Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1158: Twenty-three. People who run counter to the times (25)

"Send pieces better than the enemy, and start an overwhelming ravages-presumably it will be a battle that makes the audience feel hearty. In fact, it will get tired after one try. After all, there is no suspenseful battle, In fact, it is equivalent to spoiling the results to the audience in advance. Who would expect the results already known? I’m right? Ladies."

A pleasant tone reverberated in the conference room, and under the sound of the voice, breathing became cautious, let alone who dare to interject.

"To be honest, all of you present are outstanding people among human beings. In other eras, any of you can certainly leave a chapter dedicated to you in history. But unfortunately, you are in this era. ——In the same era as the next one, no matter how hard you try, how to put your lives together and want to change all this, it will only end up in vain in the end, and then lament'I already knew that I shouldn't be born in the same era with this guy! 'While slowly aging and slowly dying. Just regret and regret.

It can be said that this is the limit of man, and it can also be said that it is a person who is born but tries to challenge the gods.

Those who make wings with wax and feathers and fly to the sun;

Countless achievements have been made, immortal legends have been sung by future generations, and eventually people who died in the curse of the gods;

Deceived the gods, once deceived even the **** of death, and was eventually taken to hell, pushing the rock to the top of the mountain all day long, but the rock always rolled down at the last moment, so repeated people who repeated in vain so many times;

Since ancient times, those who challenged the gods could only pass away in lament and remorse, without exception.

"Going from the god's point of view can outshine the gods? Can the naive and absurd have a limit. How can a small trick be useful to me?"

"God's point of view"-the miracle of Saint Lucia. It is said to observe from the perspective of God. In fact, it is connected with the consciousness of the people around them. With the help of a large amount of consciousness, it processes various kinds of information and intelligence together, constructs a highly accurate forecast, and eliminates other future differences to achieve the most beneficial to oneself. future. This ability has a clearer direction and purpose than predicting the future, and it is more appropriate to call it "future limitation".

When shuffling the cards, Sister Leia used this ability to shuffle the deck into an order to ensure that Saint Ji Er would definitely win. Then, as long as the cards were dealt in the normal order, the Saint Virgin would achieve a perfect victory. That's it.

Under normal circumstances, it is true that it will perform faithfully in accordance with the script, but the situation in front of it is by no means abnormal, and it can not be expected that the original script can be executed without any problems.

Especially when Li Lin says "something" as a trigger to activate a certain ability, magic or miracle, and even the whole world will be distorted. From that moment, there was no possibility of victory. Next, as Li Lin said, it was just a unilateral crush without suspense.

Boring and boring, if there is a finale show that has been carefully set on the stage, this farewell competition is not even a farce.

Li Lin does not feel the emotions of so-called boredom and boredom. In order to better stimulate some people and force them to take the stage to add a little effect to the upcoming drama, he put on a mask of boredom.

"To this day, are you unbelievable, or can't you believe it? Even the human elite, even if they gamble on their lives, even if they use miracles, they still can't win the **** agent. It was impossible to win originally, thinking that there is consciousness You can win if you have a miracle you can rely on? If you can, I really hope that the world is so easy, at least it will give me a taste of what it means to fail and frustrate. What a pity, really unwilling to—"

The sneering mockery scraped everyone's eardrum like a knife, and the arrogance and coldness of the exclusive strongman stripped people's confidence and glory, leaving a mark of humiliation. Even if anyone wants to dismiss it, and want to deny the almost insulting ridicule, as long as they are paired with that sneer face, all the words are gone, and the power of refutation is also drawn from the body.

Any refutation is worthless in the face of a fiasco, and any courage is not enough to support people to persevere when facing Li Lin. Faced with the "irrational" insurmountability, personalization, and institutionalization, the choices people can make are-

"Sincerely wish ()!"

With even more artillery shells, like a falling star, Fr. Andersen aimed unpreparedly, and Li Lin, who was still sitting in a high-backed chair and talking and laughing, rushed over.

The speed is several times faster than the previous battle. It is completely unimaginable that this is a move that can be done by a seriously wounded person. While spreading the key blade, the surrounding net is constructed from above and on both sides, and the new key blade is drawn out. Alignment is about puncturing the head with a force.

-It is impossible to catch up.

Although he immediately took action to stop Father Andersen, Roland's purple eyes only printed the tall back of the priest.


It may be auditory hallucinations.

In the stretched zero point and one second, a sigh passed into the ears of Andersen and Roland.

