Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1172: Twenty-five. Deadline (1)

decisive battle.

From professional soldiers to ordinary people, everyone likes the word. Ordinary people have no resistance to the magnificent, gorgeous, bloody, and terrifying war scrolls, while the soldiers are tired of stupid wars of attrition. If they can end all troubles through a decisive battle, they are naturally willing to bet all Bet on the table called "Decisive Battle".

Nevertheless, in fact, in the long history of war, there are few examples of the fate of an army and a country determined by a battle, and it is basically a case before the Industrial Revolution. Entering the war after the Industrial Revolution, it is not so much that those grand wars determine the trend of the world. It is better to say that the two warring parties have the national industrial capabilities, the decision-makers' grasp of strategic issues, the use of troops, the complete logistics system, and the personnel of military generals. The performance of the arrangements, the efficiency of the intelligence system, the guarantee of geographical location, the choice of the timing of the war, and so on have determined the trend of war before the war. Those magnificent chapters of war are just a few reflections under the grand strategic layout. It is no exaggeration to say that before the first shell exploded, the outcome was already decided.

Even so, people still can’t help eager to witness the so-called “decisive battle”. For the unsuspecting bystanders, this is a belligerent factor in their human genetic sequence, and it is also to satisfy curiosity and vanity . For the parties at the scene, they are only seeking relief.

Even if the enemy did not launch an attack, life in the trenches had nothing to do with the word "comfortable", hunger, dampness, stench, pests, injuries, boring and boring-tormenting Charlemagne officers and soldiers all the time. A few days ago, snipers, artillery and air strikes were added to the list of torture methods. Nowadays, the construction of a field toilet will be bombarded in turns, a ray of cooking smoke will attract a saturated bombardment, and a cigarette will lead to the brain. The days of multiple holes are over. Charlieman soldiers who had been squatting underground for a long time, severely lacking in nutrition, so that their feet and crotch began to erode can finally run to the ground and relax in the crotch. (For the round of war in the self-defense counterattack of Vietnam, our army and the Vietnamese army There are also unwritten rules. Every day, everybody will stop the fire together to dry the crotch, otherwise everyone will squat cat ear holes and tunnels every day, and everyone will squat), but otherwise their situation has not improved, but more It's bad.

The defense forces that maintained the encirclement did stop the offensive and stopped firing cold guns, but that was only the case. The 700,000 Charlemagne army was oppressed in a long and narrow encirclement, with no supplies, lack of medical care and medicine, and hopeless reinforcements. Staying in this environment, even mental pressure can kill people, not to mention the harsh environment.

In order to survive, the Charlieman officers and soldiers in the encircling circle can almost say that they have carried forward the human survival wisdom to the extreme, not to mention the chicken-flavored caterpillars, maggots, mice, voles, snakes, lizards, cats, dogs, horses- As long as it is a moving thing, once caught by the Charlemagne soldiers, he will turn around and nibble. The bark, grass roots, and mushrooms did not fall, and they all got out of the soup pot. In the end, even poisonous mushrooms and soil entered the soldiers' stomachs. As a result, due to food poisoning, malnutrition, indigestion and excretion, leading to live swell and death and other reasons, there were thousands of non-combat downsizing until the defense army opened a This situation only improved after air passages were allowed in and out of floating ships.

With the food crunch, the already tense interpersonal relationship has also eased. The officers do not have to worry about being simmered in the pot by their hungry people one day. Or the chief’s Chinese dish. After everyone had eaten a big meal of turnips and oats, the church staff who carried the food brought some news to the group of trapped beasts in the cage.

First of all, the sharp-eared ghosts on the opposite side will not launch any offensives in the last few days, nor will they attack any floating fleet that transports food and medicine; secondly, the Imperial Army... well, the sharp-eared ghosts let the church encircle The Charlemagne here brought a word-to be trampled to death like a pest? Or give you a chance of a fair duel and be crusade in the duel? Finally, if you want a duel, the king of ghosts and beasts will come here to meet the 700,000 troops with their own strength.

The first message is encouraging, the second message is inexplicable, and the last one is enough to make people angry.

what is this? Bad joke? Madman's crazy words?

Just to say something brazen, what did the dictator think of the battlefield and these Charlieman soldiers? Can ants be trampled to death anytime, anywhere? !

Don’t joke—the attending officers shouted at the case, and the anger seen by the opponents injected a needle of chicken blood into the discouraged soldiers. . The buzzwords and enthusiasm that had disappeared for a long time filled the meeting room again.

