Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1132: Twenty-two. War without weapons (13)

Suddenly asked if he would be a sacrifice in exchange for peace, Roland's reaction was no different from that of ordinary people, and he froze on the spot. If you still remember how to cooperate with Lance Luodai's dance steps, I'm afraid you will fall on the spot.

This is by no means a question that can be answered simply, but a question that is impersonal.

Most justice.

Justice does not have a clear form, nor does it have absolute and unified standards, and there is no criterion to measure justice by quantity. As the saying goes: "There are as many kinds of justice as there are people."

However, it should not be denied that "justice recognized by the majority" does exist.

This kind of "majority justice" is simple, straightforward, and rude. Most of the time it will appear as a black-and-white dichotomy, that is, "contrary to the interests of most people is evil" and "opposite the enemy of the public." Is a friend of justice."

Looking at the above question with this dichotomy, the answer is self-evident.

For the minimum sacrifice of one person and the death of millions and tens of millions of people, the public will of course choose the former one. Perhaps some people will re-examine this multiple choice question based on the probability and humanity requirements, but the final result will be nothing. Two different.

Of course, this inevitable choice is based on the premise that the sacrificed sacrifice is not itself.

If you are unlucky, a probability of a few hundred millionths will come to you. Do you choose to sacrifice yourself for the peace and happiness of most people, or follow biological instincts, and do not hesitate to live against the entire world?

I am afraid that there is no one who can answer immediately with such a multiple choice question.

Lance Luodai continued to say that her voice was unhurried, without any coldness, but it was inexplicably chilling.

"Yalfheim does not want to bear the charges and responsibilities for sabotaging the peace talks. If your country makes a claim for compensation, it will even make further concessions, plus pressure from the representatives of various countries. Sooner or later, they will adjust their tactics. Concessions on Crown Prince’s terms in exchange for other harsh conditions. In this way, the huge compensation may not be able to meet them. There must be a more important sacrifice, a condition that can make their future strategic plans more smooth. Has been hindering the death of their holy girl-don’t you think that none of them meets the above conditions better?

Roland nodded slightly.

He didn't have any doubts about the authenticity of Lance Luodai's words.

As early as in the past, he understood the priority of Li Lin's thinking. After contacting certain information, he had a deeper understanding of Li Lin. As long as there is a need, there is nothing Li Lin can’t do, and with his exquisite wrists, I believe that even the meanest things will be properly arranged, and will never let the reputation of himself and Yalfheim be touched. hurt.

The most important thing is that there is no evil in the whole process, it is just "right choice". So as long as there is a need, Li Lin will take action without hesitation, so that the other party has no time to react and becomes a victim.

There is no choice or resistance.

A fate-like heavy breath fell between the pair of teenagers. After a few hours and a few seconds, Lance Luodai's eyes dropped slightly, and an inaudible whisper overflowed from his lips.

"...In this place where there is no morality and no justice, everything is quantified as a number to negotiate transactions, for whom and why are you fighting? What is the reason for your sacrifice?"

There was a tingling in the chest, it was the pain in the heart of the fear that was said, enduring the pain that seemed to take away the calm and body temperature, Roland raised his head and looked at Lance Luodai, the other's clear eyes reflected his face hole.

Keeping an eye on Roland, Lance Luodai continued to say:

"You don't... have to be involved in it? You haven't been able to enjoy the welfare of the country, and no one has asked you to be a victim. From the beginning, you have no obligation or responsibility to go to the battlefield. Even if Quit now, and no one will accuse you."

--Do not.

-There is really no one who must do this.

——Being a spectator on the side, being a refined egoist is really easy, but doing nothing, just watching, does not mean that what happened in front of the disguise default and that result?

——In this case, there is no difference from the co-offender.

——Because it is unacceptable that even resentment, resentment, and resistance are quantified, the entire world is completely restrained and rigid by capital and military power, and there is no hope and change in the future, so...

Countless retorts churned in the chest, but nothing came out of the throat.

For questions that were not malicious and based solely on personal goodwill and concern, Roland could not find a denial for a while.

After a moment, he answered in a low voice:

"Thank you for your concern, but..."

"Even if you are willing to be a victim, how much meaning? Can you win time? Isn't it a pure scapegoat? Then? How many people can be saved? Anyway, at most one or two people?"

"Only one person out of a thousand or 10,000 people can be rescued, so is this a failure?"

