Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1146: Twenty-three. People who go against the times (13)

What do you need to be the enemy of God and to kill God instead? What is missing?

There is no doubt that patience is needed first.

In front of the majestic majestic giant elephant, no amount of ants is just a small thing that is difficult to even step on, let alone attack or even defeat the giant elephant.

However, if you look at everything in the world with common sense, it is too arbitrary and it seems that you are asking for swords. After all, the so-called common sense—that is, values, world views, philosophy, logic, and other concepts that only exist in the human brain is too vague and uncertain. Take these abstract concepts that change with time and social environment changes as an eternal benchmark. To examine the problem, it is not very reliable.

Going back to the previous question, giant elephants and ants, both of which are purely based on the theory of force output, no matter how hard ants try, they cannot win giant elephants.

But for this reason, the giant elephant does not put ants in his eyes at all-no matter how special the ants are, this creates an opportunity.

Of course, it takes a series of low probability accidents and a lot of time to breed that ant, but as long as the probability is not zero, according to Murphy's Law, no matter how low the probability is, what will happen will always happen.

This is the case with giant elephants and ants. What about replacing gods and people?

I am afraid that many people will say that there is no comparability at all. That is an indefinite comparison.

However, there are always people who want to challenge the impossible. The history of mankind is, in the final analysis, the history of constantly challenging the limits.

Since the status and strength of the two sides are in vain, if you want to subvert the almost absolute gap between the two sides, it will inevitably require more efforts-long enough to wipe out the years of generations, tens of generations, and hundreds of generations. While suppressing ambitions and urges, while exhausting the limits of resourcefulness and calculation, we explore the possibility of a tiny, infinitely close to zero that can penetrate a long history and absolute existence.

"The name of that possibility is called "miracle"."

Casper put away the electronic cigarette, and the weapon storage box behind popped up two 6-bar 7.92㎜ Gatling guns.

"The so-called miracles are always closely related to heroes and saints. Do you know why? Priest. Because the two are actually containers and contents of each other."

In order to transcend the gods, miracles are necessary. In order to reproduce miracles, we must first analyze the mechanism of miracles and seek the conditions for creating miracles from those who caused them.

Why miracles will come to the heroes, why that luminous phenomenon is closely related to the agents of the mind, and why that ray of light will carry power even beyond the laws of physics. In the course of studying this series of questions, the church atoners proposed a certain hypothesis.

-Collective unconsciousness.

Human spiritual roots are connected, and many spirits form a huge bulbous root. The ontology of "human"-"individual" is actually the extended tentacles of the bulb, and the life and death of the individual is actually the action of extending and retracting the bulb tentacles.

Then, the so-called miracle is a large number of human conscious resonances-collective unconsciousness-gathered in a certain direction, a certain symbol, a huge consciousness with a clear direction reacts with Mana, and it triggers a series of miracles The phenomenon.

This is just an assumption, not even an assumption, it can only be regarded as an opinion.

However, just as archaeologists who believe in the content of the story and excavate the remains, the church is also reluctant to let go of any opportunity. With a more reasonable explanation, they immediately began to carry out various attempts in this direction, and experienced nothing. After a number of arguments, trials, failures, and reviews, I finally got the theory and successful cases of credible service.

"The priesthood garment is just a piece of clothing fitted with a crystal and a preset circuit. It does not cause miracles in itself. The starting condition is people's beliefs-unconsciously, formed by the saint's anecdotes. So Let’s put it this way, it’s neither the wearer nor the technique or circuit that causes the miracle. These are just keys. Send the key into the keyhole, open the door, and pull the power of miracle from imagination into reality, making it a clear force. It is the resonance of many thoughts. That is, the'collective unconsciousness'-the existence of the adult who is called'Alaya'."

The two Gatling guns, which are divided between the left and right hands, began to slowly rotate the barrel. As the sound of the drive motor gradually increased, the barrel rotation speed became faster and faster.

"Through collective unconscious thought resonance, it is pulled into reality by the power of Mana-scholars on our side call this phenomenon "representation of fantasy"."

The muzzle roared, pouring bullets at a rate of 6,000 rounds per minute, and the sound of the guns sounded like a chain saw running at high speed, and the violent metal Lan hit the priest in front of him.

Just as Caspar pulled the trigger, the priest retreated sharply, placing his hands on his chest to make a cross-block posture.

"Useless! St. Kithauho's protection can protect the owner from the threat of all things in the world, every shot—"

The shock from the right chest rib interrupted the confident speech, and then an object flew over Andersen's eyes.


A group of bee-like bullets that danced horribly around the flowers.

"Now that I understand the principle, it is not difficult to reproduce similar things with our army's technology. However, my personality is relatively eccentric. Those saints' great works, miracles and other things do not fit me. I am more keen to be A bad guy who scares children."

Casper smiled happily.

Even the canine teeth showed a smile, overflowing with the fierce breath of a fierce beast.

"Introduce yourself, below is the commander of the ⑨ Special Operations Group of the Guards directly under the dictator of the dictator of Alfheim-Kaspar Georgsky. Some people also call it the "magic bullet shooter~www.mtlnovel" .com~ Here, I will offer you'Oh! Sun! I am afraid of tomorrow's rising sun!'"

Using that announcement as a signal, the anomaly was forced into reality.

The bullets flying around suddenly found the target's bee swarm and rushed towards the priest.

Three thousand rounds of bullets injected into the will, each one depicting a delicate and complex trajectory, approaching Father Andersen from different angles and paths.

Some depict irregular trajectories, thereby disrupting the opponent's line of sight;

Some circumvent the front and force from the back corner to block the opponent's retreat;

Some are close to the opponent like snakes and geckos, close to the ground and the ceiling, and they fall or lift up at the last moment;

Needless to say, this is a veritable magic bullet—infused with magic, like a devil bullet that builds a death cage like a devil's mischief.

"Father, would you like to give it a try, my magic bullet and your St. Kitts Okapi, are they stronger over there?"

All the bullets, like the wolves surrounding the prey, rushed to the priest together, and the all-metal storm burst out in an instant.

In the face of the barrage that comes from the three-dimensional space and does not leave any escape routes or gaps, escape is meaningless and impossible.

Father Andersen concentrated all his strength on the protection of the key points, then kicked the ground with all his strength and rushed to Kaspar.

In any case, if you can’t help it, you will simply put your bet on struggling, and bet on whether St. Kithauho’s protection is stronger or the magic bullet is better.

The black and white storms struck each other, and the sacred and magical bursts instantly, and the entire underground space shivered.

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