Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1178: Twenty-five. Deadline (7)

"The so-called democracy, to put it bluntly, is stupid politics. In the name of the people, it turns serious politics into a super soap opera that makes people laugh."

Fingers crossed the long gold hair, lovingly caressing the slender ears like leaves, the female leaning on the chest gave a cat-like moan, and the corner of the dictator's mouth showed a perfect arc.

"Let the people choose freely, decide for themselves, and take responsibility for themselves. It sounds very good. In fact, letting people choose freely will ultimately only select representatives and policies that are consistent with the people's education level and personal accomplishment. Brunshill, Do you think people can always make decisions just like professionals, just, objectively and correctly?"

"They probably only choose based on their own preferences and personal interests."

The smart Brenhill groaned a little, shook his head and said:

"If you really do direct citizen elections regardless of race, property, education level, or social experience, you will probably only select the following people: the rich who buy tickets with money, representatives of local clans, leaders of gangs, and those who are good at writing empty cheques. Fraudsters, lawyers who are good at tampering with black and white, and actors with handsome appearances who are good at grabbing people's hearts-in front of this group of people, they are really good at handling problems, and the technical bureaucrats who understand the various operational processes are even scumbags with combat effectiveness of five. Not up."

Li Lin gently patted his hands, the smile on his face was more like a sneer.

Since ancient times, between "correct information" and "liked information", people have always tended to the latter. When changing the options to "policy that is good for most people" and "policy that is good for themselves," almost everyone will choose the latter. The guy who chooses the former will not only be regarded as a saint, but will be ridiculed and sometimes be hostile to the majority.

Therefore, since the birth of democratic politics, various scandals, scandals, rumours, malicious attacks, and personal attacks have never been absent during the general election. Because gossip news, especially color scandals, always attracts people’s attention more than lengthy policy discussions. Voters talked about it and could continue to pay attention until the election ended or there was more attractive "human bite dog" style news, and replaced with policy discussions and defenses that required patience and a lot of professional knowledge to understand correctly...except **** Supporters, the vast majority of people will subconsciously switch channels to cartoons or soap operas.

The great Mark Twain, the things he described in the short satire "Governing for Governor" are still frequently performed after a century, rumours, slander, scandals, bribery elections, ticket purchases, intimidation of opponents and voters... in addition to propaganda and Apart from the significant advancement in communication technology, the essence of the campaign has not changed.

Even for those hard-line supporters, the reason why they support that candidate is more than half because the political opinions and policies put forward by that candidate are in line with the interests and positions of the supporters. For example, those who advocate globalization are favored by transnational capital, high-welfare advocates are loved by leftists and ordinary voters, those who advocate the prohibition of abortion and the abolition of the death penalty are praised by human rights groups, those who advocate abandoned nuclear power generation are sought after by environmental groups, and advocate to Middle Eastern countries The soldiers received funding from the military-industrial complex, advocating the prohibition of illegal immigrants has a large number of right-wing and local conservatism fans, those advocating open immigration enjoy the iron tickets of left-wing and new immigrant groups... The remaining reasons are varied, and there have been Those who voted for a political party this time also voted for that party, some supported the candidates because they looked handsome, some did not like other candidates and turned to vote, some simply followed the trend...

In short, after rationally and objectively analyzing the candidate's personal experience and the pros and cons of their proposition, it is arguable that there are very few choices made after careful consideration. The choices made on the basis of objectivity and justice are even more unique.

"Leaders and the ruling team selected on the basis of such a system often exhibit the following characteristics: lack of grass-roots work experience and performance, pre-election promises and post-election policies going in the opposite direction, political rewards, national strategic guidelines are erratic and inconsistent Sex, internal policy takes priority to please specific voters, and decision-making is slow. Of course, this may not be the case for every term of leadership, but they will have a few of them in line with the above problems, and the more serious they are in the back. In the end, it is not society The tearing caused a high degree of confrontation until the demise of the civil war, that is, to fall into the populist state of national enthusiasm, and die naturally as cancer cells spread throughout the body.

It can be said that the end of democratic politics basically cannot escape this model, because democracy emphasizes equality and tolerance of different opinions from the beginning. At the initial stage of the democratic republic, the excellent ruling team can also use the skills and skills to give Coordination allows everyone to tolerate each other based on the existence of a certain premise. However, with the passage of time, voters have become more and more inclined to seek national interests based on self-interest and pure personal preferences. The national ruling team will inevitably show a stronger tendency than the ruling ability and the ability to show. After that, economic and social vitality began to stagnate, and social contradictions sharpened. Different ethnic groups began to use their own votes to select candidates that met their expectations because of differences in interests and ideas. The votes put forward more and more extreme propositions, which in turn further intensified contradictions...

