Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1169: Twenty-four.1 week (10)

It does not take much time to find out something that the parties did not intend to conceal. The parties will not only block the investigators, but also provide them with various conveniences. Their progress can be described by leaps and bounds.

It only took a day, and the repeatedly verified findings were placed in front of the policymakers of various countries. Faced with the conclusions they most wanted to see, the people who decided the fate of the country suddenly found themselves facing a hope that they could not see any hope War.

This is no longer a problem at the level of side-selection and pull-offs, as it is literally meant to be expressed-the country rises and falls in one fell swoop-the countries have stood at the fork in history like Charlemagne . Do they want to choose to follow the historical road signs pointed out by the agents of the Divine Will, or to embark on another fork? To put it more bluntly, do they want to survive or destroy?

Ning fights to death like a fierce beast, and does not want to be captive to death like a domestic animal-this sounds very heroic, and also has the momentum to look at death, as if the person speaking is a 1.5-meter-high soldier, hanging two Prepare the large utility knife and pneumatic ejection hook to go out and the giant to desperately. The problem is that the opposite is not a gentle species like giants, but a transcendent agent who can set the table and restart the world anytime, anywhere.

Facing monsters that intimidate mankind with natural disasters and destruction, strategy, courage, power, consciousness, and sacrifice-everything is so humble and ridiculous, and the situation is desperately desperate.

Everyone has reached the point where they have to make a choice. Obedience? Or perish?

Facing the oldest philosophical problem since the emergence of intelligent creatures, the choice of the countries was to observe the development of the situation while negotiating with Minerva to meet her requirements.

"Rather than being terrified so much that they don't care about democratic republicanism, it's better to say that they are unwilling to live in the shadow of the empire and that guy, choosing the lowest risk factor among the many dying ways. The way."

Favna turned the coffee grinder, and the coffee beans brought with the diplomatic documents made a crisp crackling sound, and the aroma after a long absence slowly diffused in the room.

"Thanks to this, the coffee's condition has temporarily eased."

"Although it's not very satisfying, it's the first step in opening up the situation."

Throwing the minutes of the meeting on the desk, Roland let out a breath, and the whole person collapsed into a chair.

The views of the countries on the democratic republic have not changed. In their eyes, this is still a poisonous idea. Once it spreads in its own country, it will erode the existing order and destroy the national system. Considering the possible reaction and pressure of the empire, and accepting the exile of important people, the plan to establish the Charlemagne government in exile on its own territory obviously does not have any feasibility.

To be honest, Roland has also considered the plan to establish an exile government, but he was rejected by him in the first place.

From the standpoint of the countries, a government in exile that does whatever it takes to do so is indeed in their interest. However, as a result, they will inevitably have a head-on conflict with Yalfheim, which is precisely what the nations are currently trying to avoid. Therefore, the government in exile is far less attractive than the idea of ​​"supporting Charlemagne and Yalfheim to tear each other". At the moment when Li Lin has already identified himself as the agent of divine will, the nations are even less capable and determined to engage in "orthodox Charlemagne government in exile" on their own territory.

From Roland's own standpoint, the exile government that is breathtaking is not a safe option. According to past historical records and the consistent performance of Albion, even if such an exile regime is established in Albion, all it can do is watch its own value being squeezed out. If any more democratic republican ideas are promoted, without Alfheim’s action, Albion himself will pick up the exile regime from behind.

This is too far away from Roland's goal, he will not choose.

Being able to use the fears and selfishness of various countries to successfully peddle the plan for establishing a democratic republic in overseas countries is a successful first step and one of the few good news recently.

"The countries hope that we can provide a path to exile, and it is best to attach a list if possible."

"Should they say that they are really kind..."

Stirring the coffee, Roland smiled bitterly.

It is completely normal for the exiles to submit routes and personnel lists to the exiles. After all, it is impossible to casually say that I want to be in exile. Here I will answer you "No problem, come here", and then pass through as easily as a door National border, to go to another country to establish an exile government.

This is the time of war, let alone let a neutral third country accept a series of diplomatic issues that might be caused by the defeated exiles. The question of how to break through the blockade line is enough to scratch people's head. Now Charlemagne has completely lost its air control and sea control rights. The various air and sea weapons of the Defence Force have entered the unmanned area within the airspace of Charlemagne, as if they had become their own backyard. Some bold submarine captains even dared to float up during the day and bombarded the ships in the harbor with naval guns at the estuary of the harbor. Very few brave captains took the risk of the submarine stranding, directly surfacing near the coastline, and hitting shore targets with naval guns. In this case, not to mention the large ships with hundreds of people, that is, the sampan of fishing will attract groups of submarines to watch, want to go into exile on a large scale? First ask the pack of wolves whether they agree or not.

