Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1164: Twenty-four.1 week (5)

Whether it is a revolution or a war, you must first have enough money to burn it, and then you can discuss the feasibility and detailed steps one by one.

Economy, Politics, and Military-In the iron triangle built by these three, the economy always plays a vital role. After all, all actions of intelligent creatures are closely related to the economy. The extreme point, political and military are just names. The spider silk stretched out for the "economic" spider nest.

Even Li Lin and Yalfheim, who are in the storm today, have the most worrying problem when they started. In order to get money, the elves at that time dared to do almost everything (in fact they are almost the same, but they are more concealed and pay more attention to eating), what speculation, killing people and selling goods, making money and harming lives, swindling, trafficking, smuggling contraband... ...Almost the same as a criminal organization. Don’t look at the fact that the senior cadres of the consortium are well-dressed, dressed in beautiful dresses, sprayed with high-quality perfumes, treated others with courtesy and courtesy, and used words and phrases more noble than nobles. These cadres who accompanied the consortium all had several lives in their hands, and innumerable people died in their hands.

The consortium began to appear as a civilized man and a philanthropist only after the primitive capital accumulation phase of "from head to toe, with blood and dirty things in every pore" written by the great proletarian tutor. Four months before the proposal to improve the working environment, the consortium’s private armed forces were also suppressing strike workers who demanded increased wages. A guard leader also personally led the team to drag the worker leader under the wall and burned it with flamethrowers, which was even more outrageous. The captain also asked a water supply and epidemic prevention department to develop a giant Chimera, which is 167 meters tall, weighs 90,000 tons, has an atomic furnace-like organ in its body, and emits a radioactive flame in the mouth, which is specifically used to suppress the strike...

Relying on various **** and fierce means and a series of strategies for alternate use of carrots and sticks, the consortium was able to quickly accumulate a large amount of wealth to start its next move, and finally reached the situation today.

Roland wants to build a democratic republic under the eyes of Alfheim, or build an armed force to defend this regime, develop underground organizations, or promote the idea of ​​affirmative action, first of all to solve the financial problem.

"That's a huge amount of money, so large that it will cause a country's financial crisis, accidentally or even trigger a certain degree of economic crisis. Not to mention Charlemagne, who has already half way out of the cliff, other countries also It may not be able to bear this burden. There are only three ways to make up the money."

After moistening his throat with brandy, Li Lin said:

"Replicating the consortium's development route, fierce reforms, and like governments seeking funding from various countries."

"Everything lacks viability."

Niederhogger replied.

Whether or not Yalfheim will allow a hostile force to be established, the consortium’s monopoly on the market, technology patents, and sales channels is enough to cut off the idea of ​​any corporate chamber of commerce rising, not to mention that Yalfheim himself is well aware of those The tricks and weaknesses are based on their consistent feeding, and those imitators will be hit by the consortium before they become famous.

Reform may be a good way to get rid of the various diseases of the country and at the same time invest the huge wealth accumulated illegally into economic construction and national operations, injecting a stream of water into the lifeless Charlieman economy. However, there is a problem here, that is, the scale of the scale-reforms that do not touch deep layers cannot effectively deter those vested interest groups that are parasitic on the national economic lifeline, and will also cause public dissatisfaction. Not inside or outside, they are hostile by everyone; too fierce reforms will make the nations fear-no noble likes to see another noble cut off by a group of mud legs, even if the other has nothing to do with himself It’s not even a good relationship all the time, because maybe the mud legs in your territory will be encouraged to do the same thing. In order not to move their heads and their families, in order to maintain the current life, the king and noble lords will be happy to see the artillery of the defense army bombarding the evil democratic republic into a scum.

As for the last option... I'm sorry, but there is still no chance. Perhaps countries have supported the idea of ​​Charlemagne before, but the church’s intervention, coup, the substantial stranding of peace talks and the completion of the encirclement of the Rhine Front have completely cut off this possibility. Everyone is not a fool. Seeing that Charlieman's broken ship is about to capsize, who else will lend them money?

"Not exactly."

Li Lin turned around.

"In fact, the third route is the most feasible and the one Roland will inevitably choose."

"But...who would do this kind of unprofitable loss trading? If it was for their own safety, now that Charlie Man's annihilation is a foregone conclusion, continuing to invest in Charlemagne is equivalent to throwing gold coins into the sewer, they can get what?"


Li Lin laughed, mocking the smile.