"This is an inevitable process, ranging from a few hundred years to a few decades. For us, there is a lot of time to slowly clear up the troubles that Roland has created for us. However, it is always right to make some preparations. of."

"Now Charlemagne has a large number of personnel supplies to the southern colony. Is it a bit of a spy now..."

"It's not a spy, Brun Hill. We have a way to put a spy in the past, and we have already put some people in the refugee wave to go to the south. Although they are still unremarkable, they will certainly become useful pieces in time. Now we are going to discuss, Is looking for a suitable sponsor."

"You mean... sponsorship?"

"Yes, sponsorship. After all, democracy is a very expensive sport."

Election is to burn money. Campaign advertisements, lectures, political parties, touring lectures, public opinion campaigns, buying chess pieces from opponents' camps, hiring lawyers and private investigators to investigate the privacy of others...Everything has to burn money, a lot of money. Therefore, in the early days of the founding of the United States of America, it was clearly stipulated that only people whose property meets a certain standard can be registered as candidates (there is also a saying that compared with poor people, the moral cultivation and quality of rich people are more guaranteed... well, this (It is the logic of the beacon of democracy, no comment) So elections have always been a game for the rich.

All political parties and politicians need money, not only to fill up their wallets, to maintain the organization's operation and growth, but also to prepare for a higher position-the ruling throne.

They will not refuse sponsorship.


Brenhill turned his face, looking up at her dictator and asked:

"Will they accept the sponsorship of the enemy country? Although I have confidence in our intelligence personnel, the guys who will go to the southern colonies must be full of hatred for the empire? Moreover, Roland should also be guarded, at least in the setting There will be restrictions in the system, prohibiting foreign funds from intervening in elections, setting caps on the amount of election campaigns, etc.

"Bren Hill, you made a mistake. I didn't want to help a certain party take the throne of the ruling party. I never thought about that kind of thing."


"I just need to pick out some of the various extreme sounds that are easy to accept, and it is better to have more than two diametrically opposed voices, inject enough funds to them, so that they can break out enough strife. Or even fight and duel in public. Then there will be nothing for us, and the people will complete the rest of the work themselves."

At any time and any place, it is always extreme opinions that can attract wide attention. Although most extreme voices are always minorities, what they say is basically not feasible, and some can be directly summarized in the speech of mental patients. But for the news media and the masses of people, they only need eye-catching sensational news, a topic that can be repeatedly hyped like a carnival, not facts or moral justice. They just want to make a comment on the beast or gladiator fighting life and death, like the audience in the stands of the ancient Roman arena, and occasionally cheer on a party.

But with the passage of time, once the country has problems, such as economic stagnation or recession, when it encounters setbacks in diplomatic involvement, extreme voices will slowly spread through the crowd like a plague, immersed in dissatisfaction and a sense of crisis The people started embracing extremism that had never been taken seriously before. Contradictions and contradictions began to escalate. Eventually, the entire country was torn by opposing ethnic groups, and the democratic system began to end.

"This is just a preliminary idea, there are still a lot of uncertainties in the process, and various adjustments need to be made. Screening of sponsored objects before this is considered a pre-operation."

"Everything is under your control~www.readwn.com~ So, Roland..."

"Now that he has made consciousness, I have to respond to it. Let us see if he and his ideals can cross the trial... Can they cross me in the decisive battle tomorrow? Dead line."

Sliding his fingertips from the waterfall-like blond hair to his cheeks, and then sliding down the nape to the collarbone, Li Lin watched Brenhill's flushing carcass again, and said very happy.

At the same time, in the sea of ​​thoughts, the issue about Roland was also reviewed.

——Review report on the relationship between Roland and the spider.

——Determine that the behavior of both parties meets the set conditions at 73%




——Physical information about arachnid sample No. 6881.

——It is speculated that the probability of successful conception is 19%, and the probability of normal embryonic development is within the allowable range.

——There is no clear evidence to prove that spiders cannot conceive normally, and no clear evidence to prove that spiders can conceive normally.

-It is recommended to continue to maintain the observation state.

——Based on the current situation, adjust the previous combat plan, and build a feasible new adjustment on the premise of long-term strategy.

-Option 37.

-It is recommended to implement the plan that has received the most approval.




In the sea of ​​thoughts that cannot be touched by physical means, the mechanical monotonous sounds are repeatedly discussed.

There was no anger, no sadness, no satisfaction, not even joy.

These condensed voices like the whole world just simply pursue what they call "reasonable."


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