Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1177: Twenty-five. Deadline (6)

"--So it is."

Walking on the green grass outside the tent, Favorna uttered a melancholy murmur.

"Is it too positive to have the opposite effect? ​​The timing is just right...I'm still too simple."

Roland and Minerva often lay silent borders when they are in love, but for adolescent girls who are curious, make reference to their own strategy plan, and even have physical needs, they use special techniques to eavesdrop on a room. The movements here are a piece of cake. Girls who have slowly adapted from the initial shyness and excitement are almost used to it. It's just that they never imagined that Roland would leave Favorna and Gloria aside, but chose to hug the spider. He was also surprised by the unexpectedly bold behavior of the spider.

"I hope you can give me a scar... Whether it is a confession or a courtship, it is impeccable. If there is a chance, I will try to talk about it. Just... I am afraid that there will be no second time. The same effect."

Looking up at the stars, Fafna sighed slightly and asked towards the dark side:

"Are you going to report all these words and the rest?"

"……I do not understand."

With the phantom spell removed, Diana emerged from the shadow.

"What's the point of this kind of thing?"


Chewing on Diana's question, Favna looked at the stars flashing in the night sky, shook her head and asked:

"For you, it must be meaningful-can ‘meaningful’ that meets the values ​​of the church and the sister-in-law exist?”


——Of course.

Just wanting to say so, Diana suddenly choked.

Only things that meet the values ​​of the church are allowed to exist-Diana and Ji Aier have been so educated since childhood, everyone around them said so, all things around have evolved accordingly. For Diana, it has long become a "truth" as water will flow from high to low, and the night will surely come after the sun sets.


Is this of course really "truth"?

The so-called truth, shouldn’t it not be shaken or changed regardless of the passage of time? Why is there continuous shaking and cracking in front of Yalfheim and then in front of a teenager?

After gently biting her lips for a moment, Diana raised her head again and asked:

"His Royal Highness Princess."

"what's up?"

"Why would you help him? Even give up your identity and betray your own ethnic group?"

"...You really like to be surprised by others."

"that time--"

Diana always had a faint ripple on her expressionless face.

"You didn't ask him anything, did you?"

She was referring to Favna asking nothing to Roland from beginning to end as a price of loyalty to Roland.

It is really rare for the dragons to keep their wealth and keep their temperament.

"You are not...oh, yes, you are because of the orders of the elder sister and the pope, that is your position and duty. From your perspective, my behavior is of course unknown and unreasonable."

Favna shrugged and smiled bitterly.

"To say why... should it be said that he is simply obsessed with him? This may be easier to understand, but I think it is too general to be correct."


"You don’t have to worry too much about thinking. It’s simple to say. I think Roland Dalk is very interesting... It’s very valuable in terms that you can understand. It’s worth knowing the dragon or the church. No matter how good the country is, there have never been people like him. To be honest, after observing the intelligent society for hundreds of years, I can’t help but feel that the world has come to an end.”

"That kind of thing—"

Just opening his mouth to refute, Diana got stuck again.

The world has been in operation for thousands of years from the beginning of creation, the ancient species that have observed the development of intelligent creatures from the side of the ancient times, were born from the chaos of the collapse of the old Gilmanian kingdom, and secretly governed the world Church.

Either way, it is essentially an existence bred under a very closed and conservative value. In a world where such introverted closures and any ideas of change and improvement will be stifled, extreme values ​​and ideas will inevitably breed. And because of extremes, the risk of collapse at any time is hidden.

Regardless of the world and the dragon race, the church organization alone set the goals of "killing God" and "taking the whole world from God's hands". After a long period of time, it finally mastered the means to achieve the goal, that is, the priesthood. A weapon that reproduces miracles such as clothing. From that moment on, the whole church began to appear cracks and disputes little by little.

Budget allocation, division of powers and responsibilities, field competition, personnel arrangements... Various small competitions have always existed, but they are increasing and deteriorating at a disturbing rate recently.

