Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1133: Twenty-two. War without weapons (14)

"Really... he said that."

The dictator in the interface terminal still maintains his signature "angel smile". From that indifferent smile, Lance Luodai has no way of seeing how this supreme feels about his report.

In fact, this is the feeling of most people when they communicate with Li Lin. This person has never shown an expression other than a smile at any time, but no one will feel a sense of violation. Perhaps his smile is always just right, perhaps his smile has a unique mystery and attractiveness, just like the females who show mysterious smiles under the painter's pen, let people inadvertently immerse in the suffocating beauty.

That smile may be really beautiful, so beautiful that it even **** in human souls.

But Klans Luodai always felt that smile was infiltrating.

It's not a question of appearance, nor the way and attitude of speaking, it's just that there is a subtle difference between the smile and the ordinary, heartfelt smile. Yes, rather than smiling at others, it's more like using a smiling mask to reject people thousands of miles away...

"Do you think I'm a bit impersonal?"

The smile on the face of the mask raised the corner of his mouth, and was swept through the body by the shock of insight. The words "how dare..." had just been spoken, and the other side waved at him.

"There is nothing embarrassing. The former guardian used this method to test and attack the former guardian. From the aspect of human relations and personal protection, they are quite serious problems. It is strange not to be complained and accused."

As Li Lin said, the topics of a conversation between Lance Luodai and Roland are basically selected by him, and its purpose is to test Roland's will and reaction.

The same question, with different minders and different mindsets, has subtle differences in answers. Especially for a conversational object like Lansi Luodai who has a subtle similar position with Roland, under the immediate sense of sight like a mirror reflection, Roland's mood will become more complicated, and the answers made at this time will also have a reference comparison the value of.

If it is because of the similarity between each other, you can promote a relationship through interaction similar to today, and finally you can get a sample candidate, it is even more perfect...

Lance Luodai is unnecessary and should not know these truths. As a chess piece with high added value, she still has many uses, and she should not be exposed to certain dangerous secrets prematurely. At this time, it is the correct way to guide Miss Knight with a set of easy-to-accept and unsustainable rhetoric.

"Even if you save one more person, reduce one's misfortune or justice-this is not bad. It is in line with the principles of fraternity and equality, and anyone with a minimum moral awareness and conscience will not be concerned about it. Criticize."

It is foolish to deny the concepts of justice, equality and fraternity. Perhaps these concepts have not been implemented, or they may be ridiculed. Perhaps as you enter the society, the more people and things you contact, the more "the more you grow up, the more you understand that there is no justice in this world." know. But even those who deny these concepts, when referring to those words, a ruler will still appear in their hearts-the ruler used to measure justice and injustice.

Justice has long been ubiquitous. To deny a concept of assimilation with the world is to deny the world itself. No one will accept this whimsical nonsense.

Although it cannot be denied, the standards and definitions of justice are operationally adjustable.

"Similarly, our justice is not wrong, but some people do not like this form of justice."


"Yes, I don't like it."

The beneficiaries of the old system, the defenders of the old order, the defenders of the old morality, those who lost their families, property, and dignity in the war-will never like the "new order" advocated by Alfheim justice".

As for Roland, he is more like a martyr. An attempt to open up a whole new path between the old order and the new order, trying to lead the world to a future with multiple possibilities.

It was like a prophet who was ascetic.

Only the vast majority of prophets were sent to the torture rack in the end, and their claims would not be proven correct until long after they were reduced to ashes.

Will Roland be the lucky exception, as far as the current form is concerned, the probability is minimal.

"Of course, they have their own reasons and opinions if they don't like it, and those opinions are equally reasonable. Communicating with words is not impossible to change some of them... but the vast majority of people will not because of this Has changed."

The so-called Ning gifted friends, not to slaves. This is not so shameless as it is a statement of the true psychology of many ruling classes. How can the powerful people who sit on the clouds allow past slaves to enter their manor and palace. In their eyes, the lower crowd can not even be regarded as humans, but a group of bipeds or half-humans who can talk and work beast. As for the heresy with pointed ears, no matter from which point of view, it is a useless beast, like a wild boar or a locust that spoils crops, and it should be dealt with as soon as it is discovered, so as not to endanger it.

How can people with this kind of thinking accept a new order that completely deviates from them, rather than sharing their interests with these cheap slaves, it is better to cooperate with external forces.

Even some of Roland’s ideas, such as equality, freedom, and fraternity, belong to heresy in the eyes of these guys. You have to know that "Who is the king and who is the beggar is always decided by the mother goddess. It has always been the case in the past, it is now, it will be the same in the future". You and these gangs of men with humiliating ranks go to "I am everyone, everyone is me", believe it or not, and drag you down to burn it immediately.

Roland's moderate reformism is not to be seen in this generation. Besides, Alfheim's elves supremacy, imperialism, and expansionism have no room for compromise from the beginning. The war will not end until one side falls.

