Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1144: Twenty-three. People who run counter to the times (11)

Among Iscarlo (criminal), known as the place where humanoid killing machines converge, Father Alexander Andersen is also a madman with extremely rich combat experience. The next hell. Against all kinds of strong enemies and survived from a variety of desperate situations, Fr. Andersen's life from the time he devoted to Iscarlo can be described as a comprehensive combat textbook. In this heavy textbook, the experience of playing with bare-handed opponents is also very rich. Among the many opponents, there are trained and actual boxers, as well as fortified magicians who are proficient in actual combat-these opponents have enough fists. The murder weapon.

However, in the moment of contact with the body of the mantis shrimp, Father Andersen understood that those people's fists and the mantis shrimp's blow could not be compared at all.

No matter how powerful a fist is, it is impossible to blow people apart, or even blow up a piece of building.


The wave was divided into two halves, and the bricks, cement, and mud burst in the direction of the fist. Some of the stones that flew far away burned red, and they looked similar to the lava ejected by the volcanic eruption.

This is by no means the level that a human fist can reach. No matter how hard it is to exercise and how to strengthen it, it is impossible to achieve the effect of hitting like a heavy shell.

If some people question how the mantis shrimp can make such a blow, it really looks down upon this aquatic crustacean.

The mantis shrimp is a soft-legged orthopaedic animal with a maximum body length of up to 18 cm. The outer shell is composed of bright red, blue, green and other colors, just like the peacock's tail feathers. Contrary to its beautiful appearance, the creature is an extremely ferocious predator, and even a collector of veteran ornamental aquatic creatures is far away from the Sage Mantis shrimp.

The mantis shrimp has a fierce temperament. On the one hand, the mantis shrimp has a compound eye color resolution of up to 16 types, which can not only recognize linearly polarized light, but also see circularly polarized light, which means that the mantis shrimp can see ultraviolet and infrared rays that human eyes cannot catch , Even in the dark deep sea, they can capture the whereabouts of their prey extremely accurately. After finding the prey and approaching, the mantis shrimp will use a second pair of jaw feet to attack the target. The pair of jaws folded like a forelimb of a mantis can be ejected in one fiftieth of a second, the maximum speed can reach 80 kilometers per hour, the kinetic energy is equivalent to .22LR (5.588㎜) pistol bullets, and the impact force is up to 60 kg. The instantaneous heat generated by friction can even spark sparks from the surrounding water. In front of this pair of "strong punches", shellfish and other crustaceans are completely vulnerable, and even the fish tank made of tempered glass will be cracked and cracked by the shrimp.

The 18-cm-long tailed mantis shrimp can hit an attack equivalent to a pistol bullet. When it is enlarged to the size of the human body, its power will be doubled. It is not surprising that the power of a heavy artillery can be hit in one blow.

In the face of an attack comparable to heavy artillery, one should not say that surviving, even if the complete body can be left is doubtful.

The Sage Mantis shrimp did not relax its nerves at all, and while searching for the next blow, it carefully searched for the target.

For ordinary people, the attack just now sent him back to the mother goddess.

But if it is an ordinary person, how could it be possible to kill the six soldiers' "soldiers" in one breath like a dead insect, no matter how you think about it, it is not an ordinary person, not even something human can do.

Therefore, it is safest to assume that the monster with the appearance of a priest has not died.

Find him, haunt him, and kill him if he has a chance—

The mantis shrimp that implements the commands swims at full speed in the water. The highly sensitive visual system can also see normally in the dark, and any creature hidden in the dark can't escape.

But what if the other party is hiding under the rubble?

The debris sinking under the water burst suddenly. A thick and strong hand grabbed the hind limb of the mantis shrimp and twisted it hard. The hind limb of the mantis shrimp broke off in response.

--how is this possible?

Even more painful consternation dominated the mantis shrimp's brain.

No matter how strong a monster is, after eating such a blow, it is impossible to be safe, not to mention that it is impossible to breathe underwater, how can there be such strange power? !

-This guy is really a monster! !

At the moment of this cognition, the mantis shrimp popped out of the jaw foot again, the goal was to grab the hand of the hind limb.

Interrupt this hand, pull apart, and entangle each other—

The jaw foot that popped at 80 kilometers per hour, the tactical idea completed between the electric light and the flint, was cut off by a silver light.

The key blade that overflowed in the water was between the praying mantis shrimp and the grinning priest. The jaw feet that were cut off from the joints drifted away along the inertia, and the body fluid of the praying mantis shrimp was scattered from the cross section. The hand holding the key blade shook slightly, and two sharp blades appeared in the hands of the priest. The strong and powerful hand was raised high, watching a strong slash that was about to split the mantis shrimp.


Forget the pain, forget the dodge, the mantis shrimp screamed, the fear of death instantly hit his body.

If there is no accident, the next moment, the mantis shrimp will be split with his scream.



The speed of sound in different media is also different. The speed of sound in air is about 340 meters per second, and the speed of sound in water is 1500 meters per second, which is 4.4 times the speed of sound in air.

