Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1165: Twenty-four.1 week (6)

"So, in the end, the Virgin agreed to work together?"

Favna gently stirs the spoon, smashes the dried coffee with dandelion and chicory roots, and emits a strange smell between the medicine residue and coffee. As a war barometer, the taste of coffee is the most intuitive display of Charlie. The fact that Mann is in a situation where even the taste of fake coffee is getting worse than any eloquence.

Swallowing the fake coffee in his mouth with a bitter expression, experiencing the horror of screaming and howling from the cells of the tongue to the stomach, Roland sighed.

"Speaking of cooperation is limited to fighting against Li Lin. There is no common language in other areas."

It is strange to have a common language.

The goal of the church is not limited to religious domination, but to rule the world with theocracy. In Roland's view, this is basically a step backwards, which is more offensive than the world Li Lin intended to achieve. Perhaps both are aimed at imprisoning the entire world and preventing any change, and replacing “sacred and inviolable His Majesty the Emperor” with the pope does not seem to be a violation. However, the social system established by Li Lin is progressive in some aspects, such as a social welfare system covering all classes, and a sound financial and legal system. But the church is just squeezing, demoting the people outside the clergy and noble classes into slaves. Based on this alone, Roland cannot agree with the church. Conversely, the church treats Roland's bizarre and heresy heresy as well. At another point in time, the two sides have already started, how could it be possible to calm down and sit down and discuss cooperation.

As Roland said, the two sides only came together to fight against Li Lin, and cooperation will only last until then.

"Even so, it is a little bit more odds, and against that guy, there will never be too many chips in hand."

Favna added with a wry smile, and Roland shrugged.

"Yes, this is just adding a few chips to create the first step conditions."

As Li Lin predicted, Roland's goal is to build a democratic republic or underground organization, in order to leave the world with a first-line possibility, so as to prevent the world from falling into stiff suffocation.

If an independent political entity can be established, it is naturally the best result, even if it is located in a remote area. But if it is not possible to establish a political system that retains internal autonomy, it is also feasible to establish an anti-imperial underground organization within the empire. Although the defense force is strong, although the system and technical bureaucracy of the elf camp are complete, it is impossible to cover everything. Once occupying Charlemagne, the main administrative military forces must be concentrated in large cities and transportation hubs. Weak to take care of. The only feasible way is to win over local forces and use various puppet troops and police to control these areas, and this leaves Roland with an opportunity.

While mobilizing the public, it is also a feasible strategy to develop members of the organization at the end of the administration, and it is particularly important to develop off-line staff among front-line personnel in taxation and public security units. In addition, it is difficult to develop people who sympathize with Charlemagne within the various countries. Although this is difficult, it must be carried out. Even if the enemy of the enemy cannot be increased (the enemy of the enemy army may not be ours), at least the enemy should be minimized. If conditions permit, it is also necessary to develop cooperators within the empire as far as possible, and even infiltrate the imperial center. If it is possible to create some people who agree with the idea of ​​democratic republic and are willing to exchange voice with oneself, even if such a collaborator does not consciously provide help, it is okay. In addition, although it is suspected of being mean and shameless, when necessary, means such as buying, coercion or whistle-blowing to intensify the contradictions within the other party, and rumours and slander should also be considered.

It is not impossible if the organization develops smoothly, establishes revolutionary armed forces, overthrows the empire’s **** of Charlemagne, and establishes an independent, democratic and reborn new Charlemagne.

To achieve all this, the first thing is a lot of money.

Now Charlemagne's finances are no different from bankruptcy. On the one hand, there is a serious shortage of materials and prices have skyrocketed. On the other hand, it is the excessive printing of banknotes. The larger the denomination, the larger the issuance. Citizens can still buy one egg in the morning, but only a few oats at night. The starting prices of various foods on the market are all nine digits, and the prices of several scarce staples even soar to eleven digits.

The price of international silver has been declining today, and it is obviously unrealistic to want to mobilize the treasury reserves as the fund for future operations; if you want to do business, a group of bird eggs that have not been pecked up are really not sure about the super giant beast; as for Engaging in reform...Isn’t it enough to be surrounded by the military and police constitution of the empire? It’s not enough to stimulate, and it’s enough to join a hunting game with various local armed forces, right?

Thinking about it, in addition to the members of the development organization, through the funds provided by various members, foreign financial assistance is also indispensable.

Under the imperial **** system, all countries must suffer interference or even aggression from the empire in their internal and economic sovereignty. In order to counter imperial interference in internal affairs and the monopoly of financial groups, the nations will certainly need a force that can contain or even contain the empire. For this reason, they will be happy to provide usury for various anti-imperial underground organizations, including Roland. However, loan sharks can certainly solve the immediate urgency, but instead of doing so, is it possible to hand over the resources development rights and navigation rights of overseas colonies to businessmen of various countries to ensure long-term cooperation between the two sides. The most important thing is to let the other party understand that for independent businessmen, assisting democratic republicans is more profitable than supporting the empire.