This is also the most hidden and core motive of the various countries to assist Charlemagne: two equally dangerous beasts, they should be kept in the colosseum and continue to fight until they all die together. In this way, the audience in the stands is safe.

"In the end, it was just because of the childish feelings of "dislike" that even the possibility of changing oneself by looking at the other party’s merits and promoting one’s own progress was stifled. Nothing changed, but just turned around in situ, in vain Wasted precious time and countless lives."

-Therefore, change is necessary.


-Is this just enough to establish the legitimacy of the new order?

Looking at the dictator in the interface, Lance Luodai questioned in his mind.

"The legitimacy of the new order is not achieved through discussion, but is demonstrated through the presentation of results. Rather than talking on paper, it is better to show the people who are only pursuing the results what they want to see, safety, stability, work, family, bread ...Compared with these, Huamei's article is not worth mentioning at all."

The voice of insight came again, holding back the fear of being peeped into the depths of the heart, Lance Luodai asked back:

"But this is tantamount to bribing the people in exchange for their recognition of the new order."

Yes, this is actually bribery.

When the table is full of rich food, the income is stable, and life is fully guaranteed, who cares whether it is humans or elves that rule themselves? On the contrary, when people suffer from hunger and starvation every day, when they have no place to live and have no food or clothing, who cares about truth and righteousness?

The people are such realistic creatures.

"There is no way to be said... However, I think you can try to look at this kind of problem from another angle. I don’t mean that you are too negative. You just have to remember that we are the same Acted on the basis of goodwill."

"bona fide……?"

"This is no irony, nor a joke. The establishment of Yalfheim and the initiation of this change are all derived from the desire to redeem and correct the entire world. This is the same as trying to improve the lives of family members and working hard. ; It is the same to want to stand out and keep working hard."

"But this is actually one's own self. You said that before, being obsessed with selfishness attracts disputes and misfortune."

"It’s not wrong to say that, but if you really look at each person with pure and flawless standards, not only will it never end, but you will also feel that the world is dark. Instead of drilling into such a horn of horns, you can’t move, you can make a result first. Let the people accept it, and then slowly raise the moral standards of the people for a long time. What do you think?"

The spy's gaze pierced, adjusted his expression, and Lance Luodai answered back with "I understand".

Three minutes later, the line that had ended was activated again. This time it was the captain of the Guard who stood in front of the dictator.

"Your Excellency, is this guy really credible? Anyway, she is also a round table knight of Albion, even if she is half elven blood..."

"At least for now, she is credible."

Niederhogg’s questioning didn’t surprise Li Lin. Instead, it was someone else. If he suddenly told him that a round-table knight who was a loyal and unrivaled knight model voluntarily gave you an undercover spy, he would also doubt if there was any Unspeakable conspiracy.

Even if Lance Luodai is a half-elf half-blood, it is still not enough to gain trust. It is basic common sense in the intelligence community to not be credulous and not easy to counteract foreign nationals of the same race. Perhaps their blood vessels flow with the same blood as you, but the loyal motherland may not be the same. Forcing them to betray one party is likely to cause unpredictable consequences.

The reason why Li Lin put Lansi Luodai in the palm is entirely because of Lansi Luodai's special position.

Half-elves, royal survivors of the old Burgundy kingdom, and martial arts knights-these identities are serious potential threats in the eyes of any politician. Had it not been for no suitable reason, plus the use value, and the Albian people had always been the pie, I'm afraid Lance Luodai had already died. However, she has also been under official supervision, and she has been responsible for all kinds of hard work and life and death. The good job of the task of light oil and water is never her turn. The promotion and awarding of honors can be dragged and dragged. Dismissed simply. For this reason, Lance Rhodeming has made a lot of achievements. Until now, except for the title of a round table knight, there are no other areas such as territory and official positions.

This time the **** task is also the same, nominally looking forward to her ability and performance~www.readwn.com~ In fact, it is still the same old thing. It is precisely because of this subtle position that Li Lin was able to use Lance Luodai to control the movement of the Albion delegation, and by the way also tried out Roland.

"This lady is actually more like Roland in nature, but because of her experience, she tends to hide her true thoughts. In Roland's view, she may be more like me. In fact, she and Roland are the same. Human beings, that is, the type that'too many demands must take the right path, more concerned about the fairness and fairness of the process than the result, but the result missed the original destination'. So she didn't realize that she was talking to Roland , She is actually projecting her eyes? If she meets Roland again sooner, maybe..."

"Do you want to keep her in her current state?"

"You don't need to touch anymore. You can almost pack your bags and prepare to come back."

"You mean... those guys finally--"

"Anyway, they are going to perish."

The corner of the dictator's mouth raised again, and an unlucky smile appeared on his beautiful face.

"Since you don't want to leave quietly, let them perish vigorously..."

Just as many eyes were focused on Innsbruck, in order to seek their own ideals, the peace was burned out, in the underground sewerage system of Rudes, a group of people who should have sunk into the sea called Forgotten, completely disappeared from the world. People are preparing to step on the stage again and set off waves all over the world in their own way. 8)

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