Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1162: Twenty-four.1 week (3)

"To intimidate the people with the power of God, such as natural disasters, and to imprison everyone's mind with a sword hanging overhead-that's what I don't like."

Since the beginning of the talks, there has been a slight ripple in the calm expression. The tiny fluctuations are fleeting. The person concerned may not even be conscious of himself, and Lady Ji Aier, who is good at observing others, has not missed this tiny change.

It was extreme disgust and anger-completely sincere.

If the gods and their messengers exist only in imagination and religious scriptures, then perhaps the world will be very chaotic, and ugly struggles, hunger, disasters, plagues will spread across the earth. However, it is precisely with the hope that the world is not perfect, the world has room for improvement, and the room for imagination to intervene, it is possible to breed diverse ideas and values ​​so that people Compare, judge, and choose.

However, the gods and their messengers existed objectively, and walked from behind the scenes to the center of the stage to directly control and control all races. Under such a system, there can be no voice of opposition, and no one can resist without knowing it, because everyone knows that in the face of absolute power, no one can resist, and it is meaningless to resist.

All uncertainties have been eliminated, all unknowns and uneasiness have disappeared, all disputes have subsided, and the world will survive in an unprecedented unified system.

Maybe someone would say that such a world is utopia?

But this also means that the world will be fixed here, and there will be no more changes-good, bad, valuable, and worthless-and it will remain unchanged in this way.

"Li Lin and you are pursuing such a world."

Roland said:

"Using great power as a guarantee to intimidate or eliminate any individuals or forces that are trying to change, even if there is a so-called resistance force, has become a part of maintaining the operation of the entire system and has become a dispute under institutionalized management. From time to time, it stimulates social vitality And economic supply and demand, at the same time people are gradually losing their passion for change, and the whole society is a little numb and stiff. Eventually, even the possibility of improvement is wiped out, and even the "future possible future" is lost... Maybe this is just My personal waywardness, but I really don’t want to see that kind of twilight world."

"You are such a romantic idealist."

Lady Ji Aier regained her smile, with a hint of teasing in her tone.

"However, idealists are always easy to ignore reality. If there is no strong dominator... who will manage the country?! Without the king, who will manage and guide the people?! Do you want the world to fall into the vortex of chaos? !"

"Let the people decide for themselves."


"Everyone is his own king, he decides, he makes his own claims, and then he is responsible."

"what are you talking about?"

Ji Aier's eyes widened again, murmured and collapsed into the seat.

Roland was still calm, his fortitude and passion in his purple eyes.

How to deny a prosperous world established by a genius saint who can say that it has been only one thousand years old? This genius is so powerful and perfect that, after so many critical critics have criticized the prosperity he established, he can only shake his head in frustration. The people who live in it live more peacefully, and have no desire to resist. Even if anyone tries to resist or subvert this system, it will eventually be managed by the system, and even resentment and resistance will become part of the system's operation. It can be said that among all the political systems from ancient times to the present, the coming Alfheim **** system can be described as the most completed and the most unbreakable political system. One cannot help but sigh that there can be no way to break this system in the world.

Roland's answer to this problem is "democracy."

To fight against the superhuman dictator who is far above the ordinary people, only rely on the awakening of the general public.

It is not the princes and nobles, the politicians and bureaucrats, nor the emperor or **** that forms the basis of the country. It's a living person, an ordinary ordinary person. It is precisely because they work, live, pay taxes, and pay rent on the land like cells in the human body that the country can exist and the system can operate.

If one or two organs (individuals or organizations) can't resist the brain (dictator and ruling authority), what about all the cells (nationals) resisting together?

Of course, there are a few problems here. For example, if the resistance is too fierce, causing Li Lin to restart the world; for example, the conflict is too fierce, the populism is running out of control, detonating ethnic confrontation; and for example, Li Lin adjusts the national policy to make concessions in exchange for temporary stability, and then plans to counterattack for the camp...

There are too many uncertain unknowns. The most important thing is whether the following world can leave room for the awakening and enlightenment of the people.

There are two prerequisites for people to awaken or spread the idea of ​​democratic equality, that is, to improve the quality of people through general education and an environment that can inspire people to reflect on the status quo. It’s okay if it’s an ordinary country, but under the absolute divine **** system like Li Lin or the church, it is extremely difficult to breed the idea of ​​equality.

