Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1160: Twenty-four.1 week (1)

The sun finally rises from the white horizon, the golden radiance dyes the colors of life and the beginning of all things in the world, the streets are gradually noisy, complaining, selling, laughing, screaming-some confusion is full of profit The march of the city opened Rudes' day.

What a beautiful morning, what can bring people a better mood than a vibrant start? Especially the citizens of Lüders who are suffering from material shortages, fighting wars, and political turmoil, they need something that can make their moods better, even if it is only a stable daily start, it is enough to give them a little comfort.

But this bright sun only tells the countdown display that they are a little closer to the abyss to those who cannot see the hope.

Someone once said this: For death row prisoners, the real horror is not the death penalty itself, but the process of waiting for execution.

The person who said this was either a secret police officer, an official of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or a prison guard. I am afraid he was drinking vodka with caviar while watching the various deathbed performances of the prisoners in the cell through the monitoring system. If not, how can the psychological state of death row prisoners be so accurately stated.

After a night of chaos, and then a bunch of coups to deal with it, when I was busy with everything, and finally had the opportunity to give my head a break, all the big people were insomnia.

It is impossible not to lose sleep. Who was sentenced to death and notified of the execution date, and can eat well and sleep well? I’m afraid that even if I’m too busy to forget the horror of death with work, if there is no high-intensity work to enrich the brain, then the anxiety like the terminal malignant tumor will engulf them, all kinds of grotesque and horrible Imagination will torment them. Every second is as long as a year, every hour is as fleeting as a second, infinite chaos and infinite terror can even kill people-at least 5 parties repeatedly looked at their hands in this sleepless night Pistol and poison.

Rather than being crushed to death and crushed like an ant by a divine agent, it may be a good choice to kill yourself.

Some people are thinking about escaping with death, and more people are thinking about how to overcome strong enemies to survive.

Survival is human instinct, suicide is not. When faced with a crisis, thinking about solutions and avoidance methods is the first reaction of people. Even if they cannot avoid them, people will do their best to solve them.

But this time, regardless of the scale and difficulty of the problem, it is far beyond the reach of human beings, and even the act of thinking about solving the problem itself has become meaningless.


The premise of solving problems is that the power or means they possess are enough to match the problem.

To confront or even overcome the phenomena like natural disasters, the wisdom, civilization, and power of human beings so far are not enough to realize. Just to get a small life out of disasters, we have tried our best.

If humans want to fight against it, unless a miracle comes.

That's right.

Only by miracle.

"--Large miracles appear. If we want to defeat that monster, this is the only way."

Holding the warm milk, Lady Ji Aier said calmly.

Should it be said that it is under the crown of the Virgin?

After a night of terror, followed by a declaration of war, and the handling of various aftercare work, Ji Aier's face was not tired and uneasy at all. The bright and clean face is full of self-confidence and will burst through the suppression of passion at any time.

In contrast, Roland seemed calmer, calmer and calmer, as if he was an outsider who had nothing to do with him.

The reason why the response is so cold is probably because I had already guessed the reason and content of Ji Aier's talks.

Although he didn’t treat Li Lin’s ranks for different reasons, Roland was also very wary of the church—a sacrificial believer who could care nothing, intervene in politics, mobilize coups, assassinate and kidnap dignitaries, and spend hundreds of years planning and killing God. Replaced by religion. In today's chaotic situation, it is not excessive to warn them no matter how.

It is not difficult to imagine Roland, who has personally experienced the Battle of Ymir, once again the church that Li Lin is eyeing and announced to be publicly sentenced will think about this time.

Crisis is both a danger and an opportunity.

Li Lin's "public execution" for the purpose of promoting "theocracy rotation" is an imminent danger to the church. In turn, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If the church can win in this battle, it can also achieve the effect of "theocracy rotation"-the old gods and their agents fall, and the new gods represented by the church inherit the power to dominate the world.

The perfect script, unexpected turn, long-cherished long-cherished wish, long wait, and finally ended in a happy reunion-I believe the audience will cheer and applaud.

——But that is what happened after the church was able to successfully fight back.

Roland sarcastically.

——The first alternate leader of the current new order is Siegfried Otto Li Lin, and it has opened an overwhelming gap with the second alternate competitors. To make up for this gap and to successfully fight back, sacrifices are necessary.

