Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1173: Twenty-five. Deadline (2)

Without light and hope, people cannot continue to live. Therefore, people are dependent and demanded, and will sculpt gods in their hearts, and then nurture the gods in their hearts.

It has nothing to do with legitimacy, it is just the act necessary to survive. In order to resist despair and survive in a cruel and free world, they need something to fill their inner emptiness, to relieve anxiety with piety, to appease restlessness with faith, by telling themselves "the world has room and possibility for improvement "To greet tomorrow.

No one can laugh at this need.

It’s too stupid to live without that kind of thing, to rely on things without substance and statues that can’t be said and can’t be moved — it’s too stupid to say so, either it’s a very happy life, not related to hardship or hardship, or it’s alive with the world No connection.

Therefore, Roland can understand the behavior of people in despair and uneasiness seeking support and answers from religion. Some people may think that this is weakness, but not everyone is strong enough to bear everything and seek salvation when they are helpless-this is really helpless.

It's just that if it's a guy who takes advantage of the truth and commits fraud in the name of preaching and salvation, that's another matter.

The early summer sun shines through the stained glass, rendering the sacred colors and bathing the priest on the podium. Despite years of unused use and war, the chapel has become dilapidated and the rostrum and seats are almost decaying. However, after being cleaned, it can still show some kind of solemn and clean breath.

Coupled with the young priests on the podium and the soldiers sitting on the benches, the sacred breath was almost full.

The priest, who is about the same age as the student at the school, said with awe-inspiring gesture:

"--So, God is a passionate God and a jealous God. Because of the birth and death of the Savior, God is transformed into a God of love. Through the Son of God-the death and resurrection of the Savior, a new contract between God and man It’s established. The old contract is for the Old Testament, and the new contract is for the New Testament. That is to say, the dividing line between the Old and New Testaments is here. So, let’s talk about it today.”

"Sincerely wish."

The voice of unity and piety converged together, the soldiers bowed their heads and painted the cross holy pattern on their chests, buttoned the military cap, and the face raised again was indifferent, firm, and extremely empty. It's like a group of life-size clockwork toy soldiers, tightening the clockwork and starting to walk on their own.


When it comes to religious missionary preaching and many ways to develop believers, the worst and most effective way is brainwashing.

Continue to push the believers into desperation, let them fall into the abyss of desperation, and then give favors, or specifically look for difficult objects and give collective care and care. Those who see the light from despair will be convinced of the words given to the lighter, and will spontaneously take the teachings and values ​​whispered in their ears as the absolute only golden rule. When the original personality is eroded, the values ​​are completely eroded. At the time of the replacement, a pious automatic figure is completed.

As long as the leader gave a command, they would offer all their property, they would give their wives and daughters, they would kill the object the leader ordered to wipe out, and even with a single command, they could smile and pour fuel on their bodies, and then ignite; Or hold a bomb to detonate where the crowd gathers

Cults, radical religions, and religious terrorism have shown the effectiveness of brainwashing to people for a long time, as well as their evil.

Dignified church, the holy church that prides itself on bringing the "world dominated by man" to mankind, brainwashed the Charlemagne soldiers in the circle surrounded by the Rhine front. To some extent, this is already a terminal symptom. However, considering their opponents and the status quo of the church, people also have to admit that the church is helpless.

The so-called miracle must have been born out of a large number of pious prayers. The more pious, the larger the number of people, the more miracles they show, the more terrible the power.

For example, divide the sea into two, calm the volcanic eruption, and so on.

As long as the number of believers and faith are indeed increased, it is not impossible to cause miracles that are comparable to or even higher than the level of change. If you want to defeat Li Lin, you can only do so.

Being understandable does not mean that it is acceptable, let alone unconditional.

"You look very unhappy."

A kind and gentle voice floated, and Roland turned his face to take Ji Aier's formulated smile into his eyes.

"How can you do this as a human being-your expression seems to be saying that. But as I said before -"

"In a world where you can't live without going crazy, there is nothing wrong with going crazy."

Roland interrupted the saint's speech, and the cold tone pulled an invisible iron curtain between them.

"Perhaps you are right. People can do anything to survive. Don't talk about going crazy, anything that can be mad or crazy. To be honest, although this is an unforgivable thing, it is also because of love. It has been done. But what you did is completely different."

"Do you want to say that it's better to be kept and managed by others?"

