Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1179: Twenty-five. Deadline (8)

The 9th of the hot month, the day of the decisive battle, the day of fate.

Thanks to Baiyalfheim’s well-developed media system, residents of major cities around the world already know what will happen on this day, those who care about the direction of war, those who care about the fate of their loved ones, those who care about the situation in the world, and those who care about future development. ... Nothing else is concerned, just watching the lively people all know that the Alfheim dictator will single out 700,000 Charlemagne forces by himself.

The whole world is boiling, people run around to tell each other, and then let all kinds of complex emotions and doubts boil.

There is no doubt that fighting a huge army with one person-this is a scene that will only appear in myths and legends. In the stories that the old people have passed on, the soldiers who defend the dignity and protect the old weak women and children have been repeatedly Overthrow, stand up again and again from the muddy blood, meet the number of enemies or monsters whose strength far exceeds their own. With the increase of age and the increase of social experience, the hero story gradually sinks into the depths of memory. Hearing the news about the dictator of Alfheim, those formerly dusty memories were awakened again. After the initial shock passed, worship, envy, disdain, contempt, hatred, gloating... various emotions began to become active in people's hearts.

Some people despise Li Lin, and the savvy dictator who has always been very shrewd actually ignores the most basic tactical common sense for the show. Some people worship Li Lin because it is a decision and act that only ancient heroes can make. Some people hate Li Lin because of their position. Of course, there are other reactions. The vast majority of these reactions are clear and open, and they are constantly mentioned repeatedly. But there is a feeling hidden deep in people's hearts, few people will express it. No matter what position he stands in the crowd's discussion, what kind of personal feelings he holds for Li Lin, he will carefully hide this feeling and avoid showing it in front of others.


This is by no means limited to the emotional response of a small group of people. This kind of true negative emotion exists in the hearts of many people. While looking up at Li Lin's back, they thought of "lucky boy", "I will do better if it is replaced", "he will die on the battlefield soon."

People are always coveting higher status, more power, more wealth, and at the same time jealous of those who hold these. As a harsh old saying goes, "Some people do not become corrupt officials, not because they are honest and self-defense, but because they have no ability or opportunity to become corrupt officials."

As a bystander who stays out of the way, jealousy is their privilege, and those who are about to face the situation have no power of jealousy.

The soldiers, clerics, and volunteers in the surrounding circle silently picked up the breakfast utensils, prayed, collected the suicide note or family portraits, and prepared for the battle-all in silence, this was the only thing they were allowed to do, and the only thing they could do Things.

The other party is an agent of divine will, and replaces the strongest monster that God exerts in the human world. He can exterminate all life on the ground with his own power.

For the fragile and small human being, that figure is equivalent to death and disaster, and it is already a miracle without collapsing under the pressure of that huge shadow. Maybe they are more in line with the definition of "bravery".

Of course, there is no problem to say that mental state is crazy.

"With the pious beliefs of 700,000 believers and the huge intelligence network to let the people know that'existence above humanity', the crowd's fear of the unknown will resonate and then form hatred for that existence."

Roland stared at the busy crowd without a word, and sighed silently.

"Based on this quantity, it is enough to trigger a miracle of world scale. Even a divine agent can't help it in the face of such power."

Literally, this should be a relief word, but Roland's tone can't make people feel at ease. Instead, he was worried about something.


Compared with the confident church staff, Roland could not feel at ease.

Perhaps a miracle of world scale-the tremendous power to match the world, change the environment and the ecological circle is indeed enough to let the gods of the past to bow their heads. After suppressing the gods of the gods, it is not impossible to control the world with a single air pressure. .

But... Li Lin is different.

He is by far the strongest and most fierce existence among divine agents, not only the culmination of the whole world, but also the culmination of divine agents. Is it wrong to use outdated information and benchmarks to speculate on Li Lin? You know, the miracle that the church has assembled such a scale of faith and consciousness resonates, Li Lin can accomplish it by himself. Destroying the world and recreating the world is just a matter of thought.

What's more, Li Lin is still very cautious even if he has enough power to look at everything and look at all sentient beings. Gathering the intelligence of the opponent carefully, carefully formulating the battle plan, and finally arranging the layout in an orderly manner-this is even more troublesome than his power itself.

