Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1122: Twenty-two. War without weapons (3)

The causes of the war are strange, there are territorial disputes, ideological conflicts, and ethnic and religious belief conflicts. But the cause of most wars has economic factors.

Especially after entering modern times, economic factors account for a higher and higher proportion in the causes of war. After the Franco-Prussian War, the Sino-Japanese War in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and the Eight-Power Allied Forces' invasion of China, Germany, Japan and other emerging imperialist countries have It was through the huge compensation obtained after the victory of the war that the original capital accumulation was completed, and then the accumulation of industrialized funds began. In the 1930s and 1940s, several fascist countries provoked the Second World War, which also included the transfer of domestic contradictions and economic crises, that is, the use of war to plunder the resources of other countries, and turned the occupied areas into exclusive commodity dumping places and cheap Source of labor. After the Cold War, the Gulf War, the Middle East conflict, the bombing of Yugoslavia, the war on terror, and the Color Revolution all have an inseparable relationship with finance and currency hegemony.

The same is true of the war between Yalfheim and Charlemagne.

Independent statehood is the main strategic goal of Alfheim. Another goal is to transform Charlemagne’s population into cheap labor and a consumer market. Relying on this rear base, it will further export capital to countries and prepare for the next strategy.

Therefore, whether the victory can be swallowed smoothly is the only criterion for judging the victory of this war.

If Charlemagne survived after the war, the war in Alfheim would be almost worthless. Apart from becoming an independent country recognized by the great powers, it had almost nothing, but also faced a geostrategic nightmare surrounded by encirclement. For them, it is almost the same as losing. In contrast, even if you lose nearly half of your territory, you will still need to receive costly aid from the countries, but as long as the Charlemagne Kingdom is still a sovereign and independent country, there will always be a day when it can stand up again.

So what Charlieman is going to do now is not to continue the war without seeing any hope, but to conduct intelligence operations and diplomatic rebuffs to guide the people who are already war-weary to accept a decent peace and play a role in front of the countries. Anti-Botti, who blocked the expansion wave of Alfheim, withdrew from this damn, stupid war, licking the wound while waiting for the opportunity.

The reason is so simple. But like all simple and extremely correct doctrines, for those who make up their minds to ignore them, they just can't see the facts and doctrines, and they only want to nest in their own world.

When Charlemagne sank deeper and deeper in the quagmire of war, blood and mud ran over his chest and neck, and he was about to drown. Charlemagne’s soldiers and politicians’ political wisdom or power of art was sublimated under pressure. A series of laws were quickly passed. Under the protection of the law, unprecedented power was concentrated under the crown prince and the army. In his hands, the entire country is left to a handful of elite soldiers and politicians.

According to the "Authorization Act for the Protection of People and the State", commonly known as the "War Law", the military, police and constitution have taken over the country in an all-round way. Freedom of speech, freedom of writing, freedom of assembly, and privacy of communication are completely banned. The military government can Evidence, arrest, interrogation, sentence and execution of any person without court procedure. The crown prince is authorized to form a cabinet. The crown prince and the cabinet can pass any laws without the deliberation and consent of the Privy Council. At this point, the Crown Prince and his subordinates obtained the absolute power to be able to demand and even decide the life and death of Charlemagne nationals and foreigners living on Charlemagne's territory.

All the citizens swore allegiance to the king. The Law of War clearly stipulates that in wartime, all citizens have an obligation to contribute his land, property, and life to the king. The king can freely requisition any personnel, materials and enterprises in Charlemagne's land according to the needs of wartime, and the power to kill all the people. As the crown prince who exercises power instead of the sick king, the crown prince automatically obtained the above powers. As long as it is decided by him and the wartime cabinet, it must be carried out without reservation. The boycott will be regarded as a treasonous act, and when severe, it can be hanged on the street lamp without trial.

What a just dictatorship of Ling Ran, reasonable and legal, sounding grand. Even the title of Li Lin’s Dictator dwarfs it. You know that your dictator is authorized by the council and has only a one-year term (not a lifelong dictator like Caesar), and only for the land and resources of the country. 1. Nationals and wealth have the right to use, and they cannot do whatever they want at the level of legislation and judicial execution, let alone punishment for crimes without trial.

What is dictatorship, this is true dictatorship, and it is also dressed in a reasonable and legal sacred coat. The people at the bottom must not only have any dissatisfaction with this, they must also be long-lived and grateful. If they do not do this, they are either non-nationals or lunatics, and are more likely to be spies sent by heretics. The team took the severe torture and sent it to the gallows or torture post.