"Steal the concept--"

Roland stared at the slightly frozen smile and said:

"The same is to abandon the moral bottom line, whether the starting point is to survive or to seek power is a completely different thing."

From the beginning, the church was playing tricks to change concepts.

All day long, "liberating mankind" and "the world dominated by man" hang on the mouth, but in fact, it is only your own power that teaches you to think about it.

In order to seek greater power and greater wealth, for this reason he abandons the gods he believes in, and in order to make everything look reasonable, he puts on a coat of "liberating mankind from the gods" and wraps himself into a salvation The saint, the hero who killed the tyrant to save the people.

In the final analysis, this is nothing more than justification of criminal behavior. The severity of the crime is worse than what Li Lin did.

"Perhaps you are right, we are just a group of fraudsters. Then, I also ask you a sentence-you who work with us and use these soldiers to achieve your own plans? What if these are The family members of the soldiers know the truth and ask you by the collar, asking you to return your husband, father, brother to them. How do you answer?"

Roland's expression didn't move, and his heart swallowed the frustration of a heavy side attack.

But anyone who moves the knife will die under the knife. Without the consciousness of being killed, he is not qualified to pull the trigger.

As a soldier, you should have the consciousness of the battlefield. Regardless of being instigated by the church to brainwash, or ordered to charge the enemy formation by their superiors, they will eventually become cold corpses somewhere at some time. This is the war, glorified and glorified as the **** and cruel truth behind the sacred war.

All those involved in the war are unfortunate and equal. When the family members of the soldiers mourn and shed tears because of the loss of their loved ones, some people are desperate because of the actions of the soldiers. If you really want to express sympathy and apology one by one, I am afraid that it will not be enough to use up your life. At this time, "City does not control the soldiers", "For the overall situation, sacrifice is necessary" has become the best gold medal from death, any accusations will stop here.

If Roland could also ignore those weeping and resentment, it is presumed that at this moment he could be as relaxed as the Virgin Ji Aier. But he wasn’t Ji Aier after all, he couldn’t stifle his conscience like her, trample on others carelessly, and pursue power wholeheartedly. So he is destined to be troubled by his conscience and the suffering of others.

But even so-

"I will not evade the consequences of what I have done, even if the relatives of those people want to spurn me, curse me, wish to kill me, grab my collar and shout, "Return my family to me". This is the power they deserve. I will not escape or hide. But before that, I still have to do something. Before I can do this, I can’t die."

"It sounds pretty good, but it's not..."

"Under the Saint Coron, you and Li Lin are too arrogant."


"Being proud as the dominant person and overlooking other people as ants, this is the limit of power. However, Li Lin originally did not look at the problem from a human perspective. It is indeed difficult for him to understand him from an equal perspective. Instead, you are under the crown of the Virgin. Before you put yourself in the position of a god, have you seriously thought about the meaning of being a god, and is there a price to have that power?"

"Listen to your tone~www.readwn.com~ It seems that you have already seen it. Since we are now on the same front, may we share the information publicly and show our sincerity as an ally?"

The smile twisted into a sneer, and the honorific also disappeared from the saint's mouth.

The guards standing behind the saint still remained silent as if they were sculptures, but the scorching murderousness continued to flow from them. It is believed that as long as Saint Ayl was ordered, they would immediately take down Roland's first rank without hesitation.

Facing the murderous guard, Roland still maintained an indifferent attitude.

"Under the Coronet, if you want to test here as an ally, my strength is sufficient. I can only shrug, salute, and obey. But I will not be responsible for the rest. If you feel that you are in a decisive battle It doesn’t matter if you lose your combat power when you arrive, so please take it easy. I still have a lot of things to do, so I will lose my company first."

Without looking at the guards who were about to explode, Roland took a step. As he passed by with Ji Aier, he suddenly stopped and said in a cold tone:

"By the way, I will pray that the battle of the church will be carried out smoothly, and wish the Saint Long under the martial arts to prosper, and the glory of the Holy Church will last forever."

Leaving aside the sharp, mocking words, Roland passed through the crowd without looking back, leaving only the guards who glared at his back, and the coronet of the Saint standing with her fists clenched.

Nails pierced into the palm of your hand, blood gathered along the gap at the tip of the fist, and a drop fell to the ground. Lady Ji Aier was unaware of this, but she only had a beautiful face, and tasted humiliation and anger silently.

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