Finally, transcendental species-this ancient and modern race with only Li Lin still has too many unsolved mysteries. Where are the limits and weaknesses of transcendental species? Are existing biological theories applicable to transcendental species, if not Does it have another set of theories and logic dedicated to transcendence?

The problems that need to be clarified and the preparation to be done are far from enough, so hurriedly confront Li Lin... Is it really okay?

"Your expression is like saying ‘it’s hard to reassure alone.’”

The dominating voice came from the side, Roland's vision glanced aside, and the face of the Virgin was full of vitality and self-confidence into the purple eyes.

"Charlemagne's Holy Girl...Undefeated military flag, is it okay to show like this?"

"Even if you say that you are undefeated, you have actually lost to that guy. At that time, Arden was also full of confidence. With the consciousness of unsuccessfulness, he was defeated by the guy."

Shrugging his shoulders, squeezing a self-deprecating smile, Roland immediately converged and smiled.

"That guy's strength, no matter how overestimated it is, is not too much. Changing the terrain and reshaping his life is a piece of cake for him. I dare not underestimate the guy who has the power and remains cautious and serious at all times. ."

"I don't deny this."

Ji Aier looked away and looked at the soldiers who were taking the potion-it was the booster used to connect the resonance of consciousness. After the battle of Ymir, the church recovered the data and improved it. Now it no longer needs to be dedicated to expansion. The container of conscious capacity can maintain conscious connection for a period of time as long as the medicine is taken.

"We are also very clear that although this guy has huge power, he has been carefully suppressing his power in order not to bring the necessary damage to the world. Even if he fought in person, he only used the'right 'A degree of strength. Our victory is here."

Too many underestimated opponents, paralyzed, and so many defeated battles, there are also many cases of overestimated opponents, handcuffs, and defeats.

The most correct approach is to neither underestimate nor overestimate opponents, but most of the time this cannot be done. Therefore, it is a common phenomenon to slightly overestimate or underestimate opponents and to constantly correct in actual engagements.

"All his actions are based on the pursuit of the optimal solution. In order not to cause meaningless destruction and waste of power, he will definitely let us take the first shot. According to the tactics and the combat power we have shown, After analysis and calculation, a plurality of battle plans are drawn up, and then the best plan is selected for execution. Before then, he will basically be in a defensive state."

"...It's really like what he would do. So you decided to force all your combat power and kill him in one breath, regardless of three, seven, twenty-one, before he released the defense?"

"Are there any other possibilities? Once he enters an attacking state, human wisdom and power cannot catch up with him at all."

"It sounds no problem, but the guy's defense is not vegetarian. In addition to various active defenses, the "wall of sighs" is also an insurmountable obstacle."

Li Lin’s defensive status is also unassailable, with corresponding weapons in charge at long, medium, and short distances, and can support and complement each other, without interfering with each other, plus the “wall of sigh”, which is completely a solid fortress without any dead ends. .

How to break through this fortress before the immortal tyrant monster in the fortress ~ www.readwn.com ~ Perseverance and awareness alone are not enough.

"Break through many lines of defense, wipe out nearly endless enemies, rush into the fortress and take down the tyrant's head? Let me remind the crown that even without soldiers and without the protection of the'sighing wall', he is also a terrible monster. He alone is still quite sure to clean up everyone here."

"Of course we know this."

Ji Aier said with a very cold smile, while saying:

"Siegfried. Otto Lilin is indeed a near-omnipotent existence. It may even be true as you said. It can be immortal. It may be a veritable agent. However, just like history tells Like ours, even God, even the savior who has repeatedly created miracles, will be killed if he is not careful."

She deepened her smile slightly.

"Until the last minute, no one can tell who is the last one who can stand on the ring and wave his fists to cheer for victory."

"Even if you say so..."

Roland wanted to say more, and the words came to an abrupt end. Ji Aier and her followers also showed dignified expressions, and the crowd gathered together exclaimed.

A large number of slender stems appeared on the ground, and buds and branches emerged in the blink of an eye. After a while, the flowers and leaves withered, like the flaming red flowers blooming all over the Rhine front, extending to the fiery red at the end of the horizon As if to burn all the flames, the sky is red.

There is only one person who can do such a thing.

"Good morning, everyone."

A polite voice fell from the top of the head, and everyone looked up subconsciously.

"Then, say goodbye, everyone."

The young man in the white royal robe looked at the creatures under his feet and said majesticly.

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