Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1145: Twenty-three. People who run counter to the times (12)

Just like the deep crater formed by the impact of the meteorite, Father Andersen stared at the big pit that was still emitting smoke and fireworks, and after taking a deep breath, he took a step back.

At the moment of retreat, the rocky body shook sharply and almost fell. The weather-scarred dark face turned pale, and his right hand held his right eye tightly, keeping this weird posture motionless for several seconds.

Until there was a voice behind him that would chill the back.

"Father, why is the world full of sin?"

The sound is very young, accompanied by the sound of the metal stepping on the stone slab, giving people a sense of correctness and seriousness, but carefully commenting on the problem and the mocking hidden in the tone, all the elements that can build a good feeling crash down to replace it It is a danger alarm that every cell must scream for.

-This person is very dangerous.

The small creatures that received this signal, such as mice, cockroaches, ants, and bed bugs, crawled out of the crevices of their hideouts to escape. After a while, there was only one priest turning slowly around the living creatures in front of the man in black armor.

"Does the heretics also seek help from clergy?"

Pushing his glasses, Father Andersen calmly asked:

"I thought you would believe nothing but the monster in human skin."

"These words are spoken by a fake priest like you, but they are not very appropriate."

The e-cigarette in his mouth flickered, and the white canine teeth emerged from the crack that hung up, overflowing with ridicule and malicious mocking to the priest in front of him.

"Obviously betrayed the **** of faith, clearly overthrowing the world dominated by God, and clearly establishing the world dominated by man, but saying that other people are heretics and evil demons? This is no different from the atheist false **** in the name of deceiving believers to gather money, right? , Master Fake Father."

"We have never betrayed the **** of faith. The **** we believe in has only one since the beginning."

The key blade slipped from the sleeve, and Ling's cold light illuminated the priest's face.

"The God we believe in is the pillar of people snuggling when they are helpless, the silent caregiver when people need comfort, and it is as ubiquitous as the sky, the earth, the running water, the air, and the sound. He is destiny and correct, not giving. A dictator with specific instructions. Listen, heresy, only human beings have gods."

"This is really...full of idealistic speeches. As the epitaph of idealists, there is nothing more suitable for engraving on tombstones."

"If you can do it, just come here!"

Pushing the ground hard, Andersen rushed towards the man in black armor with a cannonball-like momentum.

The huge strange power enough to move the mountains and fill the sea, plus the unparalleled speed-anyone will be cut and smashed, such as gun shrimp and mantis shrimp are completely wiped out, leaving no trace. Even monsters with common sense like the Seven Deadly Sins are inevitably hit hard. Judging from past combat records, this is a definite result.


"...Very good."

Biting the e-cigarette, the man sneered.

The tip of the key blade was still at a distance of less than ten centimeters in front of his throat, and the priest holding the key blade was fixed in place like time still, his face full of murderous indignation and resentment.

Only one step away, only a little difference can touch victory.

But on a wall where even gods can only sigh, those ten centimeters become an absolutely insurmountable distance.

"San Gidojo."

The face was illuminated by the flash of the Wall of Sighs, holding the helmet in one hand and the e-cigarette in the other. Casper said a name, and the priest's face froze for a moment, then became more sinister.

"Aiming to serve the world’s strongest man, and then visit the king or the devil’s weirdo, and finally decide that the savior that even the devil will fear is the strongest, and then finally find the savior’s St. Quito, shouldering the ability The savior of the whole world is comparable in weight, and has completed the trial of surging the rapids. Among the few guardian saints, the warriors known for their extraordinary strangeness and bravery are respected as the guardian saints of travelers. Then, this In addition to the many anecdotes known for its strength, the saint has an anecdote, and the king of Samos who hates St. Gidojoo ordered 400 soldiers to shoot him with arrows. But all the arrows were still in front of St. Gidojoo— — Don’t you think it is very similar to the performance of a fake priest?”


“Father, it’s only me who asks, “Why is the world full of sin?” The answer is simple, because we have been walking with the devil. You will reproach miracles at any cost, blasphemy your faith and morals; you must correct the world by any means, even if your hands are stained with blood Of us; and this world that can’t survive without going crazy, killing, or looting. Don’t you think this world is really the so-called **** on earth?"

Casper spit out a smoke and said leisurely:

"Things like traitors are really everywhere, Master Father. You should carefully consider when you implement your plan. You can tamper with the doctrines at will, and even plot to kill God, which will bring great unrest and unrest to the people below. "

Religion was originally a system created by fragile human beings to seek psychological sustenance, to accept the unreasonable fate, and to tolerate misfortune. When the original doctrines and even the worshipped gods are replaced and twisted, there will always be some people who are uneasy or even doubtful about this.

It is very easy to get around these people.

However, even the atoner who is responsible for developing the church's exclusive magic system will become a source of Stasi~www.readwn.com~ This can only be explained by the excessive bloat of the ancient organization of the church itself, as well as willful behavior.

Then, some of the intelligence provided by these atoners gradually showed great value after a certain event.

"'Axis Shock'-we call that event and that phenomenon that way, I don't know what you call it, in short, you also know that luminous phenomenon and the immense power contained in it, and started to study how to do it earlier than we Apply this miracle power to weapon development."

There is no doubt that the church has long known that rainbow-like glowing phenomenon. For thousands of years, it has been providing support to the agents of God's will, and is also responsible for monitoring their churches, which has long left a lot of records. Then, like the crazy technicians of Alforheim, mastering that power, using that power, and forging it into one of the trump cards of God’s plan to become a **** killer became the goal of the church’s top and atoners.

Due to the advantages in the accumulation of resources and knowledge experience, coupled with the unique magic system, the church has advanced the defense research in the relevant research progress, and has now reached a practical stage.

"That achievement, using people's resonant thoughts, refined technical circuits, and the power of Mana's miracles, used the legendary saints and great men to create miracles again in the world. The priest you wear "Clothes"-Reproduce the blasphemy clothes that St. Kithauho can hold up the stiffness of the world without being damaged by divine enemies."

Pointing at the eyebrows of Father Andersen with an e-cigarette, Caspar mocked unscrupulously.

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