"Don't rush to death--"

The moment the sentence was understood, the world was twisted.

The world in front of Andersen's eyes spun rapidly, and blood, bone marrow, gastric juice, bile, brain marrow and even consciousness were almost thrown to the surface of the body by centrifugal force, and then the ground appeared in front of the eyes.


The general roar and grime of the grenade exploded, and Father Andersen’s head fell deep into the floor, his body curled up in a semi-kneeling position, or the key blade was buckled between his fingers. It looked like there was nothing to believers who worshipped the gods. respectively.

"The protection of St. Gideau is really extraordinary. The average person can't die anymore, but the priest is just a concussion. It's a great protection. However, maybe it would be happier to die like that."

The icy gaze swept across the edge of the blade, and the face of Zhang Jiemu's tongue was stamped with a red pupil.

Except for a few, the rest of the faces distorted by panic are unmistakably stupid saying "how can this happen".

This can also be said as a matter of course, not to mention that Andersen itself is enough to crash the hill, even if the pinned key has enough power to cut the armored train.

All attacks, blocked with just a few hairs—

Use nine elongated hairs to entangle and fix the key blades on the upper and left and right sides, and then use ten hairs to induce and twist the direction of Father Andersen's progress.

The entire process was completed in a flash of electricity and flint, and there was no room for contingency and defense at all, and there was no room to react to what happened. It wasn't until the dust fell that people realized what happened.

"The key blade is used to defeat the rebellious gods, I am not a betrayer, this thing is still left to you to self-discipline."

Shaking her hair, nine key blades landed in front of the sacred girl Ji Aier and sank deep into the table.

"According to the rules of the game, those who lose must accept punishment. I believe you are also mentally prepared, Miss."

Since ancient times, the losers of the game have to pay the corresponding price, sometimes money, sometimes power, sometimes part of the body, sometimes life.

Willing to gamble to lose, to repay debts-this is the right rule of law.

"When playing cards just now, I was thinking about the question of "what kind of punishment is appropriate." I am not a sadist, a devil, a professional killer, a strong, or a loan shark. I am not interested in torturing the weak, Not to mention torn and tortured women. Neither you nor me are suitable for punishment games that are too **** and violent, so I have been thinking about what kind of punishment is right for you?"

Listening to the words like the spring breeze brings a chill in people's ears, people watch the death of a black-haired teenager rise from the seat, the sound of high-grade leather boots stepping on the marble floor tiles is like a drum before the execution of the execution ground With the brisk drumming, the **** of death came to the saint.

"Since ancient times, how has the church dealt with blasphemers and those who carve idols for themselves?"

The scornful voice fell, and in the exclamation of people, the thin hands like a girl slowly lifted up, approaching Ji Aier with anger and humiliation little by little—

"Since torturing women is not your hobby, then please stop boring intimidation. That is not the behavior you should do in your identity, but a strong patent."

Inserting the sword between Ji Aier and Li Lin, Roland said aloud:

"Don't mind the agents, don't let the evil demon walk away."

"...This is really, interesting misunderstanding and sophistry."

Li Lin stared quietly at the figure in front of her eyes.

"I am using God's authority to break their sins and punish them. Why should they be interpreted as violence? Take a ten thousand step back and talk about ~www.readwn.com~ treat yourself as a person-this is not exactly Take it for granted? If I treat others with strictness and treat myself with leniency, then any one can be accused. But since I am fair to others and to myself, I ask the church to treat others equally with themselves and use their own laws What is wrong with punishing your sins? Taking another step back, if it is not the saint of the saint who failed, but me, do you think they will treat the loser?"

Roland bit his lower lip and was silent.

Li Lin is correct, and always correct;

Li Lin is not selfish, he has always been fair;

No one can deny this, no matter how hostile to this divine agent, he scolded him for being mean, accused him of being inhuman, and no one said he was a villain.

What's more, this divine agent does not use power to punish the church, but rather judges and punishes the crimes committed by the church according to the rules established by the church itself and the criminal law implemented by itself.

No one will question and oppose the rationality of it. Those who have been exiled and persecuted by the church will clap their hands for it, and the general public will also think that this is justice and axiom.

"Because it is a woman, you can be exonerated? Because I am a strong man, this becomes a weak meat and a strong eater? Because I am a dictator of Alfheim, so this is for the sake of selfish power? Not right. If I do not treat them strictly, so far So far everything I do for'justice' will become'unjust'. Then I will become a shameless person like them who only punish others and not punish themselves. Do you think that's better?"

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