Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1170: Twenty-four.1 week (11)

The keys make a clear and smooth sound of striking silver, and the elegant, low, slightly sad melody comes from the custom grand piano, and it whirls and ripples in the room.

Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2, the famous piano music made by Franz Liszt, is recognized as one of the hardest piano pieces to play, almost becoming the standard for judging a pianist (Liszt’s tunes are all recognized difficult). The famous cartoon "Cat and Mouse", which became one of the childhood memories of many people, used this song as the track played by Tom Cat in "Cat's Concerto" and won the Oscar Award for Best Animated Short Story in 1946.

As a socially necessary skill, the dictator is proficient in the playing methods of all musical instruments, and the performance level is even closer to the famous music masters. For example, he is not playing Liszt’s original version, but a modified version of Vladimir Horowitz, which is more gorgeous, more passionate, and more difficult than the original version.

The melody changed from solemn to unrestrained and lively. Octave jump, wheel finger-fingers are not striking the keys, but running, dancing, and flying on the keys. The notes filled with passion trembled in the air, and even the air became hot in the sound of music. Eventually, with a high note, everything was calm.

Applause sounded, although there were only a few dozen listeners on the scene, the applause was still warm. People in various countries listening to the performance of the dictator in front of the terminal applauded madly at home, on the roadside, in the square, and many women collapsed to the ground with hot tears, causing a series of confusion. But this does not affect other listeners indulging in the aftertaste of Rhapsody, and looks forward to the next song even more.

During the break, the media workers are busy adjusting audio and video broadcasting equipment, and the staff at the mansion either take the hand or are busy serving drinks and snacks. The scene was busy, and only a few could enjoy a moment of tranquility.

"Perfect performance, sir."

Niederhog handed over his towel and was intoxicated.

"I believe that all the citizens will be crazy for you. Foreign listeners will also change the stereotype that ‘elves only make achievements in technology, but at the artistic level are just a group of peasants pursuing stupidity’.”

"It’s not easy to change preconceived notions. It takes only a few seconds to label a person or a group of people, but it takes decades or more to tear them off. Especially in the context of racism and ideology People often insist on old impressions and prejudices."

After carefully wiping his hands, even with his fingertips clean, Li Lin handed the towel back to Niederhogg.

"Perhaps this will not change reality and will not help their lives, but at least it will ensure their mental health and ensure that their self-esteem is no longer harmed."

"It is true."

A sneer climbed into the corner of Niederhogg's mouth.

After some information became clear, the attitudes of the countries facing Yalfheim immediately became awkward.

The original partner suddenly became the boss of the head-perhaps the international community and the workplace can not be compared, but the situation facing the countries is almost the same. In the face of this situation, people with the best mentality will also have emotions, not to mention that the countries have never been a gang with good mentality.

Judging from the records sent back by Stasi, the reaction of high-level officials in various countries is not so much a anger, it is more correct to describe it as "flash". I don’t know how many high-end porcelain and stationery are broken, as for all kinds of swearing...Some linguistic experts can’t translate it. God knows where the big men who have received higher education since childhood have learned so much vulgarity. Verbal.

When the anger is over, the high-level leaders of the countries have not lost their minds. They still maintain diplomatic relations with Yalfheim, and the envoys have maintained their consistent manners and demeanor. The only change is that the relationship that was originally distracted has become more hypocritical. The vigilance and fear of the various countries against Alfheim has increased by a few grades, and the small private actions are constant.

In addition to all kinds of private contact and communication with Charlemagne, the atmosphere of public opinion in various countries has also quietly changed. One of them is that the paragraph about the elven culture has begun to spread in the streets and alleys. For example, the so-called art concept of elves is "Big is beautiful, more is good", except for various square buildings or ancient Gilmanian-style buildings, the elves have no aesthetic appeal and originality... In short, use this This way emphasizes that "the elves are just a group of upstarts", "human beings are more creative than elves", and "the soft power of the nations is stronger." In this way, self-esteem is maintained.

Their mood is not incomprehensible, and they are right, the elves who have gone through a cultural blank period of a thousand years do have a lot of places for art to talk about - such as the council building with its own rain system, such as The Arc de Triomphe, which was magnified three times, such as that large pile of ghost-like animals...

If there were any dictatorship and a well-developed media system in addition to cooking, the elves' hats of "unskilled folks" are estimated to have many years to wear. Now that the personal recital of the dictator is broadcast to the world, it is estimated that this kind of criticism that deteriorates bilateral relations can stop for a while.

"It's easy to show a tough attitude, and our strength allows us to do so. But toughness can suppress problems, destroy them, but can't solve them, and create problems. So we don't have to do everything very well , Should be properly laid down to give the opponent room to maneuver."


Niederhog hesitated and asked:

"Just let them contact Roland, is it okay?"

"no problem."

Li Lin waved his hand.

"Anyway, even if we filed protests and negotiations, they would only make gestures without pain, and then throw two scapegoats out to be accountable. It would take less than a day to reappear. After seeing the absolute power, they will not Will easily stop. This is related to their power and life, it is impossible to easily compromise."

"Our sea and air power..."

"Do you want to label yourself as a pirate? Niederhog. Anyway, Roland will definitely use Albian ships to evacuate people and supplies. In broad daylight, attack a civilian ship flying the Albian flag , Make up guns to the refugees including women and children? How will the international community comment on us? Don’t think about it. Guess, this is the essence of the pointed ears, bloodthirsty beasts wearing iron boots, shooting women and children Beasts-don’t forget, we are all aliens in their eyes after all, rushing into the human civilization and killing the barbarians, no matter how legitimate the war we have shaped is, how many glorious victories we have won before, if we are notorious Obviously, only one failure is enough. Remember, Niederhogg, we are not demons, we are civilized people."