"For their independence and freedom, countries will be willing to throw money at this regime."

Like to interfere with others, but also hate to be interfered with by others-this is human nature, this is the case with individuals, and so is the country as a group of people. No country likes Pingbai to have an extra "baba country". Even Japan, which worships and is obsessed with obedience to the strong, was kneeled and licked after the spine was broken by the US emperor Baba in the Showa era (in fact, the Showa and Heisei era There are also many small private actions in Japan, and the idea of ​​chasing out "Ghost Father" has not stopped for a day.) The emergence of the sacred Gilmanian Empire not only means that the traditional geostrategy of the zero-sum game of countries has come to an end, but the arrival of an era in which the "guiding state" above the transcendent countries controls international politics also means that countries originally used It is only a matter of time before the tariff barriers to prevent the consortium’s invasion come to life before the advent of the consortium. With the technical advantages and aggressiveness of the consortium, it is only a matter of time before the economic lifelines of various countries fall into the hands of the empire. As for the military solution... not to mention the odds of winning, once the war breaks out, the world will inevitably turn into barren wasteland, at which time everyone will be a loser.

Compared to doing nothing, just staying dead, or fiercely resisting, and everything turned into nothing, letting someone or a "hero" stand up to attract the attention of the empire, it is obviously more effective to operate everything behind the scenes. Reasonable and safer.

"Even so, it's just speculation, even gambling, and it's still a hopeless victory."

"Yes, it's gambling. As long as Roland shows the possibility of confronting us or even winning, the countries will definitely bet on this black horse. And as long as the bet is pressed once, in order not to waste the previous investment in vain. , They must continue to invest. And the first capital invested first becomes a factor that promotes a close relationship between the two parties."

As mentioned before, the nations are not happy to see anyone crawling on their heads. Although they will temporarily surrender to Li Lin's powerful power, meticulous and gorgeous strategy, and the strong military power of the defense army, these people who are used to giving orders will not be happy to accept this situation. If possible, they certainly hope that Li Lin and the empire he established will fall, and that it will be good if someone can restrain him. But they lacked that kind of strength and were not determined to fight for it.

Therefore, on the one hand, the nations will certainly show an obedient attitude towards the empire, and on the other, they eagerly seek all the forces that can contain the empire. Therefore, the kings and nobles can also live happily with the democratic republic and help each other.

"Of course, they are not fools, nor are they philanthropists who are willing to throw money at weak people who have no chance of winning, so in order to enable these miserly people to open their wallets and bet, the dark horse must show an exciting value. That is, through a tactic The great victory on the show to the world that there are other alternatives besides me, so that the scales that weigh the pros and cons in the miser's heart tilt to Roland."

"So, he will participate in the upcoming war with the church."

Niederhog frowned slightly, a subtle murderous expression between the frowns.

He always thought that Roland and the church teamed up was just a stopgap measure, an alliance action taken to increase the odds. And now it seems that not only the church, but also Alfheim, even this big man wants to use it.

How rampant!

Why don't you do your best!

More importantly, that Roland, who even hesitated to kill, he had grown up to this point?

——Dangerous guy~www.readwn.com~ must be excluded.

The fierce killing intention brewed in the body, and the fist behind him clenched unconsciously.

In the next second, the murderous intention disappeared.

"I'm afraid the church has a similar idea, even if they also don't like Roland, nor do they like democratic republic, but the fear and hatred for me far exceeds the unhappiness of Roland. In order to hit me, whether it is God or not, No matter the devil, as long as it can be used, all of it can be used. Putting destiny on the big gamble of this millennium, whether it is success or defeat, everyone just asks for a drunk night’s carnival and devotes himself to this. A non-disruptive struggle, even if he will fall into **** next time."

The sound like a sigh and a trance spread slowly in the air, and the remaining wine in the glass was drunk, and the slightly closed eyes opened again, with absolute confidence and arrogance, the **** agent laughed A declaration was issued.

"Very good, very good. Now that they have put their destiny on the gambling table, let's show it up and divide the outcome as they wish. I will let them dance in my palm until I have fun. Then I It will make everyone aware of how stupid it is to be an enemy of God."

His tone is so determined, as if everything is taken for granted.

That's right.

He is an agent of God, and every sentence he said will of course come true, no one, no force can resist.

The captain of the Guards on the side suppressed his inner excitement and excitement and bent down deeply, bowing his head at the decision of the dictator.

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