Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1155: Twenty-three. People who run counter to the times (22)

"How is it possible? How can it be? Don't say such obsolete lines, the charm value and face value will be greatly reduced. Of course, you will not say, after all, it is not impossible to put this possibility under the Virgin. Included in the alternatives. From the beginning, we all knew that the other party would give out a thousand, and we are also preparing to make a thousand. The only difference is that I know all the cards, but you don’t know mine."

Heart A flew to the table, Li Lin smiled, like mocking and self-deprecating.

"Returning to the previous topic about "future vision", as I said, "future vision" is actually a branch of "integrated builder", they are not superman, genius, ghost talent, etc. that are different from ordinary people. 'Existence', its essence is rather the opposite. Not relying on theory, but purely on sensations-to be able to slenderly and sensitively feel the intelligence captured by the five senses, but discarded by the brain as unnecessary and passed. The world's platform to feel the intelligence,'What's the next step in the future should be more normal','In this world, what kind of future will make sense'. In the end, it will feel good if the result is that way '——This kind of pure feeling, the constructed'answer' and'future' are exactly the correct answer, this is called the'integrated builder'. However, from this result, the'integrated builder' Not a genius at all, but a group of'ultimate mortals'."

The ability to select the "very suitable" and "maximum possibility" answers in the world is actually a kind of sensibility of "selecting the most common thing". To use analogy to fill in the blanks, the "integrated builders" are not based on logic and theory to analyze, calculate, and solve problems. They just think that "putting an answer in parentheses or spaces will be very beautiful. It looks very comfortable."

From this point of view, in fact, everyone has the qualification of "integrated builder", after all, everyone can choose commonplace things. However, everyone's sensibility is different. In general, most people will deviate from the "world average". The scarce sensibility that can be consistent with the "world average" is the truth of the "integrated builder"-"future vision".

And the god's eye above this-

"Saint Lucia."

The jewel-like red pupil reflects the nun with sunglasses, and his sharp eyes seem to penetrate the dark lenses.

"One of the church's most famous virgin martyrs and martyrs, Lucia of Syracuse. The eyeballs were dug up during the torture, but all the saints were seen through the grace of God. The miracle revealed by this anecdote allusion- As it literally means, look at everything in the world from the point of view of God."

Said to be God is not actually God.

That is pure will, but also a huge source of power, and an indispensable foundation for showing miracles. At the same time, it is also the core reason why the mother goddess and Li Lin would not hesitate to change the strategic schedule but also to publicly punish the church.

Collective unconscious assembly-Alaya consciousness.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s the church or the ordinary magician. Even knowing nothing, contacting or holding information or knowledge about Alaya’s knowledge is enough to cause death. The church not only conducted related research in secret, but also entered the practical application stage. Of course, the mother goddess and Li Lin had no reason to keep them alive.

In other words, the church has been rushing on the road to death, but what really contributed to the success of the death is precisely the trump card that they want to hit the mother goddess. It sounds like a bitter irony.

Of course, Li Lin will not divulge such important information, even if there is no trace of it.

Not only will he not reveal any information, but he will use various misinformation and some practical cases to lead the church in the wrong direction and lead people who are already standing in front of the gate of truth into a pit that is inexhaustible.

This is the case, but victims of scams who are blinded by all kinds of scams, who are ruined and ruined are always endless. They are turned into pits by wrong information in the war, and the results of decisive failures are numerous. In the face of a church that can be regarded as a super-class fraudster, and sees many poorly fooled churches, is it possible for a scam formed in a short time to work?

There are predecessors: the truth in war is so precious that people have to protect the truth with lies. In order to keep the secret, let alone murder, even at the expense of a city. As long as the secret can be kept, "appropriate" sacrifice is fully allowed.

Li Lin is not a Virgin Mary. There are millions of people who have died directly or indirectly in his hands. Numerous families have been ruined and their wives have been scattered. Thousands of people have struggled in endless hunger. It will succeed in a long time. This sentence has been vividly displayed on him, and will continue to be carried forward in the future. In order to complete the task, in order to keep the secret, instead of creating a bunch of lame lies that may cause problems, the **** reality cast with hundreds of thousands of lives is more convincing and more effective as a warning effect, so that everyone can learn lessons, no longer Touch something that should not be touched.

In order to make the most of the "truth" and not overdo it, he and himself and the entire elf camp turned into murderous demons in the eyes of the vast majority of people, relying on slaughter and violence to implement terrorist politics. It is necessary to push a little behind the church and the Corona.

Let others come out to be wicked, but afterwards, they will come out to clean up the endgame, and in the gratitude and praise of everyone, stepping on the opponent's bones and pulling the benefits into their own pockets-this is the most reasonable~www.readwn.com~ Achieve the maximum benefit. Whenever possible, Li Lin will always try to make things happen in this direction.

Therefore, it is necessary for him to recognize her powerlessness under the coronet before detonating her.

"Observe everything from the perspective of God, follow the current, make the most correct action, and eliminate all the factors that may cause failure, just like filling the correct answers that have been determined into the blanks of the blank questions, no, it should be said that the whole The world is a full answer sheet filled with correct answers. It is a really amazing miracle, no different from miracles. With the miracle of a saint to come out of the thousand, should we say high-end? Or unruly?"

There was no mean smile on the smiling face, and the smiling face was twisted into an unpleasant shape in people's eyes.

"You can win as long as you see the future? You can win as long as you are skillful? I see more guys with such ideas and full of self-confidence. These self-confident families sat on the table happily, and then one by one. Disappeared... Ah, it really disappeared, both in physical and social sense. Their abilities are not bad, and many people are still quite outstanding talents. However, they still lack something... Is it courage? Is it ability? Is it money? Is it luck? No, they don’t lack these. It’s just that luck, courage, money, and ability are all given by God first. Right? The moment they sit at the gambling table against God, their failure is doomed. Am I right? Under the crown of Saint Gilaire?"

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