Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1161: Twenty-four.1 week (2)

"If anyone asks Roland now, "Why do you want to do such a stupid war with the agents of the will", he will definitely answer "I did it because I didn't like his approach"."

Li Lin showed a gentle smile toward the fitting mirror, the beautiful boy in the mirror also showed him a friendly expression, and the gorgeous coat was also inferior to that peerless beauty.

The dictator nodded, and the tailors dressed in dresses bowed to the ceremony, carefully folded the gorgeous emperor's robe into the cart, and took the fitting mirror with a solemn pace to exit the audience room.

Divine surrogates, great men of heaven, guardians of the world, restorers of order and justice, asylums of orthodox religions, leaders of powerful departments, dictators of Alfheim, first citizens, crown of St. Eastman The Liberator and Grand Duke who led Ostoria, the punisher of Charlemagne, the steel father of all good people and the people, the leader of the promised people, the Duke of Auschwitz, the Earl of Birkenau, Moravia, Bohemian and Wallachia’s civil servant, Siegfried Otto Lilin, will soon add two more names according to the will of the gods, the powers granted by the law, and the people’s requests. There will be another phrase in it, and the title will also be changed.

All Caesars of the sacred nationals of the Gilmanian Empire, God blessed the Emperor of Kaiser, His Majesty Siegfried, Otto, Lilin and Augustus.

Ascended the throne and claimed that the emperor was already a stubborn thing. It was originally intended that after the war on the Rhine front was settled, he entered Rudes, held a formal coronation ceremony in the Hall of Mirrors of the Palace of Versailles, and then held a grand military parade and entering the city in front of the Arc de Triomphe. Declare the establishment and legitimacy of the new empire. As for the legitimacy guaranteed by bayonet and artillery, how many people admit that this approach will arouse the resistance and resistance of the Charlemagne-these minutiae are not too long to suppress the elves are willing to consider.

However, the horizontal branches of the church made this arrangement unrealistic.

According to tradition, the final coronation should be a crown given to the emperor by the pope or the virgin, thus proclaiming the sovereign power. However, Imir has already finished playing. It doesn’t matter if there is such a link. Surrounded by civil and military officials, the agent of the will will wear the crown by himself. Anyway, in the past of the old kingdom, as long as there is a token of the god-given sword Now, the ceremony can be performed. Even if someone asks, it can be said that this is to show the historical heritage between the new empire and the old empire through retro, so as to highlight the orthodoxy of the empire.

Now the church has come up with a mess that Li Lin has not cleaned up without personally ending up. Before killing them all, and cleaning up the garbage dumped after their carnival, all the trips cannot start.

The original schedule has been thrown into the trash can, as is the step-by-step enthronement plan. Instead, it is a bit of a hurry and a little playful alternative. It is believed that by then the whole world will be dumbfounded, and the way of enthronement that can't be found through the history books will be deeply imprinted in everyone's mind, repeatedly mentioned by people, and become one of the representatives of many historical moments.

However, the focus of the current conversation is not this.

"Rebel because you don't like..."

Niederhogg's answer is somewhat uncertain.

The cause of the resistance is basically the result of the emotional outburst of "tolerance". Although there are many incentives for this result, such as oppression, such as hunger, such as discrimination, but ultimately the cause of the resistance is basically an emotional factor.

Can't live anymore-

We can't stand it anymore--

Can only resist--

As if the accumulated pressure reaches a certain limit, the volcano will erupt and the ground will vibrate. After dissatisfaction and anger have accumulated to a certain level, they will erupt in the form of resistance.

"But under our new order, the so-called oppression is nothing but rational management based on the normal operation of the country and overall happiness. There is no reason to tolerate and accept one's dissatisfaction, let alone give up on it Thousand-year opportunity for permanent peace."

In Niederhogg's view, Roland's behavior is simply unreasonable.

The so-called fairness, the so-called justice, the so-called personal freedom and basic power are first premised on the establishment of survival power. If you can’t even live, who has the opportunity to talk about fairness and justice? Under the new order, even though there are national ranks and corresponding treatments by race, before questioning and blaming the differential treatment, it should be noted that it is based on this difference that the unemployment rate can be suppressed to the maximum extent and authority can be guaranteed. Order can be maintained for a long time. On the contrary, if all people were treated equally, what would happen? Obviously, everything will return to its original point, the world will fall into chaos again, and stupid and ugly disputes will flood the world.

And Roland just negates everything that has been built up after decades, countless wealth and hard work just because he doesn't like it?

This is really crazy.

"He really should have a brain doctor to check his brain."

The captain of the guard said bitterly.

