Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1159: Twenty-three. People who run counter to the times (26)

Duke is selfless-no one will think that this word is a derogatory term, and no one will think that Duke is selfless is a bad thing.

Of course, that is based on the premise that you will not be placed in a disadvantaged position. Once you are placed in a disadvantaged position, people will not think so. Those who treat people on the premise of selflessness are often regarded as "inhuman." ", "No blood and no tears", "Mental problems".

To give a simple example, people like clean officials, but few people are willing to become relatives of clean officials. Just because people hate corrupt officials, but they also don’t like clean relatives who can’t benefit themselves and get convenience.

This is human nature. It is unrealistic to demand that everyone is a saint, and that it is absolutely objective and fair to treat everyone, including ourselves.

The only device that can truly implement justice, be independent of feelings and the eyes of others, and enforce the rules thoroughly is the existence of a machine, that is, Li Lin.

Li Lin, who has no flesh and blood, and does not need other people to understand, just for the pursuit of "correctness" and "achievement of goals", without hesitation and hesitation, Li Lin is indeed the most in line with the definition of "duke unselfish", the most suitable for the implementation of "fair treatment". The most sophisticated lawyer may not be able to pick out errors and omissions from his judgment.


"Since it is a crime, it should be tried through normal procedures, allowing the plaintiff to state, the defendant to defend himself, and then to try and convict on the premise of justice, and finally the execution of the sentence. But now..."

Looking directly at the cold red pupil, Roland swallowed a spit and continued to say:

"Convict with the outcome of gambling? Then decide what kind of punishment to impose? You say this is'justice'? Don't joke, it's lynching at all, as the agent who hates injustice the most hates down in this way God punishment, what a bad joke."

"So, do you want me to follow the principle of procedural justice and use normal judicial procedures to solve problems?"

Li Lin's eyes narrowed slightly and looked at Roland coldly.

Procedural justice, the so-called "visible justice", essentially refers to the justice of the refereeing process with respect to the referee's results, and the legal procedure with respect to the substantive results. As one of the basic principles of law, procedural justice has always been a valuable intangible asset that people pursue and insist on.

It's just like all the rules created by human beings, whether it is to bypass or destroy a certain principle, it is actually a very simple thing.

"That doesn't make any sense."

Roland shook his head and flatly denied it.

"People's courts, religious judgments, procedural loopholes...As long as you think, you can always find a way for the trialed to suffer all the humiliation and terror in the world and then go to the execution ground."

"The reason? With my ability, I can destroy the church at any time. There is no need to do something extra?"

"Public sentence..."

Suffering from a real sense of oppression, Roland said word by word.

"Declare the rotation of theocracy to the world through the public execution ritual."

Li Lin was neither affirmed nor denied, and a shallow smile was equivalent to a default.

-Sure enough.

Roland spit out a sullen voice in his heart, guessing that the middle bullseye did not bring any relief, but instead made him feel more heavy.

Never do superfluous things, and give priority to efficiency-this is the basic principle of Li Lin's actions. All his operations, strategic and tactical planning have been around this principle. Whether or not you like this principle, people have to admit that this is indeed an efficient and correct way of doing things.

However, this time Li Lin violated his own principles and did something that was not like what he would do.

It may be justifiable to send armed forces to intervene in Charlemagne’s civil strife. From their perspective, the life and death of Minerva directly related to the effective occupation of Charlemagne after the war, and no room for negligence was allowed. But the surrogate agent went out in person, ran to Rudes and Ji Aier to play the game, and finally performed a killing show... This is a bit incredible.

Whether or not the church is involved, the victory of Yalfheim is unshakable. Even with the strong support of the church, even the priesthood qualifiers can directly fight in the front line, it is impossible to reverse the huge combat power gap and Charlie Man's overall strategic decline. Manpower alone cannot reverse the historical torrent that has a clear direction. At most, it can only slow down the flow of tidal currents.

Now that the victory is in sight, whether Li Lin comes off or not, the result is the same, why should he do more? Zu Zeng's human camp's dislike of him and even the whole elf camp? In the end, for what purpose did he break the consistent low-key and want to do this kind of action?

Thinking about it, there is only one logical explanation.

Through a predetermined stage, announce the rotation of theocracy to the world, completely eliminate the influence of the church, and at the same time deter those forces with ghosts, let them consider the consequences before the wind and rain, and weigh whether they can Suffering revenge from the divine agent.