Undoubtedly, since the church has tried to connect the consciousness of multiple personnel to initiate a strategic attack technique-and regardless of the result, the activation and power of the technique itself is no problem-then repeat the similar actions again, to more Large-scale connection of consciousness to increase the power, the intention to overwhelm Li Lin is completely a matter of course.

"Do you know the consequences of this?"

Roland asked:

"No matter which side wins on the last side, it will cause huge casualties."

No matter what kind of miracle the church intends to reproduce, since it is aimed at defeating Li Lin, it must be a disaster of varying levels. In contrast, Li Lin, who is a mobile natural disaster himself, will inevitably use big tricks to greet his opponents.

When natural disasters collide with natural disasters, no matter who wins or loses, the ants involved will never be the winner.

"War would have been casualties. Since ancient times, how could there be an undead war? Now we have thrown away all the chips, everything we have, everything we can plunder, our lives, loyalty, Belief, ideals—even if all of this is pushed up is not enough. For the gambling game that has been opened only once in this millennium, a gambling game that decides the outcome, even now, even if it bets millions of lives, it’s just ' But that's the degree."

"Excuse me, what is the difference between you and that guy?"

"There is no difference, even if there is, it is probably just the amount of sacrifices."

"You know very well."

"Of course it is clear, after all, this is a **** struggle, the essence of the struggle is'you can't be sure of yourself without hitting your opponent.' For this, we do whatever we can and do everything we can. We can't move forward without defeating him, he doesn't destroy us They can’t move on. For this reason, even if millions or tens of millions of people die, they will not hesitate. We, they, and you, make no difference at this point."

"You... dare to say."

Screwing his lips, uncovered disgust appeared on Roland's face.

Li Lin is not a kind of warmth, not even a moralist, as long as it is regarded as an obstacle, he will be ruled out mercilessly. However, the coldness and ruthlessness Ji Jier showed and the madness disguised as reason are even more...

"No humanity? Not a person? Cold-hearted and merciless? Yes, we are indeed crazy, but what is wrong with being crazy in this world where we can't survive without going crazy? To live, to control our own destiny What's wrong? Don't forget, even if you want to talk about morals and ethics, that is the privilege of living people. The dead and slaves who breathe more than the dead have no such power!"

It seems that the long-pressed mood finally found a catharsis. The fierce words and the wave of passion rushed to Roland. After exuding this out of control emotion, Ji Aier gasped and glared at Roland. .

Roland met Ji Aier's eyes without saying a word.

Maybe it was an emotional speech that was too excited, but... it was indeed a helpless and true voice, and it was also a sounding excuse.

"'We take the safety and happiness of all people as our top priority','For most people, it is helpless to sacrifice a small number of people','Corruption and depravity all originate from selfishness, we have no selfishness, so we must Will not be corrupt and degenerate'——"

Ji Yier calmed down on the purple pupil, Roland said slowly:

"Such a thing, I have heard it in Charlemagne, in the church, and in Alfheim. People of different races, different languages, and different thoughts will always call out deceptive words~www.readwn.com~ and These people who have slogans such as patriotism, worrying about the country, and saving the country all day can't make people feel their sincerity-hiding in a safe place, and living a comfortable life in a big swing. It doesn't matter how many people Incited by their words, how many people lost their lives."


"Let me finish, the Virgin."

Roland waved his hand and continued to say to Ji Aier:

"This is not a matter of arguing about the merits of morality, nor is it to condemn you. I just express my feelings as an outsider. Li Lin's proposition has his correctness, and the ideals of the church have their merits, regardless of your Whether the proposition is noble, right or wrong. I have no way to like your school-that kind of denies the value of life, denies personal freedom and basic power, and treats each person as a chess piece, number, symbol. I just don’t like the treatment."


Ji Aier's face twitched, and she seemed to hear something incredible and absurd. Her knowledge and experience could not handle these languages ​​at all, so that the whole person was messy.

"Just don't like it, just don't like...?! You have to deny our proposal, you have to fight against Alfheim, you have to fight the monster at all? Just because you don't like it?! !!!"

Faced with the mouth-opening question of the Virgin, Roland nodded.

"Yes, just a very pure dislike. For me, this reason is enough."

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