The person who initially set the goal is long dead. Today's church is just following the blueprint already drawn to the set final goal. As long as they follow the goals and rules set by their predecessors, they will unite wholeheartedly and perform their assigned duties faithfully. However, with the completion of the priesthood and the rise of Yalfheim, the church began to lose its way. Master the ultimate means to achieve your goals and the unprecedented enemies-this makes the future blueprint unprecedentedly blurred. Whether it is to continue to accomplish the goals set by the predecessors, to achieve "a world completely dominated by humanity", or to submit to an unprecedentedly powerful absolute force, or temporarily dormant, and then make corrections to the plan and blueprint to restart-in order to countless The correct path was chosen in the divergent future. Different opinions and thoughts were transformed into disputes and tears. The cohesion of the church itself was gradually declining, and various factions began to tear each other under the table. If it weren’t for the enemy, I’m afraid the internal disputes in the church have escalated into independent portals for various factions, and then started a **** civil war in the name of “fighting heretics”.

What's more, the church itself also has the problem of aging organizations.

Any organization—religion, political party, country—if ignoring the changes in circumstances, culture, technology, values, and ideas around it for hundreds of years, without any corresponding adjustment and modification of the organization’s philosophy, it will inevitably happen Dogmatic ideological rigidity has caused the entire organization to be out of touch with the times. In the end, either the rigid doctrine loses its cohesion and attraction, causing the organization to dissipate on its own, or is involved in the wave of the times, and the curtain is drawn in a **** way.

"The emergence of Li Lin has brought some changes to the world and eased the stiffness of the whole world. But that was for the purpose of dragging everything into a more stiff loop. To be honest, what he called the ideal world is not stiff or not stiff The problem is to turn the entire world into a slowly decaying corpse."

"Do you think Roland can change this situation?"

"Maybe, maybe not. The so-called possibility, the so-called hope, are originally vague and uncertain. However, I think Roland may be able to change."

"... simply irresponsible."

"Perhaps that's right. But if you can't even see a little hope and possibility, then it's really a **** that's irreversible."

The legendary seal on the gate of **** is engraved with a sentence: Anyone who enters this gate must give up all hope.

What is the difference between a world without hope and a **** without sun?

"I was indeed a princess of the Dragon race, but compared with the whole world, with the mother goddess, and with the current divine agent, I am only a small person."

Fafna smiled bitterly like a sneer, and tapped into the ears with a suppressed gasp in the tent.

"Maybe the lifespan is longer than that of you humans, you have more experience and experience than you, and you are much stronger in physical strength, physical strength and mana sensing ability. But that's all it is. "Change the world that is set in stone", "Break the curse" The same fate'-although I had such thoughts in my head, I have never had the courage to hold back the flag like Roland, Minerva, Gloria, and Vernia, and give myself the decision to others. Destiny says'no'. So even if I'm dissatisfied with the things around me, I can't help it~www.readwn.com~ This is where I can't compare with them, and it's what attracts me. Looking at Roland, I can't help thinking I want to take the lead in witnessing change around them, witnessing the change of a country—or the whole world."

Family members are not enemies, spies, or guards;

"People" are not chess pieces, nationals are not tools, nor numbers, nor symbols;

Happiness is not a form filled with itineraries for others, but it is in your hands after you have struggled and worked hard by yourself;

If there is such a world, I want to take a look and want to walk into that world.

"What you said...I can understand it, but I can't understand it."

Diana lowered her gaze.

"First of all, before defeating Li Lin, all this is just your simple idea. Secondly... Even if you change the world, you may not get good results."

Change does not always produce good results. Historically ambitious and ambitious, everyone was expected, but in the end it was cursed, even pushed to the guillotine, and reforms that ended in tragedy were not uncommon.

Even with expectations, even with hope, the results may not be smooth.

"If the changes you brought about did not produce the expected results, everyone would spurn you, curse you, and shouted, "It would be better to let Li Lin build an ideal country". When you are asked to assume all responsibilities, you How should one manage oneself? Should one give one's head to the irrational people?"

"If that were the case, we would surrender power and let other more capable people solve problems that we couldn't solve."

"What?! This... how can there be such a thing, the so-called state, the so-called royal responsibility..."

Fafna smiled lightly at the panicked Diana and said fearlessly:

"That's what democracy is all about."

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