First of all, no matter whether it is Li Lin or the church, they will thoroughly educate all the people. Perhaps there will be differences in methods and methods, but they will certainly instill in the people that "there is inequality in life" and "the existence of life" The meaning is not only for the dedication of the country and the organization", "any antisocial thought is evil and extremely dangerous" and so on. At the same time, it will also control the level of education people receive and prevent them from "knowing too much."

Secondly, various violent agencies will strictly control society, various monitors and informers will be distributed in every corner of the society, and all grass-roots organizations will also take responsibility for monitoring changes in residents' minds. Under this dense monitoring network, anyone's thought changes will be exposed for the first time, then this thought heresy will first be subject to a series of social exclusion, such as various difficulties in school, work, life and other aspects , Alienation of interpersonal relationships, deprivation of social welfare. If this person is repentant at this time, it is okay. If he still does not know how to repent, then various powerful departments will initiate various forms of interviews with him. In the end, this person will disappear from the world-as if it never existed, there is no trace of such a person that once existed, if he is lucky enough, maybe one day in the distant future will be an archaeology Scientists dug out pieces of burnt black bones from the cold, hard soil of Katyn Forest.

Finally, the worst thing is the existence of miracles and gods.

If injustice and pain are encountered in life, people will be unhappy, angry, angry, and rebellious.

However, if it is "God's decision" and "Your destined encounter", can people face the unreasonable "irrational" and still have the idea of ​​rebellion?

No matter who it is, they have raised God in their hearts.

Even the atheist has also raised a **** named "confession of life" in his heart.

The so-called life is the product of countless accidents and inevitable accumulations. Because of this, it is impossible to be organized and absolutely reasonable. Not every effort will be rewarded, and luck may be very unfair. Under the same conditions, you may not always get the same results. Life is often full of irrationality. If only a simple "accidental" or "unlucky" pass, I am afraid that most people will find it hard to relieve it.

After all, it's like telling yourself that your life doesn't make any sense-whether it's hard work or determination, it will only be dictated by "accidental" after all.

In the final analysis, the concept of karma is just a product of intelligent creatures resorting to ideals in words and words.

Efforts, annoyance, determination, patience, sacrifice, and ideals-no matter how lofty the concept is, you still cannot get rid of the dangers of meaninglessness, and the future is always uncertain and irrational.

If such negative views and attitudes are always held, intelligent creatures cannot survive.

It is for this reason that people will give a variety of unreasonable personalized images-God's trials, God's mischief-so that the concept of karma can be established.

After excluding the choice named possibility, everything is no longer accidental, but inevitable-to name the unreasonable accident as "God" so that you can convince yourself that you can accept it.

"No way, who made God so arranged."

After wearing the coat of the gods by accident, people can easily admit their fate.

For example, the fact that I am dying here today is not a meaningless and worthless accidental result-but a necessity determined by God~www.readwn.com~ So I can’t help it: that is a great will Based on the results of all life and the ruling of the world, it is not a meaningless sacrifice, but the humble and stupid self cannot speculate the reason. As long as you tell yourself this, people can give up resistance.

To counteract such worthless or meaningless behavior, people are forced to raise their minds in their hearts.

If there is no world where God exists, the so-called "God" will stop at the level of conceptual and psychological sustenance. But here, God actually exists, after all, the evidence for the existence of God is endless. The fact that God’s agent or the church’s self-proclaimed new **** is about to announce his existence to the world through the unprecedented battles will soon be rooted in people’s consciousness as common sense.

As if hanging over my head at all times, it may fall at any time;

As if stretching one's legs would shatter the mountain top and punch the sky with a fist;

It seems that as long as a swing of the arm can cause the world to change, the disaster will be the same as the world;

In the face of this powerful force that is both easy to understand and overwhelming, people will be forced to realize that they are no different from dust-so it is helpless to be swayed by unreasonable fate. It was the ultimate goal Li Lin and the church intended to show the world through the war that this kind of absolute power enough to make people die and silently accept the dominated fate.

In this sense, this is the most important guarantee that is indispensable for the realization of absolute domination. Once completed, the world will be completely closed, and there is no longer a so-called future.

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