——In fact, in terms of overall strategy, this should be a tactical choice that will appear only after Alfheim digests Charlemagne and prepares to start the stage of the unified world war. Based on the might of the divine agent and the substantial national power of Alfheim, and the new religion has been implemented for a long time, the influence has spread all over the countries. Expelling the old church and unifying the world is not a distant dream. However, at this stage, such a fierce approach is taken... I am afraid that it is stimulated by the priesthood.

The power of the priesthood is obvious to all. Although there are still many shortcomings as an early product that has just been put into actual combat, it has not shown its advantage in the face of Kaspar. It is like a sandbag being hanged in front of Li Lin. However, as a technology that has the potential for mass production and is sufficient to resist the steel torrent of the Defense Forces, once it has spread, it will be a nightmare for Yalfheim, which originally had only technical strength and industrial capacity. .

Let’s take the priesthood of Saint Kithauho as an example. Even if there are not so many qualified people like Father Andersen, it is still possible to achieve small-scale mass production if the output and the requirements on users are reduced. Get a group of superhuman soldiers. Just think about the majestic chariot that was like a broken paper, torn by human soldiers with bare hands, I am afraid that the entire General Staff will be insomnia.

Of course, even if the situation has evolved to this point, Li Lin can still cope with it. Only in this way, the damage and losses caused are too great.

Just as the early lesion area has been found, in order not to worsen and spread, accurate minimally invasive surgery is generally necessary. Li Lin decided to take the initiative to remove the focus of the church that had already developed cancerous signs. At the same time, in order to prevent others from trying in this area, as well as various political and strategic considerations, the decision to "openly punish" was introduced.

Judging from all the signs on the scene, Roland's guess is obviously correct, but...

Roland bit his lip.

He always felt uncomfortable, and every link was very consistent, but it seemed that there was something wrong in places he didn't know. Although inexplicably feeling a restlessness, he could not understand the source and true face of the restlessness.

Now is not the time to struggle with this-Roland judges so. Compared to the feeling of nothingness, the state of affairs is urgently needed to be resolved.

If this stalemate continues, the Bourbon Palace will become a slaughterhouse.

"It doesn't matter if you want to play here, but in this way, the effect you want to achieve is gone. Doesn't it matter? You, who value results and efficiency most, can tolerate carefully preparing the stage, and the actors are putting on makeup. Group fights in the intermittent, and finally the collective injuries were incurable, causing the performance to be completely messed up?"

Of course not, that is exactly what Li Lin tried to avoid. But in order to achieve the effect of the performance, in order to better push the main actors on the stage, he must not and should not speak soft words. Roland's proposal just gave him a turning point.

Perhaps this is also within Li Lin's calculations. It was precisely for Roland to say this right here, he asked Niederhogg to provide assistance within the calculated time, and then when he arrived in Rudes, he asked him to wait for Andersen and all others Callo took back to the Bourbon Palace. During this time, he completed another overwhelming game of gambling and forced the Virgin Jiel to nowhere. In the end, by Roland standing on the center of the stage, it was like a mechanical deity () who pushed the plot back and forth, grandly debuted and let the plot return to the track.

Thinking of this, bitter chills rushed back and forth, but Roland could only bear it silently.

"Not at all."

Stepping on the handed steps, Li Lin declared victory generally:

"Since it's all mentioned on this ~www.readwn.com~ it's okay to postpone it for a few more days, leaving room for careful preparation, there will be wonderful performances, and the audience will be satisfied and recognized.

The extremely calm voice shuttled through the conference room, and the red pupil swept the silent crowd, but most of them couldn't help lowering their eyes when they met the cold eyes.

"one week later."

Li Lin raised a finger and said in an unquestionable tone:

"After a week, I will be waiting for you in the middle of the Rhine Front, as long as I have confidence in my strength and guts, sages, murderers, criminals, soldiers, lunatics, even if I come to challenge me Yes. I will let you know thoroughly how stupid and ignorant you are to be against enemies of God. You will know in the storm of destruction where the trend of the times is going. Farewell, gentlemen who are contrary to the trend of the times, Ladies, enjoy the few remaining lives, let's meet again on the battlefield."

The heels slammed together, gazing at the humiliating people, and an arrogant voice rang in the center of the meeting room.



A neat response came from outside the open door. The guards standing on both sides of the corridor were holding guns. At the end of the corridor, more black uniforms were raising their right arms to salute the dictator.

Empire will win. Empire will win. Empire will win.

As if there was no end to the cheering, the majestic back of the majestic figure gradually went away, and a cold wind rushed into the meeting room, mixed with gunpowder and **** wind, and the fanatic cry could still be heard.

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