Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1187: Twenty-five. Deadline(15)

The explosive power of metal hydrogen is about 30 to 40 times that of TNT. Even if the miniature name is hung, every high-mobility missile has the destructive power to instantly restore the heavy tank to parts, and the three drones are deployed without dead ends. The total number of missiles in a full-bomb salvo is 90, which is powerful enough to blow a mountain into a crater.

Witnessing the expanding fireball in the air, even without the above detailed instructions, people can appreciate the power of that blow.

Marvels overflowed from people's mouths, women were about to reach out to cover their mouths, men were about to drop their eyes. A gleam of white flashed in the clumps of smoke and fire, waiting for people to confirm, the dark red light flashed, an electric arc leaped in the smoke, and the next unexplosive explosion bloomed into the sky again.


Too late to be surprised, too late to sigh, three rays of light running through the smoke.

The leading one is still a white unicorn. The two drones are chasing after them, opening the three bodies of the afterburner to rub against the air, making a deafening roar, dragging the burning red atmosphere directly into the sky.

At this time, the two "vampires" have already sprinkled all the missiles. Before they are generated again, they can only use particle beams or direct collision attacks. But if you think Roland has an opportunity at this time, then she will definitely be swollen by reality.

Without the missile, it means that the weight of the body is reduced, and the lighter "vampire" gallops in the endless sky. At this moment, the action of the "vampire" is just like a momentary movement, and the beam of the sniper is shot from all directions. Unicorn, passing by unicorn several times.


When everyone was worried about the white MDS, Li Lin murmured in doubt and the smile on his face receded.

"Avoidance... a shot ahead?"

5.2 Mach’s chase is a world where human vision and thinking cannot intervene. Even if there is live broadcast, the information processed by the naked eye and the brain is only a few meteors crossing the sky, while exchanging light beams, while drawing magnificent lines in the sky War scrolls.

However, Li Lin can directly obtain on-site visual intelligence through the consciousness of being connected to the drone. In addition, through other means of surveillance, the drone overlooks the entire stratosphere from the height of the stratosphere through radar, optics, infrared, thermal induction, quantum observation, etc. On the battlefield, Roland and the drone can't escape his eyes with any tiny details. It is not an exaggeration to say that the whole process of the battle so far is under his control.

The so-called war, the so-called battle, is a life-and-death gambling for human beings, but it is a purely mathematical problem for Li Lin-fill in various algebras and symbols into the spaces that have been decided, and find the correct solution.

Relying on enthusiasm can't stop the enemy's group charge, relying on anger can not improve the penetration of the warhead, relying on sorrow can not improve the accuracy of the hit, and relying on happiness can not suppress the bleeding.

There is no sympathy or curiosity, and it has nothing to do with birth experience or the like, only the right and wrong, life and death-this is war, this is the battlefield.

However, this battlefield where everything is reasonable seems to be being eroded by something.

This unknown and unreasonable thing originated from Roland.

The performance of drones is stronger than humans.

There is no doubt about this, no matter how it is calculated, the conclusion will only be this one.

Fast, deadly, no lethality, no hesitation and hesitation. For humans, "vampire" drones are nearly invincible strong enemies, not to mention destruction, I am afraid that even the appearance and movement trajectory of the aircraft It has become a drone record without seeing clearly.

Roland actually shot it down a step faster than the drone's response, and successfully increased the avoidance rate.

This makes Li Lin feel more incredible than the drone itself.

It is true that Roland has an extraordinary intuition and can sense the murderousness of others and react in advance. It is with this innate talent that he can share the MDS elite trump card of the Defense Force, and survive in various pursuits and siege warfare, casting a shadow over the glory of many trump cards.

But drones will not be lethal.

Drones do not have the so-called feelings, they will only faithfully execute the set procedures, will not be excited by seeing the blood, will not be sad to witness death, and there is no so-called "killing intention". Besides, in the face of the sub-light speed particle beam emitted by the "vampire", the human intelligence processing ability has not even had time to produce the sense of "self-attack", and it has been burned to ashes by the high-heat particle beam.

Predict the behavior of drones, and react faster than drones? This is theoretically impossible, and impossible.

Reality categorically denies the theoretical wailing.

If it is not accurate to guess where the drone will appear, when it will fire and shoot, and take the first step to respond, it simply cannot explain this phenomenon. After comparing Roland's movements through omnidirectional and multi-angle observations, this is even more confirmed.

"If that's the case, I'm afraid... no, I will lose."

The highlight of the "vampire" drone is its high-speed maneuverability and haunting, and the relative price has been paid for it. In order to increase the fuselage load and maximum flight speed as much as possible, and at the same time to load weapons, the "vampire" armor was weakened to the extreme, almost a lighter flying in the sky with an apple skin wrapped around the engine and weapons. Not to mention beam weapons or missiles, even hitting a small stone or a bird can turn a "vampire" in high-speed flight into a firework in the sky.

Originally relying on the advantage of mobility is enough to make up for the lack of protection ability, but once the opponent can accurately predict the action of "vampire", then no matter how superior mobility, it is just used to bluff people.

"The question is, how did he do it?"


Impossible, let's not talk about the difficulty of intercepting quantum entangled communication. Encrypted quantum communication between drones wants to decrypt. At least a dozen advanced mathematicians and super quantum computers need to perform a week of calculations to simulate and decipher a small piece of information. . By that time, the information would have lost its value.

Parallel simulation thinking circuit?

impossible. This is a high-speed battle where almost no breathing gaps exist, and the processing of the message in front of us should approach the limit. Create parallel awareness to simulate and predict the action of the drone? Is this going to burn the brain?

"Both are impossible, and the rest is only—"

The quantum filter is expanded to search the brain quantum communication waves within a radius of 300 kilometers. Search Results: There is a communication channel that is continuously exchanging information with Roland. Because the secret level is higher, a higher level of computing authority is required~www.readwn.com~ Is it permitted?


There is no need to waste time deciphering those communications. Li Lin knows what the content of the communications is, even who is sending the information to Roland.

"Isn't this a good solidarity and cooperation? It seems that I want to express the meaning, they have a good grasp of it. I hope they can maintain this state all the time, betting on their lives to fight resistance."

Raising the corner of his mouth, Li Lin's thoughts sink into the huge sea of ​​computing again.


Sister Leia is immersed in a huge touch.

Through God’s point of view—in Li Lin’s words, a huge information exchange computing network constructed by concatenating other people’s conscious minds—observing everything that is happening with a wise spectator’s point of view, that high sense of omnipotence and omnipotence , Almost fainting that moved her.

If it's dizzy, it's good. But after all, it is still in combat, and at this time, it is really fainting. The self-consciousness is likely to be directly engulfed by the huge consciousness, then it will be the same as death.

In order to fulfill the long-cherished wish, in order to survive, in order to win, we must insist until the "that" is ready to complete.

Collect and record the operation of those "birds", and find out the attack patterns of those "birds" after repeated comparisons, or the designer's ideas and preferences, and finally combine the on-site environmental conditions to make a prediction of the "birds" actions Judgment, and then sent to the warring warriors in the sky through shared senses. Based on the on-site feedback and the opinions of the parties themselves, we constantly compare and improve the accuracy of the pre-judgment, and finally achieve a perfect prediction.

With the efforts of Leia, Roland and others can gradually reverse the situation.

But this is only temporary after all. If the situation cannot be fundamentally changed, this temporary advantage will only be short-lived.

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