Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1156: Twenty-three. People who run counter to the times(23)

Enemy against God-placed in any religious teaching is the most serious blasphemy and great disrespect. Perhaps there are heroes in folklore that challenge the gods, but the church never admits to this, and sometimes uses methods such as "heretic trial" to suppress and annihilate various primitive indigenous religions and folklore.

Now the church not only rebelled against the gods, but also sat on the two sides of the same table with the agents of the will, and was pointed out by the other party to his betrayal, and was predicted to be undoubtedly defeated-this is all recorded in the holy book Those who are punished by arrogance, blasphemy, and punishment by God.

For someone else, facing Li Lin’s accusations is either embarrassing or guilty. The timid is afraid to kneel on the spot and beg for salvation and forgiveness. Even those guards who came from the battlefield could not help but cold sweat Khan Cen Cen.

Lady Ji Aier just smiled in the corner of her mouth and slowly said:

"So what about your Excellency?"

It is soft, but it contains a strong will and courage that cannot be resisted and escaped, as if a magical voice pressed past.

"Your life, wisdom, strength, wisdom, all the meaning of your existence, is to dedicate to the gods? To dedicate to the public? Please allow the little girl to ask here, why do you live?"

When people are asked "why do you live", "since life is so hard, why do you want to live", "what is your life for" and other questions that touch the essence of life, even if it is the most extreme and continuous life Idealists who don't need it will also hesitate and shake for a while. The smarter and smarter the person, the more likely he is to be trapped by the problem of "exploring the essence of self", just because humanity advocates chaos, everyone has countless possibilities, and every step forward is faced with countless The essence of the future differences, which is temporarily explored, may not always be applicable. In front of the changing world and itself, that is only a temporary reference.

However, the idea used to stumble opponents, and even against opponents, "Why do you live" is indeed a good entry point.

——As long as the other party has the “sensibility” words that everyone often says.

"Miss, you asked a stupid question."

Never hesitated for a second, mocking feedback to Ji Aier.

"Why live? It is only you humans who can think, be sad and troubled by this kind of problem. Because you are so incomplete and so fragile, you need to complete yourself by exploring the nature of self and life. Only in this way can you continue to move forward. But underneath is not a human, but underneath is a container that holds the will of God, the prayers of subjects, and a container that responds to those demands and wishes, and is cast into a human-like wishing machine. As a prerequisite for being reasonable, as a beginning, there was already a clear purpose, as being completed in a perfect state. Why live? This is not a problem for the next."

For the first time, although it was only an instant of less than a second, Ji Aier's smiling face did appear cracked, and what emerged from the crack was suffocation and distress that was speechless.

Should I say that I am dumb, or preemptive? It wasn't until this moment that Ji Aier realized where her biggest miscalculation had been.

That is a great miscalculation, a great misunderstanding, and even a fatal mistake.

——Li Lin is not a human being.

——He is just a wishing machine disguised as a human, a container that can talk and think.

——He is a natural disaster that looks like human beings.

——Natural disaster will not hesitate, the machine will not sigh, and there is no problem of loyalty and betrayal in the container.

He just acted according to the assigned mission and executed the itinerary already booked. The kindness, maliciousness, life and death of others-it is impossible to touch him, let alone change the itinerary already scheduled.

Humans want to negotiate with earthquakes, typhoons, and tsunamis for their own use?

I don’t know if there is a limit to the height of the sky.

"Since I have asked this question, I might as well ask, why do you humans live? Even if you live, it does not mean anything. What you cannot achieve in a limited life, even if you have achievements, it does not mean anything. One day there will be no It is inevitable to encounter the fate of inevitable demise. Even if this is not complete, you have never thought about dying in the past, and even want to continue to survive regardless of rebellion against the gods-this illogical and inefficient idea will only extend one problem: Why do you live?"

Deathly silence.

If the question is from the same human beings as you, you can use the "just the same reason as you are alive" to pass through, but at the moment opposite there is no concept of "death", a divine agent with an immortal body . Sophistry based on reciprocal conditions and positions does not apply to him.

It took a long time like a year to pass, and the sound of fingers tapping on the tabletop broke the silent spell that seemed to last forever.

A sigh that did not match his age dissipated in the air, and a sound of pity and disgust sounded.

"Look at life as meaningless, no, everything is meaningless to you, maybe you are the type that is most suitable for sitting in the position of the divine agent...but I am still really upset."

It is neither self-confidence nor courage, nor a disguised emotion.

That was angry at the heart of the existence named "Siegfried. Otto Li Lin", unhappy, and even lacked interest in pretending to smile.

"Don't be complacent! Monster! You are just a monster disguised as a human being. Even if you win the human race for a while, the human will continue to gather and defeat you! Listen! The monster! If you can hit the monster, you must be It’s human!"

After spitting out the wave of passion, Ji Aier turned over the upside-down card ~www.readwn.com~Peach Q, and the queen of swords looked at Li Lin with awe-inspiring eyes.

"I don't doubt or deny this."

Flipping the card face, square K, the black king stared back at the queen with a stern look.

"I'm not a monster, I'm an agent of God. Humans can defeat monsters, but they can never defeat God, that's all."


"The saint maiden will lose under the crown? Don't say silly words, even if the other party is a divine agent, it will never lose under the crown, not to mention the sister. Leia follows her!"

The struggling made the newly stitched wound open again, and the white bandage was red with blood again.

"The saint will never lose under the crown! Give me back your arrogance! Heresy witch!"

A hospital knight nun dressed in a white robe decorated with a white cross and red crosses held on to death, and the roar of Father Alexander Anderson even overshadowed the rumble of the underground tram.

The roar of the beast still echoed in his ear, and Roland replied quietly:

"Despite the different positions, if I can, I hope to win the guy under the crown. But ah... I am afraid that perseverance, determination, strength, miracles are not enough to be with the guy..."


"Understood, priest. If a guy who has never had such a "gambling" in his mind suddenly finds you wanting to gamble with you, would you think it was a whim under too boring? Impossible? Yeah, that kind of guy doesn’t have absolute certainty, he won’t be on the table!"

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