The dictator has a different view on the speech of the captain of the Guards mixed with personal emotions.

——If you have seen those stupid and white sweets who are pursuing “political correctness”, if you have seen those “white left” and “Virgin” who demand that the government open the border to receive a large number of refugees and vigorously advocate the abolition of the death penalty, Niederhogg may not be so intense Criticizes Roland. Compared with those people, Roland's appeal is not too much.

Freedom, equality, and fraternity—The basic spiritual slogans of modern social values ​​have not yet spread. Because the consortium did not provide a corresponding awakening environment when it launched the industrial revolution, it also introduced expansionism and suppressed any ideological emancipation. "Born in inequality" is still the mainstream value at this time. Although people have stepped into modern times on the level of life, the ideological foot still stays in the feudal era, which is almost a replica of the Showa era in Japan.

Under such circumstances, it is impossible to breed emancipation of mind, even if there is, he must be regarded as alienated and suppressed. what? Conscience literati and thinkers? Not to mention how many of these people have become "Friends of the King"... I wrote a few articles and painted a few paintings and thought I was amazing? Would you like to go to the Gendarmerie for a cup of tea? Have you tried diving with 100 kg of cement? Have you ever tried to smash a bag filled with lead blocks from foot to head until every bone became scum? untested? It doesn't matter, you have a lot of time to try.

After all, idealists who dare to confront violent institutions are only a minority. Those who can save a life from the violent institutions and continue to pursue their ideals are even the minority.

It is often this kind of person who drives history forward, starting from such naive feelings as "dislike", and growing up persistently all the way, and finally achieving the great cause of celebrity history or a decadent legacy.

Will Roland become such a miracle maker, will he become a revolutionary mentor and pioneer? Or one of the many unknown martyrs who fell halfway?

It is now time to assert that it seems too early.

Although he continued to control and stimulate in the process of growing up, he deliberately led him in a certain direction. However, human beings are creatures with too much uncertainty, and hard-fought formulas can only lead to a situation where the results are far from the expectations. Until the final result is clear, no conclusion can be easily made.

"Don't underestimate your opponents at all times, especially those in thought and ideology. It is easy to destroy a person who spreads thoughts, just a command, a knife, a bullet, a bomb. But what about Thoughts are invisible. When a thought spreads among the crowd, violence alone can only backfire."

Someone once said: Swords can never beat pens.

Violence may be effective for a certain period of time, but long-term suppression with violence is a costly approach with very low feasibility and benefits. As long as the imprisonment of violence is loosened, the once suppressed trend of thought will resurrect and spread at a faster and deeper level. In the end, using violent means is tantamount to promoting dissemination of ideas and people’s awakening.

"Not to mention that the slogan of equality, freedom and fraternity is easier to penetrate into the hearts of the people than the church against God, especially the fourth-class citizens. They have no resistance to this slogan. When everyone asks for change and promotes equality, we What should I do? Shoot everyone? Or throw them all into the concentration camp? In this way, we can only be busy killing and arresting people every day, and we don’t have to do anything else."

"Subordinates are not thinking well."

"Do not mind, Niederhogg."

Li Lin waved his hand and got up and took out a bottle of brandy and glass from the wine cabinet~www.readwn.com~ While pouring wine into the glass, he said:

"This question is what you are not good at, and it has nothing to do with your authority, even if you answer it wrong. But I hope you remember that to deal with ideological problems, violence alone is not enough."

The best way to deal with the idea of ​​overthrowing the regime is to improve the national living standards and welfare treatment, so that everyone is busy making money to support the family, and there is no extra time to think about the things that are not there. Even if anyone distributes flyers in public or in the community, they scream out "Equalities of all ethnic groups", "Increase people's power to participate in and discuss politics", "Increase the proportion of third- and fourth-class citizens from parliament and administrative officials." Most people will only think that these people have brain problems. But in this way, the goal of maintaining order by dividing the ranks of the people is equivalent to bankruptcy.

It is necessary to implement differential treatment to achieve long-term peace and stability, but also to prevent the spread of the idea of ​​equal rights. This is basically a self-contradiction and cannot be achieved by conventional methods.

"General administrative means, political operations, and intelligence operations really cannot solve this kind of problem. But if there are miracles and punishments used by divine agents to'persuade' the world to accept an unfair fate, unreasonableness will be taken for granted What will happen to your fate?"

Swaying the glass, watching the swaying liquor, Li Lin shrugged and put on a mischievous smile.

"In this way, all problems will be solved, everyone will shut up and silently integrate into the new order, except Roland. He will say so, ‘this is what I don’t like!’”

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