Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1150: Twenty-three. People who run counter to the times (17)

As a force that has been engaged in front-line combat all year round, Iscarlo's training content is also not lacking in dealing with illusions, but taking this as an interview... obviously beyond their understanding.

In the final analysis, Iscar is called the actual combat unit, which is essentially a strengthened purifier unit, as their creed swears: the right hand holds the dagger and poison, and the left hand holds the straw rope and thirty silver coins, at night Waving a short knife, poisoned the dead in the dinner. When the time comes, they will throw 30 silver coins to God and hang themselves with the grass rope.

This is a group of fanatics who specialize in assassination and destruction. Although they have fought against many strong enemies, they are still a group of Assassins affiliated with the church. They rarely smell the atmosphere of the battlefield-that kind of smoke, rotting , Burning the stench of the body, condensed all the madness. All the training courses of the Defence Forces and the Guards are based on the premise of how to effectively kill on the battlefield. As an army that uses illusions extensively, it is true that the enemy will also use illusions to deceive the enemy. Is normal. It is reasonable to list whether it is possible to see through the illusion and cultivate the observation ability of military officers and soldiers as one of the educational priorities.

As the dictator's direct guards, whether it is a **** task on the countertop or various invisible work under the countertop, they have very high requirements for the members' observation ability and the ability to recognize and respond to illusions. For example, when an assassin assassinates a politician, he often uses illusions to conceal his body, and at the same time creates illusions to disperse the guard forces around the target. Another example is that terrorists or enemy spies use illusions to cause riots and create social unrest.

A guy who doesn't even have basic discernment ability can't expect to be able to cope with the above situation.

As for the examples of using illusions on the battlefield, there are more. From the optical camouflage of an air battleship to the penetration of small forces, MDS or magicians will also be used in large numbers when they get rid of enemy fires and fire and pursue. As in the previous war, Casper saw through Heinkel's desperate blow. In order to avoid this blow, he created the illusion of staying in place while launching the attack, and at the same time covered the body's retreat tactics with optical camouflage. ——In the special combat textbooks of the Defence Forces, it is regarded as a relatively basic strategy to deceive the enemy.

Simple but effective.

"Understood? There are two reasons for your failure. The first is to force yourself to do something you are not used to, and the second is too weak."

If Heinkel had more experience, or experienced more positive battlefields, Kaspar's little trick would be completely messed up, so that he would never have the opportunity to mock the priests like he does now. If Heinkel arrives one minute earlier, even if it is more than ten seconds, then under the pinch of two priesthood users, Casper will not say whether he can withdraw from the whole body and face the simultaneous display of multiple miracles. Whether multiple opponents are bombarded to the scum on the spot is debatable. If Father Andersen did not make the decision to block the blocking force by himself at the beginning, but left Heinkel to work together, Kaspar would not even show up, but turned around and evacuated directly, if...

However, reality cannot be assumed, and as a result, there is no room for the intervention of words such as "if" and "may". Casper set an ingenious trap, a very high stakes game. Then he won. This is reality, and no beak is allowed.

As Kaspar said, this battle was a mistake from the beginning. The purifiers and Iscarlo are in the end specializing in assassination and destruction of forces, and powerful and cunning opponents win the battle on the strange battlefield. It is not them. What they are good at. Make a plan and arrange them to eliminate unknown enemies in the water channel and capture the queen girl intact, without any targeted training beforehand-the guy who came up with this plan really does not know what is in his mind, Who did he think he was carrying out the plan? When he took off his coat, he showed his tights with the letter S drawn on his chest. Can you take from the four-dimensional pocket up to the causal law weapon "if phone booth", down to the anti-gravity maneuver equipment "bamboo dragonfly" blue fat monster? Even if human history is a history challenging the limits, there is a challenge to lower the IQ limit It’s no surprise that it doesn’t even have complete information, and dare to do it without evaluating the feasibility of the plan. This is really...

As for Casper's second defeat, it is actually far-fetched from an objective level. More precisely, what Kaspar said is a conclusion mixed with lies, which is the so-called "true lies" that mislead others to think.

Alexander Andersen;

Heinkel Wolf

They are not weak, and even if they use Alfheim’s criteria, they also do not meet the definition of “weak”. On the contrary, these gangster priests who can dismantle tanks, warships and even fortresses with their bare hands are real monsters in the eyes of the elves. They need to deploy division-level troops to suppress them, and they need MA and air warships to provide fire support throughout the journey.

These two are undoubtedly strong.

It's just that no matter how powerful a frog is an appetizer in front of a giant snake, all creatures in nature have the opposite existence called "natural enemies", and the relationship of mutual existence and mutual restraint exists between all living things.

Even the sage who creates miracles ~ www.readwn.com ~ is no exception.

Even if the name has become taboo, completely denying all miracles and miracles, opening the mouth can devour the world, and in front of the World of Warcraft, which is known as the "final Yan", it is just something like eating in the mouth.

The attributes are just right-the truth is so simple, but there is no need to specifically tell the dying person. For them, it is already a luxury to hear lies that are mixed with truth.

Finally, at the end, take down their head and hang it on the Arc de Triomphe as a commemoration of this operation, let everyone see how the fool who dares to violate the adult will end, let those rats know that they are How much are they, and who are their opponents?

Raising his right hand, the blade-like pointed claws reflected the bursts of cold light, and there is no doubt that the next strike will cut off two heads.


As if to sigh, as if to beg for mercy.

"Can you give it a try, the kind of damn, lingering and panting look, I have seen enough today."

Looking at Father Anderson, who was shaking from the pool of blood, Caspar rubbed his face, and his uneasy voice came out.

"It's really a group of stubborn people... It's enough. You can't win, there is nowhere to escape, and there is no place to hide. The defeated dog should be like a defeated dog, compared to being crushed, looted, and being Torn, tortured, and fatal in a single blow is very easy. Even the moment when you can't feel the pain, it is all over. Instead of ugly death, choosing death when death is in line with the end of you like you. Give up! Give up! Humans!"

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