Even spy organizations like Stasi are startled by the current state of Charlemagne, and still a little angry. In the report, a senior security policeman affiliated with Stasi even accused the Charlemagne authorities of abusing their powers and exerting unnecessary pressure on the people. (It’s really ironic to contact the security police’s work).

How crazy the Crown Prince and the warlords are playing, it is difficult to imagine people who have not actually experienced it. Here is an example: In addition to the normal patrol, search, anti-spyware and other tasks of the military police at that time, a routine task was added, that is, to check the garbage bins in the residential area every night. What are you doing? See if there are skins and fish bones in the trash can, and if anyone is involved in extravagant corruption. To understand the current scarcity of materials, Prince Wang put forward the slogan "Luxury is the enemy". People in the country cannot eat well and dress well, and burn all the money to the front, otherwise they are "non-nationals". If the gendarmerie turned over the bones in the trash can, the entire street would be taken to the gendarmerie. Gendarmeries have to ask who is good and who are non-nationals, why not report to the Gendarmerie that there are "non-nationals"? Want to cover up? Or are you all "non-nationals"? Do you want to defy the authority of the authorities? Still want to express contempt for His Royal Highness?

If you can play such a heart-wrenching madness, it is probably the Charlemagne family.

After tasting the absolute, unequivocal power, how many people can give up the sweet taste? What's more, for this power, they have offended too many people. Once the authority is handed over, what is waiting for them must be **** liquidation. Those politicians who were ousted by them and the people who were oppressed and persecuted by them will let them spit out all their property without leaving a su, and then hang them all, as well as their wives, brothers, sons and daughters . Those who are irritated can definitely do this kind of thing.

So even if it is for their own and family safety considerations, they will never surrender the power they have already obtained, and will do everything possible to keep these powers. The only way to keep power is to continue the war. As long as the war is still going on, the power they seize is still reasonable and legal. If you want the war to continue, you must not fail, you cannot negotiate, and you cannot withdraw your troops.

"Never withdraw troops! The soldiers on the front are marching towards victory, how many people have sacrificed for this, how many families have lost their husbands, sons, fathers, brothers. At this time it is shameless to talk about peace with our enemy, the abominable heresy. sell!"

Fist hit the conference table, Major General Louis Luvazo de Granmaison, the new minister of the first army of the Wang Family Army (Combat Department), whose red face was distorted, he tried to control his emotions, but it was obviously unsuccessful.

"This is a knife in the back!"

Qingxiu's eyebrows jumped slightly, and the voice of the queen girl sitting diagonally opposite became severe.

"You are accusing the Navy's withdrawal proposal of betraying national interests, is that true? Major General."

"No, I'm just pointing out the negative impact of the proposal on the frontline and national morale."

The Minister of Operations was not a fool, he took a step back in time.

But in many cases, even one step back will attract a more aggressive counterattack.

"Can I understand it this way? Your Excellency Minister of Warfare believes that as the Queen Charlemagne, I and the entire Wang Family Navy are colluding with the enemy to plot to frame the main force of the Wang Family Army? Do you mean that? Major General?"

"No, Your Highness."

A 75-degree bow, the forehead full of sweat almost hit the conference table.

Minerva apparently misunderstood his meaning, although he did want to send the navy thieves the crown of "a knife behind him", Her Royal Highness...

If you think about it carefully, a major general of the Army accused the second-heir of the throne from colluding with the royal family of the royal family~www.readwn.com~ The private rebels conspired to frame the main force of the royal family of the royal family and stabbed the knife from behind at a critical moment... this is equal to Detonated 10,000 tons of explosives in Charlemagne’s political center.

At another point in time, this may be a good opportunity. You can use the crime of "communicating the enemy" to completely eliminate the obscure queen and navy octopuses. Anyway, with the power given by the "War Law", you don't have to waste time to gather evidence. There is no need for trial, just drag out and shoot or hang. Now...

Yu Guang glanced at a few unfriendly eyes, and looked at the expressions of the navy generals who were eager to try and bitterly bitter, and the Secretary of the Army Operations Department shivered.

The main army of the army is currently stuck on the Rhine front, and there are a bunch of old and weak soldiers and military police secret agents guarding the place. These people usually bully the good people. Let these gangsters in uniform go to dream with the Marine Corps. Want to fight with the army to fight hard? Think about it is not reliable. It may be a good idea to summon local troops to King Rudes Qin, but it is estimated that he has not waited for the mobilization order of King Qin’s rescue to go out of the city of Rudes. The Marine artillery has already blown up the Bourbon Palace and the Army headquarters building. There was a piece of rubble.

At the thought of the subsequent counterattacks, arrogance such as Major General De Grandmaison was also shocked out of cold sweat.

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