The sound of under-board hammers, which spread faster and clearer than air, sounded in the rear. The warning sign of "the enemy behind" was just generated in the brain of Father Andersen, and the previous roar and impact erupted from behind.

It was a roar like a ton of explosive exploding in the ear, and it seemed that countless thunders were superimposed and put into the ear canal, and accompanied by a scorching shock never seen before. For a moment, the priest even saw the surrounding The water was evaporated, and immediately he was engulfed by the exploding steam.

In the opposite direction of the heat flow impinging on the axis, the lobster that released the claws showed a grin.

Gun Shrimp, also known as Drum Shrimp, is well-known for its sound similar to the sound of hitting a snare drum and the appearance of two large and small pairs of claws. The body length of this shrimp can grow up to 50㎜, but the big claw can grow to 25㎜, which is close to half of the body. The inside of the lobster lobster is fixed, there is a cavity on it, the outside can be opened and closed, and there is a columnar protrusion on it, which can just fit into the cavity on the inside. When the prawn is ready to hunt, it will align the open claws with the prey, and then quickly close. The outer protrusion and the inner cavity squeeze out a 32-meter water column per second when they are closed. The impact of the surrounding water produces bubbles. The bubbles burst under water pressure in one billionth of a second, creating cavitation and generating a huge explosion sound, accompanied by a high temperature of 4500~4700 degrees Celsius (the surface temperature of the sun) 4800 degrees Celsius).

In the face of water shocks, huge explosions, ultra-high temperatures and the ensuing steam explosion, no creature can survive. Even a church offender who is almost inhuman () has no possibility of surviving this blow without any defense.

With the joy of a successful attack and meritorious service, the prawns began to wield their tentacles to sense their surroundings. Unlike the mantis prawns, the prawns' vision is very bad, and they can only grasp all kinds of information by sensing changes in water pressure and peer support. After a violent blow just now, the underwater environment is extremely chaotic, and the prawns at this moment are almost the same as blind eyes.

Invisible and unprepared.



The sewer broke out again, and in the chilling roar of the fierce beast, the water that filled the sewer split in half. Gun Prawn stood on the stone brick, looking at the water walls that stood on both sides, and then looked at the mantis shrimp that was punched into the brick by the steel fist, the whole upper body was beaten, and the tail was curled up and twitched. The spear prawn, gripped by fear, shivered.

"It turns out that this is your true face. It is indeed a face that conforms to the evil demons."

Picking up the glasses and bringing them back, Father Andersen chuckled at the shivering shrimp.

Arachnid’s killers have undergone a special transformation, according to the level and characteristics of the body, corresponding to the transformation level of 1-4.

The first level, which is to maintain the human form, only shows the ability to implant in skills and certain characteristics of the body.

At the second level, the overall shape is maintained, and a certain part of the body is mutated to achieve an increase in combat effectiveness.

At the third level, the morphology of this level will change throughout the body. The outline of the body is close to the shape of the species implanted in the body. Except for the face, it is almost impossible to recognize human characteristics.

Above these three levels, there is a more powerful fourth level, but because of the extremely low probability of success, only single digits exist so far.

The mantis prawns and pike prawns at the third level look almost the same as real shrimps. They are huge, curled up in a group of shaking shrimps.

——To escape! Must escape! How can such a monster win! !

The mind of the prawn was only the idea of ​​escape, and the body that had recovered its strength began to move towards the water a little bit.

He was really hard and very desperate. Although it was ugly, but for a creature struggling to survive in desperation, it can also be called a very beautiful effort.


"...Don't you want to escape after the evil demon appeared in front of me?"

The emotionless voice glanced at Gun Shrimp ~ www.readwn.com ~ lowered the death penalty declaration.

"The No. 1 surgical style is open, the surgical array is interfering and fixed. The authority paid in the name of Alexander Andersen, and here and now reproduce the miracle of God-given!"


After the bluish-white light flashed over, the gun shrimp couldn't even scream out howl.

What is before us can only be stated with miracles.

"The evil demon is honest and stays in **** honestly. The only one suitable for you is there, and only there is suitable for containing you monsters that are not tolerated."

The sewer rose slowly.

After the two attacks, the torn waterway block was slowly lifted by Father Andersen with one hand, and it could match the quality of a building, with hundreds of tons of cement, pipelines, and steel bars on the side. Screaming, he was raised above his head by Father Anderson.

What kind of strange powers and miracles can make humans lift things of that quality with one hand?

"When you arrive in hell, notify the devil there. Soon there will be hordes of heretics and demons outside the channel, and the number may be too large to squeeze the hell."

The priest smiled, then shouted with great bravery:

"Sincerely wish ()——!!!!!!"

The earth that was lifted high was easily thrown out at a speed of more than one hundred kilometers per hour, which was added to the huge mass. . Even the screams were too late to be pronounced, as the gun shrimp was literally erased from the world.

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