Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1148: Twenty-three. People who go against the times(15)

The trigger was indeed pulled, based on the unique structure of the Gatling gun, even if this gun encountered a dumb bullet, it would not jam or explode. At a position close to zero distance, sprinkle 6,000 rounds of "every shot" magic bullet into the target for one minute. I believe that any target may even have a complete body.


This kind of ending is based on the normal operation of firearms. Gun failures-no matter how low the probability, the machinery will always fail, and Gatling will also fail.

The three pistol bullets were caught in the gap between the drive mechanism shell and the inner rotating mechanism. The motor heard an abnormal noise of idling, but there was no spark at the muzzle.

At the moment of doubt, Caspar's body had jumped backwards on its own, and at the same time, it had smashed the cumbersome Gatling gun towards Andersen.

——Good judgment.

The enemies who sniped Kaspar couldn't help but praise.

It is not an easy task to give up the weapons that depend on one's life in battle. If Kaspar just looked down at the firearm or tried to troubleshoot it, he has now become a dead soul under the gun. But when he pulled the trigger and found that the bullet was not fired, he didn't even look at it. He directly hit two machine guns at Father Andersen, forcing the sniper hiding in the dark to choose whether to continue sniping or give priority to protecting his companions.

Without extremely rich combat experience, it is impossible to make such accurate and sophisticated judgments and implement them in a flash of flint.

It's just that old horses will sometimes lose their feet.

Although Andersen was unable to fight anymore, St. Kithauho’s protection was still working, and physical shock alone could not hurt him.

In contrast, Caspar, who abandoned his weapon, could neither attack nor defend, but was a target that would jump around.

A sound echoed in the underground space.

"Surgery No. 1 is open, surgical arrays are interfering and fixed. The authority paid in the name of Heinkel Wolff is activated, and here and now the miracle of God-given reappears!"

A clear sound similar to a music box sounded, and with it came a miracle of rewriting the world.

"At this time and here, I want to reproduce ‘David’’s trebuchet!”

Even the sinners want to bend their knees and want to beg for salvation. The sharp gunshots scream in the underground space full of smoke.

Three 9㎜ pistol bullets should constantly change trajectory, chasing Kaspar who is performing three-dimensional maneuvering in the channel. Regardless of circumvention, the bullets in the dark constantly depicting tortuous trajectories become dexterous hounds, always biting Cas Pal kept it. Eventually, the bullet hit the light film of the wall of sighs, and after two or three degrees of continuous impact, it fell helplessly and unwillingly to the ground.

"David? David the Shepherd?"

Taking a copy of the general-purpose machine grab that popped up in the weapon storage box behind him, Caspar showed a wary expression.

When it comes to David’s story, it’s not just devout believers, I believe the world is familiar with the story that was a long time ago. Although the question of whether David can be regarded as a saint varies according to time and sect, there is no doubt that it is a widely circulated story.

The young David who fought the sheep took the invincible giant Goliath as his opponent, defeated his opponent with a catapult and a small stone, and opened the story of the grenadier class.

The priesthood garments will show miracles, legends and anecdotes without reservation.

So at this moment, the holy ammunition of David's hundred shots will reappear in the world.

"Less self-righteous!"

Casper roared, bursting with the roar, and a storm of magic bullets.

Although it is not as good as the Gatling gun, the general machine gun has a rate of fire of 1,200 shots per minute. It still steadily crushes any pistol and submachine gun. Countless black bullets depict complicated trajectories, leaving no dead ends and spare power. Kill the shooter hiding in the dead end.

This time will never miss.

Casper confirmed this.

The battle of talents has fully proved that even St. Kithauho’s protection cannot be retreated with a sufficient amount of precision and sufficient force. What can be done with David? Increase the chance of avoidance? But what if you avoid a part of it during a barrage storm?

Some magic bullets infiltrated the ceiling, walls and underground. While raising the masonry and mud, they were killing aggressively. Other magic bullets were hiding in the sand and prepared to launch a fatal blow.

Perfect and impeccable attack.

Even with the protection of the saints, it is impossible to retreat.


"It's a coincidence, I am more offensive than defensive."

The young voice made a self-deprecating sneer, and the two submachine guns with the dumb ammunition lifted flatly toward the front.

"At this time and here, I want to reproduce David's trebuchet."

Miracles are repeating itself.

David's trebuchet turned into a submachine gun, and the small stones that penetrated Goliath were replaced with bullets.

The void exploded, and three strands of silver light penetrated the dark storm straight. After a few seconds, the shocking shock wave swept the world.

The gusty wind, the popping sound that almost shattered the eardrum, and after two or three seconds everything went quiet again, as if nothing had happened.

It was just that there was a young man without fear standing on the rubble.

The priesthood clothed in his body is releasing a round of blue and white halo, which looks very ordinary. If he just stands there, he is just an ordinary theological student.

As long as you don’t wear earrings, don’t take a submachine gun, don’t smoke, or put on a priesthood, it’s really common.

"Magic bullet shooter-at the expense of the soul, I exchanged bullets from the devil for a hundred bullets. It sounds really good, but ah, the heresy called Caspar, you know the opera, you must know the end of the story, The hunter with the same name as you, because he teased the devil Samier, was eventually brought to the depths of hell, and his bones were thrown into the bottom of the valley. The person who pretends to be the dead and plays tricks, ru, will eventually become the dead!"

"Become undead? Me?"

Twisted his neck~www.readwn.com~ The self-deprecation on Kaspar's face was quickly replaced by a terrible.

"It's just Iscarlo, it's just a little ghost that recreates miracles according to legends and secrets. It's less for me to put a nose on my face! It's you who wants to become a soul under the gun!!!"

The two guns fired again.

How much strength this boy hides, Casper is not clear.

He couldn't see through the blow just now. Depending on the situation, perhaps he will be eliminated-Casper's heart even harbors this hunch.

Therefore, Casper did not have any reservations about this hit.

The number of projected magic bullets easily exceeds three hundred. In order to prevent the situation of being repelled by the flash just now, not only strengthened the ballistic characteristics and warhead resistance, but also set a time difference to attack from all angles.

The dark sewers are about to become the death cell of the young priest.

The trap of death is absolutely inescapable, whether it is avoided or counterattacked.

——I won.

Casper believes.

At the same time, the young priest facing the magic bullet storm also raised his mouth.

"The authority paid in the name of Heinkel Wulf is activated, and the miracle of God's blessing is reproduced here and now!

With the singing, the submachine gun's magazine was unloaded. From the priesthood, the thin silver thread was extended, quickly entangled and penetrated the submachine gun's body. The metal was continuously twisted and melted, and transformed into a new form.

"At this time and here, I want to reappear-the sword that David seized!"

With that announcement, the winning Libra rocked again and again fiercely.

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