To this end, Roland must obtain a huge victory at the tactical level and show the great value of the "Saint Girl" to the countries.

This victory is to show the strength of being able to fight against Li Lin in the upcoming decisive battle, and even to maintain a certain draw with the agents of the will under certain conditions.

"I understand the truth, but it only shows the possibility-the unreliable and ethereal poetry can convince those pure realists? It is a low risk and high return to sell us to the empire compared to some possibilities. Business."

Facing the sharp accusations of Favorna, Roland only smiled bitterly.

Humans are easy to betray others.

For the benefit, for selfish desires, for personal affection, and sometimes even just to be able to move themselves backwards from the front of the execution queue, people can betray others as if they were breathing and eating-just like being used by disciples Thirty silver coins were sold to the savior of the official mission.

This is true for individuals, especially the international community that thoroughly implements the law of the jungle.

The benefits are easier to grasp and calculate than the faint possibilities, and they are also more attractive.

"The success of the beauty plan depends on the charm of women."

"Female charm?"

With his head tilted, he thought about it and understood what Roland wanted to say, and Favna laughed loudly.

Indeed, betrayal of Roland or other resistance forces will indeed bring a certain degree of benefit to the countries in the short term, but this will not only slow down the empire’s pace of controlling the world, but the speed of the empire’s advancement will be greatly accelerated after the loss of the containment force. . This is a nightmare for all countries.

If it is possible, they also want to contain or simply eliminate the growing threat, but in the face of the absolute power Li Lin will show next, who has the courage to come out to death?

Therefore, it is a relatively safe practice to covertly fund and support some underground organizations. Even if there is a risk of exposure, as long as their hands are cleaned, they can completely get rid of it. But after all, it is just an emergency strategy. The safest way is to find an organization that knows how to keep secrets, has a tight organizational structure, strong operational capabilities, and preferably a considerable degree of force and development potential, so as to maximize the risk factor. May be reduced.

——The world-famous beauty that intrigues the nations.

This is the role that Roland and his partners will play. Just as Li Lin intended to complete the system that the empire dominated the world by showing power to the world, Roland also intended to use this opportunity to show the world that resistance would never subside, and that someone could say "no" to Li Lin and the empire.

"From the beginning, I did not make'Down with Li Lin' a condition for victory. This goal is far beyond the ability of us and the church. Even if all the forces of all countries in the world are combined, this goal may not be achieved. Even If it can be achieved, the result of the war will be unbearable for us."

No one can bear the result of the complete destruction of the living environment, but Li Lin can. He can not only survive in the harshest environment, but also create a new race that can adapt and adjust to the extreme environment-in this regard , It can be described as a “transcendence species” that transcends various races.

So no matter what the outcome of the war is, Li Lin is the winner, just win more and win less.

But for other races including ancient species, intelligent species, and dangerous species, no one is willing and able to withstand such wars.

The terror balance based on mutual destruction is premised on neither side can bear the destruction, and both sides can ensure the destruction of the other side. As long as one side can ensure survival in the storm of destruction, the balance cannot be established.

"We have two goals: to avoid total destruction; to build a democratic republic on this basis; so in addition to showing the possibility ~www.readwn.com~ to develop underground organizations, we should also actively seek bases overseas."

"Do you want to build a new Charlemagne overseas?"

"However, we cannot rely on others alone. If we cannot establish sound political entities, economic cycles, and national defense forces, we can only stop at the level of guerrillas and anti-government organizations for a long time."

Therefore, seeking a new world overseas and establishing a small lighthouse of democracy and republicanism in the vast ocean of theocracy and dictatorship have become one of the most important topics after the decisive battle with Li Lin. Not only for military purposes, in order to achieve a political effect, in order to be economically sustainable, but also as an indispensable element of the historically significant strategy combining the above conditions, Roland must ensure an overseas unit before decisive battle with Li Lin Colonies, leave a piece of soil for the seeds of democratic republic.

On the other hand, from Li Lin’s standpoint, the mainland is his main battlefield, and the islands that are hanging overseas have no urgent need to be resolved. As long as there are no overseas colonies and trade routes that threaten the empire, it will not hurt even if it is left temporarily. After smoothing out the countries, he had a lot of time to slowly clean up the lost dogs in exile.

"A gold coin is nothing to a billionaire, but it is enough to determine the life and death of the poor."

Roland concluded:

"In this week, we must do all the preparations. This week... will be the week that determines the future of the world."

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