The success of the plan for exile abroad depends on the following elements: a high degree of confidentiality, unexpected enemy, rigorous organizational capabilities, careful and meticulous arrangements, a seamless and coordinated transfer process, and finally a little luck. As long as the above elements can be put together, a dramatic retreat drama can be staged under everyone's eyes.

Therefore, only in terms of logic and process, Albian's request is not excessive.

It's just that as the situation changes, such as when the situation is quickly tilted in the favorable direction of Alfheim, this list is likely to be used for other purposes... No one can guarantee that Albian is always the same. One day, a message from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Albion will appear on the desk of the Stasi headquarters building, which contains the original list of Charlemagne exiles.

Albian is not worth believing.

But today's form is so urgent that even dealing with the devil does not matter, even if he knows that Albion may betray himself, he can only commit his life to this group of people who are no different from the devil.

"The most important thing now is how to leave Charlemagne."

Shaking his head to shake off the entangled dissatisfaction and unhappiness from his head, Roland put down his coffee cup and walked to the map table.

"If you want to leave the mainland and go overseas, you can only go by water. At present, all the airspace and territorial waters of Charlemagne are under the supervision of Yalfheim. It is difficult for ships to leave the port. Leaving Hong Kong will only attract submarine captains who want to hang their medals and are crazy."

"How about reducing it to zero? Since big ships don't work, how about evacuating people across the strait with small vessels that can be collected immediately? The number of boats is large and the draft is shallow. It's impossible for submarines to waste torpedoes on boats. It is difficult for the submarine group to accomplish the task of chasing and sinking all the ships, even with the addition of surface ships and underwater MDSs."

"No. In addition to the threats on the surface and underwater, there are enemy forces in the air, they move faster than the navy, and they can grasp the situation throughout the process. No matter what tactics are used, they can't avoid the tactical eyes of the air. The guys like the Seven Deadly Sins are here. If the sea and air forces are really out of their control, it will be their turn to play. In front of the monsters, even a fleet with regular fleets will **** it in vain."

"So it is completely impossible to start from the port of the country."

Favna sighed and looked at the Charlemagne border on the map.

"Is only left to let the refugees travel by land to Brittany and then transfer to overseas via Albion."

The only foreign territories that can accommodate Charlemagne refugees today are Normandy, Brittany, Flanders and other places under Albion. The passage to Serres has been blocked by the defense forces, but the path to Castile is still clear, but the border between the two countries is mostly steep mountains, similar to Serres, no Suitable for large-scale personnel to pass; secondly, the Castilians still do not wait to meet the Charlemagne at this time. Attacks, robberies, and killing of soldiers are commonplace. Individual areas with tough customs will even catch the Charlemagne. Crucifixion, or cutting off the limbs of the captives and throwing them on the side of the road, put the sign "forgive the Charlemagne is the mother god, we are responsible for sending the Charlemagne to the mother god", use this The way to "farewell" Charlemagne ~ www.readwn.com ~ to send refugees there, is no different from driving the flock to the wolf den to take refuge; finally, the port of Castile is away from the active area of ​​the Defense Forces Sea and Air Force Not far away, once the news is leaked, the convoy still has to face the embarrassment of being brutally beaten.

It seems that the only suitable passageway is to go to Albion and then transfer to overseas colonies.

However, there are also various problems with the remaining channel.

The first is the question of whether Albion is reliable, as mentioned earlier, but in the context of no other choice, it is meaningless to struggle with this.

Compared to Albian’s integrity, the actual evacuation path—especially the maritime evacuation arrangements from many ports in Flanders to Brittania to the local Albian is even more worrying.

How to hide the eyes of Yalfheim and spend the La Manche is the core of all problems.

Important port cities have always been an important stage of activity for spies, especially during the war, spies appearing in port cities are more like crucian carp. Spies of belligerent nations, spies of neutral nations, and even commercial spies dispatched by chambers of commerce, as long as a location is important enough, they can be seen.

There must be indispensable Stasi agents.

If a large group of Charlemagne suddenly pops up in a port city, sensitive agents will never miss such a conspicuous target, and then Alfheim will inevitably take such measures to prevent these people from leaving, and even ask Al Beyond extradited these exiles.

So, how to safely cross the La Manche?

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