Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1151: Twenty-three. People who go against the times(18)

"Run? Hide? Useless?"

Picking up only one lens left, the frame looks like chewed and spitted glasses put on, Father Andersen said coldly, without any dissatisfaction, no anger, just extremely pure-after eating dirty things Spit out the general disgust of mouthwash.

"Tell me to give up? Actually tell me to give up? Sure enough, it's like what you guys, who are holding other people's thighs, will say it. You can't do anything without a strong background, without the will of the world, without that. Monsters do the backstage for you, things like "conquer the world", "restore the kingdom" and so on, only dare to think about it in a dream. Give up? It is really a line for you."

Fingers were snapped back to the blade handles, and the silver blade appeared in the air to find it. The wide hands looked like huge iron claws.

"Don't underestimate us! Monster! Come here, let me accompany you to the end!"

"I said... Are you a fighting freak or is it just a fool who can't figure out the situation. Based on how much chance you still have? One millionth? One millionth? No, do you think Will there still be such odds?"

"Even if it is the possibility of infinitely close to zero, the odds that are so weak that it almost does not exist are enough for me!"

The key blades held by both hands were staggered into a solemn cross, and a low, determined voice pressed against Casper.

"I am the agent of God and the executor of law enforcement on behalf of God. My mission is to eradicate the fool who violates our gods and our teachings and completely wipe out their flesh and soul."

"Judah of Iscarlo, a fanatical believer against me, I ask you, what is the God you believe in? What did that God promise to you? What kind of wishes did you make? Why do you not hesitate to do it? At this point?"

Very calm, no mocking, no teasing, as if an old friend was calm and quietly asking questions.

"Is it still necessary to ask? Heretics, everything is for the'world dominated by man'. Our long-cherished wish, the gods we believe in is the'world dominated by man'. In order to no longer have someone because of a name Go to death for the dictator of God or the agent of the will, the life and death of human beings, the happiness of human beings, the trials of human beings-everything is decided by human beings and bears the consequences."

"It turned out to be sophistry."

Spit out a disappointed breath, Caspar said:

"For the world dominated by human beings? Extremely stupid, you don’t believe in gods. Whether you are in the past or in the future, you believe in and serve only the power of the gods. You are just jealous of the power, power and authority of the gods, thinking about yourself. Become a new god, delusion that you become a real dominator. Look, stupid self-proclaimed revolutionaries. In the end, you will inevitably find out why your actions have not changed, no, or even worse. "

"It seems that no consensus can be achieved in any way."

"Truely. Then—"

The dangerous smile that hung up again was just a precursor to the attack. Andersen made a defensive drive, and the priesthood gleamed blue and white again.

The killing is on the verge.

However, the killing did not come.

Kaspar, Andersen and Heinkel fell to the ground, the three people's eyes turned to one side together.

There, a girl was watching the two sides quietly.

"-- I didn't expect to meet in this way."

The darkness can't hide its righteous face and awe-inspiring righteousness, and its exquisite and clear voice can attract attention even in the strong wind.

The girl slowly paced towards the confronting three, and came out of the shadows without fear.

"Maybe as you said, the church has long been indulged in power, but, Kaspar, aren't you the same? Indulged in power, trying to prove yourself with violence, how is it different from the church? ?"

"you you……"

With a grunt, as if rationalizing his words, Caspar rubbed his face.

Looking away from Kaspar's awkward face, the girl's calm pupil reflected the guarding priests.

"The two priests, Her Royal Highness the Queen Minerva, have arrived in a safe place, and the Marines outside the city are confronting the church personnel who blocked the road. Tonight, Rudes has bleed enough blood, I believe that under the crown of the Virgin I wouldn’t like to see another full-scale civil war break out here and now, damaging the precious fighting power of the church."

"Do you think we will retreat like this? Stop kidding, what is this? The enemy is in front of you. As a heretic, you actually ask us to retreat?"

"It's no problem to continue, but please wait ten seconds."


Looking at the ten fingers raised by the girl, and looking at the fingers one by one, the priests were full of doubts. Caspar on the side just scratched his face without saying a word.

When the fifth finger was bent, the collar of the priesthood lit up.

Red, three flashes-the code for immediate retreat, only under the crown of Saint-Jair's Lady has the right to cross the command system and directly give the highest priority order to the troops on the spot.


"The on-site troops should have received instructions. As to whether they will retreat, I can't guarantee."

"That's enough."

Close the insurance, put away the gold-plated Ruger craft pistol with oak leaf decoration, the black-haired and red-eyed teenager reached out to the side, and the accompanying guard's major immediately handed a box of poker in his hands.

"Iscalo is indeed a fanatic, but after all, he is not a mad dog. They are people who can think and judge. People who should have been thousands of miles away appear in front of them, and the highest level of stop action commands are suddenly issued from the rear. They will surely judge that there is something wrong with the command system, and then make the highest priority to confirm the safety under the crown of the Virgin ~www.readwn.com~ quickly retreat from the scene. As a result, the state of confrontation is lifted and everything returns to the original point, congratulations."

After shuffling the cards neatly, Li Lin gave a charming smile to Ji Aier, who was sitting opposite the round table, but the other party didn't appreciate it very much, just throwing the calm anger to the dictator.

"Return to the original point? But will things go so smoothly?"

Irrespective of the cold eyes of the Guards members and their muzzles, Ji Aier talked.

"Because the enemy’s external force intervened, the whole country continued to return to its original track, and continued to follow the script set by the opponent, step by step on the gallows-will there be such a good thing in this world? The **** agent... No, it should be Call you pseudo. The dictator is."


Without being angry at the other party's rude offense, Li Lin looked at Ji Aier with a happy face and pushed the card to him.

"'The brow of the Virgin Mary frowned, and found that things were not simple','The enemy's big boss suddenly showed up just to calm down the situation? There must be a conspiracy behind this' - there is no problem to think about it, after all, between us There is no other way to explain the relationship. So... Would you like to gamble? If you win, I will not only leave honestly, but also tell you my purpose."

The strange and solemn silence lasted for a minute like a year, Ji Aier lightly opened Zhu Zhu asked:

"How to gamble?"

Looking at the saint who tried to keep calm, Li Lin's smile deepened a bit, and she looked more and more like a beast who discovered food.

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