Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1121: Twenty-two. War without weapons (2)

Surrender is a science. Perhaps defeat is unavoidable, but surrendering in time can undoubtedly reduce the loss. If we can combine the international situation, we can also reduce the loss to a level that the surrender feels incredible.

The Japanese definitely chose a good time to surrender, not only to retain the emperor, but also to join the nuclear umbrella and security system of the US emperor's father. More importantly, the "continuous destructive strike" said by the commander who ordered the nuclear strike for the first time in human history is by no means bragging. From August 10th to 15th in the Showa twentieth year, the country’s ghosts and animals were indeed used up. Atomic bombs for actual combat were approved, but Fatty 2 is expected to be operational on August 19. According to the rhythm of "Operation Decline" when Migui landed in Japan, it will be delayed until November. Before Migui landed in Japan, Japan would eat a total of 10 atomic bombs. Unless the Japanese are all silicon-based creatures, you should surrender so many nuclear bombs.

Before the main force of King Charlemagne’s army in the circle surrounded by Ajan Toraton was annihilated, Charlemagne shouted to surrender, which would only create an excellent excuse for intervention. Humanitarianism, rules of engagement, and international public opinion-in front of various reasons, if Alfheim insists on continuing the war, it will inevitably be in a state of confrontation with other countries, but if the request for the truce negotiation is accepted, then this The splendid victory planned for decades will become an unprofitable double defeat in the Russo-Japanese War, and may even become a situation where after the end of the Napoleonic Wars, a bunch of victorious nations combined with France, the defeated country, to suppress the rise of Prussia, and finally come up with A Vienna system of this world version. That's not what the elves like.

and so--

"Now the only way out is the early peace talks."

Pushing the battle reports from all over the place aside, Roland used red and blue pencils to draw circles on a one-500,000th map.

"The possibility of withdrawing the troops has now been lost, and the current crisis must be resolved by political means."

Lack of rapid maneuvering methods, poor organization and coordination capabilities, and the transportation line is constantly threatened by air strikes and guerrillas. Even if the command can be transmitted to the Rhine front in time, the troops immediately began to retreat, waiting for the first wave of troops to turn back At that time, the enclosing circle was closed and began to compress inward.

The logistical supply was cut off without the support of the people. It was only a matter of time before the main forces of the army in the siege circle were annihilated. Military means alone were irreparable.

The situation in front of us is the biggest crisis since Charlemagne's founding. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is overturning.

However, the crisis is also an opportunity.

"This war also made the countries have to pay attention to the fact that'Yalfheim is a country with strong military strength, extreme patience and ambitions.' We had a wait-and-see attitude before, expecting Charlemagne and Alfheim The losing powers are about to face an unprecedented competitor and potential enemy."

Politics, especially international geopolitics, has always been a collection of realism. There is an old saying: "There are no eternal enemies, no eternal friends, only eternal interests"-maybe not very nice, but it is absolutely accurate to state the relationship between countries, there is no friendship, no morality, only interests Supremacy.

Those "allies" of Alfheim are no exception.

I wasn’t a friend at first, but I was a friend at most. When the threat exceeded the benefits, then there was only a pit to go and find a time to fight.

Yalfheim’s powerful fighting power in this war is enough for countries to reexamine this fast-growing new country, and then they will find the contradiction between the country’s ideology and the actual geopolitical environment and the countries themselves. There is also the aggression possessed by this new country.

Yalfheim’s national strategy and ideology are bluntly a mixture of old and new imperialism, both old blood and colonial rule of the old imperialism through military occupation, and new imperialism through multinational companies export capital and culture, implementation The economic and cultural colonial side. This is a country that is as flexible as a multifaceted monster and amoeba, and is good at coping with different states. At the same time, this is also a country with a strong desire to expand, but the root of its desire to expand is not pure interest, but its painful historical memory and serious lack of security.

It's not good to say that the elves are actually a group of mildly depressive patients with a serious lack of security, a little paranoid personality disorder and a tendency to control madness (there are also some clinical reactions to bipolar disorder). Psychologically speaking, only by putting everything under control can they feel safe. On the contrary, it will make them extremely upset and even show a tendency to be victimized delusions and attacks. As far as the object of negotiation is concerned, this personality trait is actually quite dangerous. When it is amplified to the state and organization level, it is a fierce desire and means of expansion.

It stands to reason that with the mental structure of the elves not very healthy, even if they are given the opportunity to rise and advanced technology, they will eventually be like Charlemagne today, embarking on the road of no return to militaristic expansion, and no end More miserable than Charlemagne. The reason why Alfheim did not become like this is because they have a dictator who is omnipotent and never makes mistakes. They can always grasp and adjust the direction at a critical moment, so as not to let the country go on the road of rampage.

"However, in this way, Alfheim is more dangerous to the countries."

Minerva showed a thoughtful expression.

"A nascent imperialist country that understands tolerance and has the patience to wait for opportunities is like a viper standing up in the shadow of a rock and waiting for an opportunity. It is shuddering to think about it."

"Now this viper has grown up and is ready to swallow the first prey to grow again, how would other beasts in the jungle think about this?"

"Either find a way to kill the poisonous snake, or find a way to stop it from eating...it turns out to be the case."

There may be no morality and credibility between countries, but they cannot ignore their own security and interests. The countries may not like Charlemagne, but they can't sit back and watch Alfheim swallow Charlemagne in this way. After digesting the results, they can wait for the next target.

Therefore, there is only one thing that all countries will do in the current situation.

"On the basis of self-interest, not morality, to help Charlemagne and prevent Alfheim from swallowing prey and breaking the balance."

The coffee cup was put back on the porcelain plate, and the dictator still had a smile on his face~www.readwn.com~ The army lieutenant next to him also maintained an elegant smile. No negative emotions can be seen from them at all.

They should have been angry, angry, and dissatisfied with this. It should be understood that if the nations really do this, it can be said that it is a complete betrayal of the covenant, and it is enough to use it as a reason for declaring war. Right now, Alfheim finally pushed Charlemagne to a desperate situation, and finally threw the prey to the ground, and he will soon bite off his throat. At this time, a guy actually said something stupid: "Let everything return to its original state"?

The beast was disturbed during the meal, but would be furious.

Li Lin and Brun Hill did not show such emotions at all. They just watched the progress of real-time updates on the large-scale map interface indifferently, discussing the future variables with nothing to do with them.

That kind of extreme indifference, as if everything was just playing a scene in accordance with the set script.

"Rare opportunity."

Li Lin caressed the armrest of the seat, and the red pupil narrowed slightly.

"Come and test all kinds of things."

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