Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1157: Twenty-three. People who run counter to the times(24)

The time goes back to 3 hours ago.

"Do you want to help me?"

From the moment when Niederhogg suddenly appeared in front of him, Roland had a bad hunch, and Niederhogger did not let him "disappointed."

First the news of the coup, and then the help.

Roland frowned slightly.

Li Lin is not going to help, he is not so careful. It is just that the help he provides always comes with some unexpected surprises, and the recipients will definitely pay high interest in the future.

"When did Yalfheim become a "friend of justice" and a charity? It is not your style to be kind enough to provide assistance to opponents."

"You are really suspicious."

"Before complaining about others being suspicious, think about your integrity record. Which one of the aids you gave to others did not bring poison?"

"Don't say that, every time we provide the assistance you need badly, it doesn't matter what you charge."

Niederhogger opened his hand and smiled. This action made Favna almost not hold back the impulse, almost hitting the business with a smile.

Ignoring Fafna's **** at her gesture, Niederhogger said:

"Our goal is to establish a new order, not to destroy the world. You should also be clear about this."

This is indeed not a lie. The goal of Yalfheim and Li Linde is to establish a new order with the elven camp as the core. It is for this reason that this war, in addition to being limited in size and duration, destroys The degree has also made a certain degree of restrictions. After all, no one wants to work hard to occupy a ruin and wilderness for a long time.

"But sometimes, when the balance of the world is too severe, the adult will have to deal with it personally. At the worst, the entire world needs to be restarted, and all civilizations will be blank. I believe you will not want to see it. That kind of doomsday scenery."

"What are you going to do?"

Both parties have the same purpose, so they can save unnecessary temptations and polite sets and enter the practical negotiation stage.

"Are we going to throw us directly to Rudes and suppress the parties?"

If only the Crown Prince riots, this is indeed a good solution. With the army’s remaining combat power in Rudes, the Marine Corps alone will be enough for them to drink a pot, not to mention the 901 counter-repair on the outskirts of Rudes. Chariot Hunting Battalion, 902 Ranger Battalion. Suppressing the rebels? It's just a piece of cake. If you can't solve it, you can solve those stubborn guys and promote peace talks...

However, the situation will not easily follow people's hopes.

"Unable to suppress, the troops involved in the riots, in addition to the regular army where the Royal Army is stationed in Rudes, there are also church people, purifiers, Iscarlo, and some ordinary people who are instigated by the church. What do you want? Differentiate, how to deal with?"

"Church? Okay..."

Roland covered his face, and the back molars clenched together.

Nothing is more vexing than a religious group that encroaches on and incites popular action. You simply cannot distinguish between ordinary people, fanatics, and instigators. If there is no special equipment and special training, there is almost no solution other than strong suppression.

"Compared with the suppression of riots, you can just concentrate on how to ensure the safety of Her Royal Highness. Here you have prepared a fast flying boat. As long as you nod your head, you can start anytime and anywhere. You can set foot on Rudes in up to an hour Now."

"You have sent someone to Rudes?"


"Prepare for rain? I am afraid that everything will be under your supervision at the beginning. Now you can be dispatched to deal with this kind of situation...You sent the "human wolf" to Rudes?!"

"They are experts and know what to do. Or do you think it would be better to send a division-sized Chimera in the past?"

Niederhog shrugged and gave a wry smile that "you can't do it".

"We are not the devil again."

"The devil is not as scary as you."

Roland clutched his swollen forehead, and had some bad memories of the consortium period-after abducting all the gang members who smashed the door, they collectively performed a transsexual operation. Brainwashing and bombing education, and finally through a series of training comparable to the Shura field, sent to the stage, debuted with the stage name of "Backstreet Girl", and successfully became popular with a song "Arana One Card". Sell ​​well-a consortium that can do this kind of thing with a smile and no hesitation, even if the devil sees it, he will be scared and run away.

After sorting out his mood, Roland gestured to Fafna, and Fafna turned to leave.

"Now that you are willing to help, our country has gratefully accepted it, just--"

Roland slightly raised the corner of his mouth, and put out a very friendly business smile.

"This alone is not enough to restore the whole situation. In order to prevent the situation from getting out of control and in order to quell the riots, our country requires your further support."

"Hello, do you know what you are talking about?"

Niederhogger knocked on the table, staring at Roland and said:

"We are the belligerent nations that have gone through the formal declaration of war process. We are not allies in love and devotion. If it is not for the sake of stopping the loss, we are too lazy to manage your own fights. Now we are asking for additional assistance. an examination?"