To the fanatics full of brain thought, death is not terrible, it is the fate of soldiers to be able to die on the battlefield. Right now they can't get rid of the fate of defeat anyway, but at least they have to delaminate the group of ghosts and animals on the opposite side. If they can get rid of the arrogant and brainy dictator, it would be even better.

However, he hadn't waited for these **** dizzy guys to translate language into action, and finally the most incredible news pressed the officers back into their seats.

Is the dictator of Alfheim a divine agent, or the strongest and most fierce existence among the divine agents of all generations—a transcendent species above all races.

There is only one person, and only one person, one is all, all is one, surpassing all the clans, only one person can make all life existing in the world extinct. ".

Not to mention the 700,000-strong army, even if it is an enemy to humanity all over the world, there is an absolute existence that will surely prevail.

This kind of throwing hands into the world can bring endless disasters to the world. The guys in the surrounding circle give the Charlieman army a chance to fight against death. It is not an arrogance. It is better to give the Charlieman soldiers death, so that they can be freed.

In the face of completely desperate information, even the most die-hard elements have also collapsed. Their spirit may have some problems, but none of them are fools who lack basic judgment and thinking functions. In front of a large amount of evidence presented by the church messenger, the guys who had previously shouted "seven lives for the country", "extinguished ghosts and beasts", and "all army jade broken" were silent. Staring at the marching folding table; some people walked out of the meeting room in silence, tucked their pistols into their mouths or pressed against the temple, and pulled the trigger hard; some people pulled apart the pen-like uniforms full of medals and picked up their carry wine The pot was slammed into the mouth, and the alcoholic drink mixed with the "energy medicine" was poured into the mouth in a big mouth, overflowing from the corner of the mouth, and wet the gorgeous uniform along the neck; the nervous self-talk in the corner and the cry of depression Come……

Even the messengers of the church who are accustomed to life are difficult to continue to watch the sadness and despair of the defeated generals. When they think of their destiny to be **** with such a group of people, their moods are equally mixed. This situation is precisely what the church is deliberately seeking, so the priests silently left the tent to let the frustrated men vent their emotions.

Frustration, despair, and the role of alcohol, some officers lost their ability to manage their mouths, and the message quickly spread. At this time, the gendarmerie will immediately take measures to arrest those long tongues who like to chew their tongues on the basis of "spreading rumors and shaking the military's heart." The next step is to wait for a big sentence, and then openly shoot out to be effective. However, at this time, the gendarmes also fell into the predicament of thinking about fighting for no reason and how to fight. They had no intention to arrest and kill. What's more, the military heart is now floating, and even a little stimulus may cause unrest or even mutiny. The military police who are hated by people on ordinary days are doing something at this time, believe it or not.

The military police do not care, the officers do not care about their mouths, and the above is patronized with daze and worry, so in just two days, the army's discipline, rank, rules and regulations, and command system have all fallen into a state of abolition. He is about to die. Who cares how high your rank is? Does your behavior comply with military discipline? It’s better to have two cups and forget about those unpleasant things together. With this in mind, the soldiers abused alcohol, drugs, and violence indiscriminately, using all methods they knew to anesthetize themselves, even for a moment, as long as they could forget the anxiety and fear.

After all, the effect of anesthesia is only temporary. www.readwn.com~ No matter how powerful drugs and alcohol will eventually come to an end, when people wake up from extreme hyperactivity and beautiful dreams, they are greeted by the emptiness before them. ,decadent. So they chased those stimulants again and anesthetized themselves again and again...until they themselves were tired of their decadent appearance and their bodies had become resistant to stimuli.

In only two days, 700,000 soldiers became a group of lifeless waste people.

They are indeed still alive.

But they were exhausted both physically and mentally, and the entire enclosure was surprisingly quiet-beyond the laughter of mental collapse that occasionally came from nowhere, only fatigued breathing filled the gloomy and dull In the air.

As long as they are sane, they can't wait to escape from this ghost place.

If you have been staying in this human hell, no matter how strong you are, you will be crazy. In fact, there were indeed people who tried to break through the encirclement with a deadly mentality. As a result, as they wished, all the people involved in this kind of operation became cold bodies in front of the machine gun position.

Even if the remaining people know that they will only go crazy if they continue to stay, they can only stay in the encirclement.

In order to endure that extreme environment, in order not to be forced to death by despair, people have to rely on something.

What must numb people's thinking more than alcohol and drugs, fill people's empty and restless hearts, and have a lasting effect...

It was against this background that the Virgin Jier and his party arrived at the Rhine Front.

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