Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1149: Twenty-three. People who run counter to the times (16)

The metal twisted and rolled like leaves under the scorching sun, and the two submachine guns were recast into a barrel like a shoulder-mounted rocket. Even the sleeves of the priesthood were incorporated into it. The young priest Heinkel and The huge gun body is integrated into one, facing the magic bullet with 360-degree omnidirectional attack without dead angle.

In the battle of talent, he has fully analyzed the opponent's battle mode and ability. Once he understands the opponent's hole card, no matter how he tricks, the result is the same.

It is impossible for the opponent to do his best to face the blow, and then want to copy the previous correspondence that used the Holy Bullet to knock back the barrage. Moreover, as Heinkel himself said, he is not inclined to defensive type.

Now that the enemy has played the trump card at the bottom of the box, all he has to do is counterattack.

The eye pupil without any emotion stared at Caspar, who was spreading the barrage, and in the face of the terrible enemy, the peaceful eye pupil lodged a strong aversion to the existence of "heresy".

The barrage continued to approach, but Heinkel remained motionless.

The trigger integrated with the priesthood hooked the fingers, as if the stone-carved fingers had no tremor.

"Not yet……"

In the perception of the dislocation time as long as tens of minutes every second, Heinkel's eyes passed through the barrage storm, biting the figure that was darker than night, and dense sweat beads appeared on the forehead. , His face is getting paler.

The gun body deviated a little, until it was perfectly overlapped with the figure, which was completely frozen.

"Also... almost..."

A hoarse murmur, trembling as if he was about to catch something.

At this time, the magic bullet had already reached its eyes. At an abnormal time lapse speed, it could even be seen that the bullet stirred the atmosphere and left a vortex, while rushing straight to Heinkel's blinking eyes.

"Go to hell!!"

The barrels fused with the priesthood rolled up in a gust of wind, and the rapidly expanding air entrapped all the magic bullets that could reach Heinkel in a barrel that became part of the miracle.

"I want to reproduce-the sword that David snatched!"

The roar overlapped with the sound of counterattacks.

The shells fired from the barrels were not ordinary. Rather, it condensed the power of three hundred magic bullets and miracles, darker than the night, and a torrent of things deeper than the dusk. This dark torrent rushed to Caspar in one breath.

There is a legend: after the young shepherd David hit Goliath, the invincible giant with a catapult, David took Goliath's sword and used it to take down Goliath's head.

David killed Goliath with his sword

In other words, Goliath was killed by Goliath's sin.

Heinkel’s new miracle is not only the integration of weapons, but also the seizure of Goliath’s sin, Kaspar’s “power”, and his own “power” to fight back – even the opponent The "power" can be used for the second kind of miracle.

It might be more appropriate to call this scene "collapse".

The magic bullet storm centered on Kaspar, this time he launched a full-scale attack on himself. The magic bullet depicting the general trajectory of radiation returns to the magic bullet shooter itself, and in a blink of an eye the black body is crushed, compressed, and collapsed as if it was crushed by the pressure released by itself. With a roar, a violent explosion exploded.

Just the aftermath of the shock almost opened the entire underground space. The entire sewer was placed in a tsunami composed of endless thunder, and the roaring blasting sound continued to scream.

The blazing fire at the center of the explosion was still shining, but the unknown black figure was no longer visible.

"It's finally cleared up...!"

With passion and peace of mind, Heinkel murmured gaspingly.

Casper's own power and David's miraculous power add up-in front of the torrent of superimposed and multiplied power, no matter how strong the defense is...

Suddenly, the field of vision suddenly changed rapidly. The landscape moving laterally and the impact from the left shoulder reached the conclusion that he was pushed away by the person. A silver flash flashed across the field of vision, and the scarlet liquid sprayed out. The effect is still there, Heinkel can even see the process of each drop of blood beads rolling in the air, and even after the splash of blood, Casper's expression of frowning and smacking his mouth is clearly seen.

"Master Father!!"

It was the tall priest Andersen who was splashing blood.

Two doubts emerged with the abnormal situation in front of us.

Why is Caspar still alive?

Why is it that the miracle of the priesthood is still working, but Casper can cut the priesthood with his bare hands, even hurting the other's body?

While thinking about the problem, he pulled out a new submachine gun without hesitation and aimed at Casper. The whole process was only a few seconds, and the action was done in one go.

However, it was too slow for Casper.

"What are you doing?"

Shaking his hand, Casper twisted his neck and said disdainfully:

"Do you think you still have a chance?"

Heinker, who was in a shooting position, suddenly fell forward, from the shoulder to the chest, a red line slowly emerged from the priesthood, and a red blood mist sprayed into the air.

"It's miserable."

Looking at the two who fell at their feet, Casper murmured.

"When I witnessed the **** twice in a row, I did not die, and finally fell to a miserable end, I almost sympathized with you."

"...It's miserable to be sympathetic to you."

Andersen, who was lying in the pool of blood, scolded:

"I have never given up my faith or thought of being sympathized and pityed by heretics. Moreover, it is miserable to be declared an end before the wish is fulfilled."

"Same feeling."

As if to sigh, Casper said:

"If the imps pretending to be over there can also have your rich battlefield experience and observation ability, plus the protection of Saint Kithauho, just then I might really die."


Heinkel jumped up, and although his movements were slower than usual, he still had the grace to keep onlookers from looking away.

Perhaps it was attracted by the beauty, and the newly added cut from the waist to the chest was not fatal enough. But the severe pain of a broken half rib also caused Heinkel's expression to distort.

"As the guard of the adult, the Guards are carefully selected elite soldiers, who are eligible for interviews. They are all elites of the elite of each army. Each has a steel-like will, which is better than the artificial super. The toughness of rubber, more mastery of many special technologies, and even the lack of special professional certificates. However, most of these candidates were brushed down during the first interview. Do you know why?"

There was no selling point, Caspar revealed the answer directly.

"They are too focused, and even the examination room and examiner who came out of the phantom structure did not see it. They directly followed the instructions issued by the phantom and returned to the original army~www.readwn.com~ As Caspar said, pro The Guard's interview can be described as extremely demanding. The first hurdle is to report to a designated office, where an administrative officer with the rank of colonel will notify you that "the itinerary has changed temporarily, and you will report to the aviation base immediately. "If you follow this instruction, then congratulations, you have successfully lost your election, and you will also receive a free ticket to return to the original army and a label that says "Incompetent".

The mechanism is very simple, it is nothing more than using illusion to create a deceptive three-dimensional image, projecting non-existent characters at the empty desk, and then projecting a virtual image of the wall on both sides to adjust the sense of space balance Disguise the desk in the corner and put it in the center of the office, and then put a small loudspeaker under the desk. Then one examiner hid behind the illusion of the wall and watched a group of elites performing a unicorn against the phantom.

"If this is the exam room for the Guards interview, as an examiner who appreciates a one-man show, I can only give zero points. Then write the following comment'The interviewer has problems with basic cognitive skills before talking about common sense. For the interviewer who faithfully demonstrates the lack of cognitive ability, he should carefully investigate his resume, carefully verify whether there is any fraud, and then incorporate his experience into the educational model to explain what is narrow vision and nothing. Without observation, why is there a lack of attention?' Do you understand? Imp, you are a waste that can't be distinguished by phantoms and real people."

Looking down at the young priest who fell down on the ground, Caspar showed a cheerful smile.

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