Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1147: Twenty-three. People who run counter to the times (14)

The impact subsided and the smoke cleared away, and the already unrecognized underground waterway revealed its miserable appearance.

The ground is completely sunken at the center of the conflict outbreak, like a deep crater formed by the impact of a meteorite still emitting a plume of blue smoke, the cobweb-like cracks are radiating to the surroundings, cement, masonry, rocks, and soil are all fragmented, and the metal pipeline is The life is broken and twisted, like the dead branches of the dying old tree. The metal standing in the gravel exudes a decadent and decaying atmosphere. It makes people feel an inexplicable weirdness and a chill in my heart.

If there are more people with such power;

If the conflict between these people continues to erupt and escalate;

If this stock is invested in the overall battle for the survival of race;

Undoubtedly, it is not surprising that the whole world has become a wasteland in front of us.

The smoke and hot air in the center of the deep pit also dissipated, and the blurred silhouette of the figure became a landscape painting showing the outcome.

Standing, with a Gatling gun in his hands, Kaspar with a smug smile;

Kneeled on one knee, full of sharp Andersen priests with wounded beasts;

With a thud, dozens of red water jets squirted from under the scapula and ribs of the priest. After a grunt, Frost Andersen's mouth hung a thread of blood.

Casper looked down on the priest kneeling in front of him.

"It's miserable."

Whispered like regret.

"If St. Kithauho's protection is stronger or weaker, he doesn't have to face such an end."

"Shut up...I haven't been reduced to...the need to be sympathized by heretics...!!!"

Swallowing the blood and saliva from his mouth, the priest stood up again, his hands holding the key blade slowly raising.


Caspar shrugged and flew a kick to the priest's ribs, enough to crush the rock and twist the steel. The impact of the ribs was accurately killed. The tall body flew out suddenly, rolling on the ground and sliding for three full feet. Ten meters away, he stopped after hitting a pile of rubble.

"Did you make a mistake? Will I sympathize with a human being? A fanatic who takes the responsibility of destroying our camp and abandons the gods and implements inexplicable doctrines? There is a limit to the mistakes, but I am the master There is no reason, no moral sympathy for you, my guard. It's you, can you give me a quick death, my work schedule is full, there is no time to continue to waste on you, okay? ?"

With a scold, he pulled out a new chain, and Casper spit.

"But I have wasted thousands of bullets on you. Do you think bullets don't need money?"

It is easy for misunderstandings to be filled with poor and sour scolding. It seems that Alfheim is very poor, and even bullets need to be heeded, and he begins to doubt whether Alfheim has enough resources to win this war.

This is certainly not the actual situation. The defense forces are not short of resources, let alone the guards directly under the dictator. Not to mention, only three thousand rounds of bullets can hit a priesthood user who is protected by a saint. This is already a very cost-effective result.

Caspar was unhappy, just failed to achieve the expected effect.

At the moment when the power conflict between the two sides broke out, each other's spirit and attention were maximized and concentrated. At that time, the senses were misaligned, and even the air was attached with stickiness. It was decided who won the trump card.

The saints who can defend against all physical attacks;

Feel free to control the trajectory and launch attacks from unexpected places;

Judging only from the characteristics, it is obvious that the priesthood clothes have more advantages, especially that Father Andersen concentrated all his attention, one bullet has not been overlooked, and in a concentrated defensive posture, it cannot cause fatal damage to the vital point and cannot be stopped at all. The attack of the priest is also impossible to hit him hard.

The mystery of being able to defeat the priest lies in the number and method of attack.

If you compare the priesthood to a high-grade bulletproof vest, then the magic bullet is similar to the 9㎜ pistol bullet. Perhaps the impact force cannot be offset, but it is impossible to penetrate the armor built into the bulletproof vest.

However, it is based on the premise of "each bullet is hit in a different position". If dozens or even hundreds of shots are hit at the same impact point, the sturdy armor plate will also crack, penetrate, and smash.

Of course, even a superb sniper can't make hundreds of bullets hit the same position, but the magic bullet can be achieved.

"Have you ever heard of opera? Father. If you have normal social and entertainment activities besides prayer, teaching, and murder, you should also go to the theater to see the opera "Magic Shooter" to see how much you like this opera. "

"Magic Bull Shooter"-a story about the rangers who want to marry a beloved woman and ask the devil for a hundred rounds of magic bullets. Once the performance quickly spread, it has become a familiar story. It is even more talked about magic bullets among them.

"Faith is really convenient. It can drive others to die, make people forget pain and death, and even bring miracles into reality. We don’t have the long history and layout of the church. We believe in the camp of elves... Neither humans nor orcs. There will be such guys. What we want to exercise and can exercise can only negate human things."


Denial of human maliciousness.

Such as devil, evil spirit, monster and the like.

Among them are magic bullets cast by the devil and made of hundreds of rounds.

"It is not only the saints who are recognized by everyone. It is because of the existence of evil that needs to be crusted that goodwill and justice can be established. It is because of the existence of monsters that deny humans that people crave heroes and miracles. Since you can Calling up saints and miracles, we can also call out pranks of demons and demons~www.readwn.com~Yalfheim is also studying how to lead out the "Axis shock" phenomenon and apply that force to the military Purpose. And they have a clear direction from the beginning-that is, to guide the power through maliciousness, and use this power to suppress and conquer human beings. After receiving the counseling support provided by the ghosts in the church The idea of ​​"leading out the natural enemies of mankind" became inevitable. As the controller of the brain quantum wave induction framework pilot machine "reporting the banshee", Casper and his body became the original practitioners.

Taking the opera "Magic Bull Shooter" as a prototype, and using people's recognition of the concept of "magic bullet", it will force the fantasy demon into the real world-this is that Caspar can give bullets magic. , Control the truth of the magic ball trajectory at will.

"It's a pity that the blow just failed to kill you, but this time it's really the last one. The opportunity is rare. Are there any last words to say?"

The barrel began to rotate again, and the muzzle hovered over the priest's head.

"Let’s learn to be executed like a savior and shout, ‘My God, my God, why forsake me (Eli, Eli, Sabachthani).’”

The priest raised his head slightly and sneered with contempt.

-There is nothing to say about heresy.

Seemingly satisfied with the silent answer, Caspar's lips cracked in a cruel crescent shape.

The so-called devil's smile is probably the case.

Gunfire and firelight filled the underground space again.

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