem, then go to the next item, about the report to the central authorities..."

That night the lights of the fortress meeting room did not go out until dawn the next day.

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