The well-known "William Gustav" was sunk in history is an example. Those who read the history of World War II once erroneously claimed that "William Gustav" was a medical ship full of refugees. The Soviet Red Navy's submarine attack on it was an act of serious abandonment of the rules of engagement and moral codes. In fact, not to mention that in November 1941, the Germans also bombed the Soviet medical ship "Armenia" with the obvious red cross sign. Only 8 of the 7,000 passengers survived. The Soviet Union has reason and right to retaliate. What's more, in 1941, the "William. Gustav" has been released from the medical ship mission, and was converted into a submarine crew training ship. When it was sunk, there was no red cross mark on the hull, and the anti-aircraft gun was installed on the ship, and a large number of registrations were carried. The naval personnel in the case and the unregistered army officers and officers, as well as torpedo boats escorting them, are all legitimate and legitimate targets of attack. However, in order to discredit the Soviet Union's political needs during the Cold War, the Western world still packaged the entire incident as the unfortunate incident of "Maozi bloodthirsty and barbaric, launching attacks on refugee ships", and it has been passed down.

It can be seen that discrediting opponents does not require reason and dialectics, only the word processors who are purely subject matter and business are sufficient. For an empire that has just embarked on a path to rise, even if it does not care about smearing, there is no need to send themes to those potential enemies.

"We are civilized people, Your Excellency. It's just Roland...please forgive the official, his actions are likely to pose a huge threat to the empire in the future."

Maybe the world needs the rules of civilized people, or maybe everyone needs to pay attention to eating, and it’s hard to do everything. Kenneth Hogg did not like or care about these, for the captain of the Guard: at any time, it is always the safest way to strangle the potential threat in the cradle, rather than watching it develop freely with anticipation.

Although the church and Roland are both enemies, and the strength of the church seems to be greater, Niederhogg is more alert to Roland. Roland is a potential threat: he is still young and has a lot of time. If he is given enough space, It is very likely that he will eventually build a country that threatens the empire.

So, those exiles who are waiting to flee overseas, who are resentful and hostile towards the Empire-they must die.

"No need to mind, Niederhogg."

Li Lin's lips curled up, and a trace of sarcasm appeared on his face.

"Democratic republic, everyone is equal... Sounds very good, but now, no matter how good the system and philosophy is, it needs people to obey and implement, otherwise it will be no different from waste paper."

Not to mention how many people and materials Charlieman can evacuate in the remaining four days, and how long it takes these people to evacuate to accumulate the strength of the counterattack. If Roland believes that democratic republic is the panacea against the theocracy, then Li Lin can decisively deny this.

In Li Lin's view, democratic republic is a false proposition in itself.

Expect everyone to be able to look at the problem rationally and objectively, and everyone can be fair and selfless, and put forward opinions and suggestions? If there were such a society, the world would have become a peaceful utopia. Where do you need a king, emperor, divine agent and god. Even the city-state of Athens that first proposed the concept of democratic republic, did not poison the great philosopher Socrates who adhered to the core values ​​of the democratic republic through democratic procedures? In modern times, democracies are suffering from ills. From the selection of the Emperor Chuan's beacon lighthouse, the civil war and civil war are used directly to interpret Umbrella's Ukraine...

Rather than saying that democracy defeated the dictatorship, it is better to say that those defeated dictatorships are ill, and it is almost incurable.

Yalfheim-The sacred Gilmanian empire is completely different from those defeated dogs sent to the pile of historical paper. There is an immortal agent who is immortal and never makes mistakes, and there is a group of citizens with an average life span of more than 300 years. How long will the democratic republican system established by Roland wait for the empire to weaken, giving them an opportunity? Five hundred years? A thousand years? Two thousand years? Can this regime exist for so long? Can it exist for more than 300 years? All citizens can always abide by the beautiful ideals during the founding of the country. Can the whole country fall to the downhill path of electing populism and fools’ politics? Can it not be led to the bottomless abyss by fallen politicians and citizens?

Of course not.

As long as it is a political system established by mankind, it will certainly not be able to escape the cycle of "rise-extreme prosperity-decline" ~ www.readwn.com ~ as long as there are no super-dominators like Li Lin who are free from conventional restraints, they will eventually be in Li Lin 'S strongest ally defeated in front of "Time".

"The best way to deny the democratic republic is not to eliminate it by force, but to promote its depravity, while maintaining its own country in a relatively normal and stable state, and to assert its legitimacy by impeaching its various inactions, corruption and corruption. Therefore There is nothing wrong with erecting a negative textbook. Anyway, we have time and solutions. Inform the navy, air force and intelligence agencies to monitor all refugee ships going to the southern colonies via Albion, and not actively launch attacks."

"Everything follows your will."

"Speaking of Roland, do they do anything?"

"All efforts are being made to transport refugees in the direction of Albion. There are a large number of Charlemagne refugees in Brittania, Upper and Lower Normandy, Boulogne, Calais, Flanders. I think he may want to reduce this risk."

"It doesn't matter, let him toss about it."

Looking at the rest time, Li Lin got up again, and Niederhogger opened the lounge door for him.

——Normandy? Calais? Flanders? Brest? I am afraid these are smoke bombs.

——The real purpose of creating a huge momentum is to cover up the really important fleet.

-In this way, the location of the core fleet should be an obscure port, and it is quite close to Albian.

——Narrow down the selection of suitable targets, there is one city that meets the conditions.


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