"This is a transaction."

Fafna placed the tray on the coffee table, and took out the paper, feather pen, and ink in order, and placed it between the two.

"You provide assistance, we are responsible for quelling the rebellion, both sides take what they need, which is very reasonable."

"Where is reasonable? Isn't Charlemagne profiting unilaterally?!"

"Where is it unreasonable to pay labor and receive remuneration? What's more, in the end, the benefits you get are still far more than what you pay now. This is not a gold coin turned into two small profits, but a real one! Come on, you have nothing to say!"

After a moment of silence, Niederhog smacked his lips.


Looking back now, I always compare the baht. Sometimes Nidhogg, who can even use the "I'm uncomfortable" reason to make trouble, would nod so quickly. At that time, I felt that there was a problem. The news that Lin and Ji Ai are gambling, the whole picture of the whole conspiracy emerged.

Alfheim, or Li Lin, has no interest to continue entanglement, in order to eliminate all dangerous elements and deter potential enemies, while not causing a worldwide extinction. In the end, Li Lin decided to personally choose a stage to show his power, so that everyone can understand "what kind of existence is beyond the species".

The gambling game with the Virgin is the episode prepared for this step.

"Is the self-proclaimed monster planning to play horror politics?"

Father Andersen finally calmed down, and his tone was greatly relaxed. It sounded like he was relieved.

In fact, he was indeed relieved.

If Li Lin really intends to engage in terror politics and establish a dictatorial system based on intimidation and coercion of the masses, it would be in the middle of the church.

Only when there are enemies recognized by the masses, people will long for "just friends" and "heroes", and as long as "ideal agents" become tyrants and demons in the eyes of most people, their churches will naturally become justice. "Hero". By that time, no matter whether it is to abandon the gods or change the direction of doctrine, who cares?

It can be said that as long as Li Lin embarked on the implementation of terror politics, the church also obtained endless vital forces at the same time-this is an extremely important trump card in the long-term struggle with the mother goddess and his agents.

"Father, what do you think of the fight you just made?"

Roland did not directly answer the priest's question, he switched the negotiations to a more awkward track.

"Are you trying to say that the **** agent is much stronger than the crazy dog? This level of cognition, of course we--"

"Not much stronger."

Eyes filled with indignation and coercion pressed down, blocking what Father Anderson failed to say.

"It's a fundamentally different level."

The difference in fighting power between ants and elephants is clear at a glance, but people will still discuss the winning percentage of ants in one hundred thousandth and one millionth. But once the comparison object is replaced by an earthquake or tsunami, whether it is an elephant or an ant, I believe no one will discuss whether there is a chance of victory.

Because it is a unilateral ravages without any suspense.

"You who have regarded Li Lin as a "man with powerful power" have been wrong from the beginning. That is not a human being or a monster. Siegfried. Otto. Li Lin is an earthquake that breathes and thinks. A typhoon, a tsunami that can act. Instead of treating him as a single entity, it is better to say that he is a phenomenon and... a machine."

When the last word was gritted, the sound of a metal twist came, and the passengers stared blankly at the joystick twisted in a slender palm~www.readwn.com~ sorry, it was awkward. However, what is said below is true and true, and soon...everyone will see it, beyond human understanding... powerful things. "

Passengers who were shocked that Charlemagne's Holy Girl would also be so gazed did not fully take Roland's warnings into account, and people who always departed from the cognitive range would always choose to ignore them. However, after only 15 minutes, they realized what the warning containing fear and anger was all about.

"Yo, you guys, come back very quickly. Is there something good happening on the road?"

The doorway of the meeting room opened, and a familiar laugh came from the high-backed chairs facing Roland, holding a heart of a heart, a square 2, and a square 9 and shaking, sitting on the other side of the round table. Our Lady Ji Aier is staring at this with a dignified expression, even if you are across the round table, you can feel the unwillingness, anger and fear hidden under the dignity.

The frivolous laughter suddenly changed. It was a sound like a hand extending from the bottom of **** piercing the skull and holding the brain tightly. All listeners felt that they had lost their body temperature and heartbeat when they heard the sound.

If there is really a demon, he must sneer to people with this overflowing malicious voice.

"Haha, whether it is a gentleman or a lady, is the spirit quite good? That's fine, if the audience and the actors can't get up, I'm going to hurt my brain."

Without looking back, letting poker slip from his hands, Li Lin shrugged and smiled.

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