In the face of being interrupted again, Roland did not hesitate this time.

"Even if there is only one... among those who weep bitterly because their loved ones can't return to their homes, it's good to have only one less."

"Then those who have not learned any lesson will go to the battlefield again."

There is also no hesitation, as if I have witnessed too many too many of the same things, listened to too many similar answers, so that even enthusiasm is buried in despair without any change, a completely cold voice in Roland Murmured.

"It's better to reduce one's suffering-it's just self-satisfaction. The people you saved today will probably go to the battlefield again tomorrow to kill more people. Only because of your self-satisfaction, the result is greater Tragedy."

"This kind of thing..."

"There will be. You have also been on the battlefield, and you should have witnessed it yourself. After suffering the war, people are still addicted to the war. Under the encouragement of brave and fearless heroes, people squander their lives more enthusiastically than before. Blood. One or two offerings... can it satisfy the bloodthirsty crowd?"

There was emotion again in the calm eyes, and almost boiling anger pressed against Roland.

"If one or two people become sacrifices, trampled, and ravaged, you can exchange for the sobriety of the crowd and end all misfortunes and disputes, then even if this behavior is not worth advocating, the result is still acceptable. But the fact is not the case, so far So far, people have been offering sacrifices, but the war has never really been extinguished even for a day. Unless it is an absolute power like a god, which can ignore the power of miracles of the rules, otherwise the world will only shed blood in an endless cycle."

Whispering Lance Luodai overlapped with Li Lin’s cynical smiley face in Roland’s eyes. He had to admit that their opinions were both reasonable and correct. In terms of results, perhaps at a minimum cost in exchange for permanent The best way to peace may be, just--

The correct and thoughtful way is pure unilateral dictatorship.

This is like people found a very cherished beast in the forest. In order to prevent the beast from self-defeating, people set traps to capture the beast and keep it in a cage to raise it. Through strict and thorough management, the beast is completely eliminated. possibility.

In Li Lin's eyes, human beings are the beasts that should be caged.

As a social creature, the diverse values ​​and social system held by the human race may be commendable, but logically speaking, there are too many contradictions in its action standards and a serious lack of ethnic stability. In order to avoid this irreversible result of instability and chaos, it is necessary to put all humanity under a strict supervision system in order to achieve permanent peace. In this process, **** sacrifice is inevitable, but relative to the entire race, the individual's life is insufficient.

This is Li Lin's idea and goal.

Lance Luodai has a certain degree of similarity with Li Lin in this respect.

Even if it is not justice, even if you declare that you do not represent justice, you want to achieve an ideal society.

By now, you may not be qualified to condemn them on the same path. After all, he himself is the same.

and so--

"Thank you for your concern for me, and I think you are right. You can say these words, and you should have considerable experience and insights. I really appreciate you telling me these things, but...I still I want to correct it."

"No one expects you to do this, and no one will be grateful afterwards, even those who have been rescued by you and saved because of you will scold you. You really feel that you can save everything and cut down by your sacrifice. Break the cycle of tragedy?"

"I don't want to inflate myself to that point. The range of my sight and the range of my hands can be very limited...I just think that if it is even fair-it is praised to do the right thing~ www.readwn.com~ You will be scolded for doing wrong things-this is impossible. Just because of ethnic origin, you will be treated improperly and unequally, and you will not be able to resist in the face of that kind of unreasonable, like a curse. Fate. I can’t keep silent."


"I'm not omnipotent. What I can do, what I want to do, is to face others fairly and fairly. It is very simple to hope that the world I live in will make myself and others feel'live really good' The world. This is my sincerity towards others and the world as a person."


It's not about how perfect the world is and how pure people are.

Just ordinary hope, don’t let discrimination and differential treatment become justified laws, and don’t use the reason of “absolute justice” to turn your living world into a humane, only the coldness of rules, laws, disciplines, regulations machine. Don't forcefully deny hope on the grounds of "not doing so."

"...Is this your justice?"

As the music came to an end, the waltz, which kept spinning around, gradually slowed down, and the dancing people returned to their original origins.

"Then I will continue to watch on the side and always see the last...Congratulations to Charlemagne's Saint Girl Wu Yunchang Long."

The last note dissipated in the air and the clasped hands separated. In the warm applause that almost drowned the ballroom, the teenage girls saluting each other clearly felt that an invisible crack lay between each other.

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