Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1188: Twenty-five. Deadline (16)

The so-called opportunity is always fleeting.

The turning point of life, the victory or defeat of war, the trend of business warfare... Whenever a moment of decisive confrontation enters, there will always be fleeting opportunities. Whoever can seize the opportunity will finally stand on the ring and wave his fist, declaring himself a winner. .

The same is true of the duel in the human world, not to mention the confrontation between man and God.

If you want to cross the huge gap between the day and the earth, and break through the history and laws accumulated over thousands of years, don’t hesitate to gamble on the destiny of all mankind and the world, and devote a lot of life as a small gap created by the sacrifice, to In terms of time span, there is only a short moment.

Judging from the comparison of results, thousands of years of civilized history have caused collapse due to instantaneous behavior. Anyone will sigh for this.

Conversely, the moment before the unprecedented person and the future comer must have enough density and strength to break through all obstacles. If this necessary and sufficient moment is missed, all the long-cherished wishes, obsessions, prayers, and the lives of all relevant personnel will all be transformed. For bubbles.

Everyone-whatever his position, beliefs and values, as long as he is unwilling to bow to the future under Li Lin's dominance, he is fully aware of this. It is for this reason that in order to create a moment that can be realized for thousands of years, they not only laboriously, but also temporarily put aside their contradictions and work together.

Humans let go of their disputes and joined hands to fight against disasters and the invasion of inhuman things-this should be enough to make people cry. However, to the live participants such as Spider and Fafna, the scene in front of them was not only ironic, but also a little suspicious.

Only when human beings face the pressure of survival will they give up their previous suspicions. People who once fought each other stand in the same trench against common threats.

In such a scene, let's not talk about the third party watching, the parties themselves will feel too incredible, too unrealistic.

But the spider and Fafna don't care about these minutiae.

They weren't originally stubborn, and it didn't make much sense to complain about this kind of thing. At most, they smiled bitterly and shrugged. But the atmosphere they are in at this moment is not such a relaxed atmosphere.

The air is dignified.

As we approach the decisive battle, the atmosphere cannot naturally be relaxed, not to mention the people who can stay here for operations and be in charge of security are those who are qualified after repeated screening and verification. In front of the dense and tedious screening and selection mechanism, it is impossible for the lazy or unreliable people to pass the assessment, even if there are one or two guys who are lucky enough to break the table, they will be kicked in and will not be kicked in a long time. If you go out, you may evaporate if you are unlucky.

But the atmosphere that permeates the scene is not just tension.

A huge array of surgical techniques around a diameter of one kilometer is equipped with a variety of equipment, a large number of celestial crystals placed according to a specific sequence and geometric figures to maintain the effect of the surgical technique, and a huge surgical pattern suspended on the ground to outline complex graphics and text The array itself, the landscape intertwined with these delicate and complex objects is reminiscent of a solemn church or a sacred altar. The steam devices installed everywhere emit white steam successively, and the misty white mist is cast on the scene. A layer of mysterious tulle.

This exists only for killing the gods, and the place where it is supposed to be the most missed from the belief worship will have a sacred atmosphere. Is this accidental or is it a satire of fate to the challenger?

"...Humph, it seems to be going smoothly."

As if in order to drive off the unpleasant atmosphere, Fafna looked down at the surgical array and said in a low voice.

It is impossible to see the full picture of the surgical array from her location, and it is now impossible for such a critical juncture to fly to the sky or walk around under the supervision of church personnel. However, according to the composition of the surgical circuit, she can roughly guess the basic overview of the surgical method.

This is a very large consciousness connection technique.

The consciousness connection technique is an operation system application technique developed based on the communication technique. It was originally used to expand the capacity of consciousness and allow low-level magicians to use higher-order spells or to launch large-scale spells when the magician has insufficient manpower. Emergency measures. If you use it carelessly, it may cause huge physical and mental harm to the connector.

On the scale of the immediate technique, it is connected to the recent series of actions of the church. I am afraid that the consciousness of all officers and soldiers on the Rhine front will be linked to this technique. Although many soldiers were damaged by Li Lin’s attack just now, the appearance of the church surgeon at the scene calmly adjusting the operation of the operation method should not affect the overall operation start.

The main problem lies in the high complexity of the operation.

Complexity means poor controllability. The reason why large-scale surgical procedures are dangerous is because of this. The complexity and danger of such large-scale surgical procedures have increased exponentially. Especially when entering the final stage, the mana in the surgical circuit shows abnormal activation. At times, a highly resonant miracle can cause saturation. As long as a small error, it may cause a large-scale chain reaction, and the consequences are unimaginable. In the worst case, all the surrounding areas will be wiped out, even worse.

The brightness and complexity of the surgical circuit gradually increased, and the surrounding atmosphere became more and more tense.

"With the hands of people, do miracles...?"

The spider murmured softly.

As a realist, she has always had no affection on religion and miracles, and the actions of the church are even more suspicious in her eyes. Normally, her interest in connecting with this group of fanatics is lacking, not to mention betting on her life to guard this suspicious and weird giant technique.

This thing is very dangerous-from entering here, witnessing the creation of the spell, to the initial understanding of its function, the alarm in the spider's body has not stopped.

The goal of the church is to use the consciousness of everyone on the scene as a wedge, to resonate with human consciousness worldwide in a short period of time, which in turn triggers a huge miracle of world scale, and defeats the divine agent who has not transformed into a powerful force in one fell swoop.

This tactic is very reasonable, and it is currently the only tactic with feasibility and operability. Thanks to Li Lin's live broadcast and desperate show of strength to the world, humans all over the world unconsciously had a fear of Li Lin, and then derived the idea of ​​"hit that guy" from the fear. Now, as long as there is an opportunity, the collective consciousness that has begun to converge will induce a tremendous miracle that has never been seen before, and it will defeat the self-satisfied divine agent in one fell swoop.

Everything is being performed according to the set script, but the spider still can't calm down his inner doubts and uneasiness.

What is a so-called miracle?

In the eyes of the spider, this ongoing operation, and what the church wants to accomplish, does not seem to be like "the hope made by condensing the wishes of mankind in order to expel the curse". It is more like attacking poison with poison-in order to expel evil violent things, enable more evil things to fight against.

Can such a thing really overwhelm Li Lin?

"It's... something that people can't worry about."

Fafna on the side also whispered uneasy thoughts.

With such a huge risk, what kind of miracle will be the result-so far, Favna and they still know nothing about it. Of course, they knew the importance of keeping secrets secret and how awful the intelligence network in Alfheim was. But think about the church’s set of diplomatic rhetoric that does not change over the years, and then think about facing Li Lin’s opponents. The so-called posture of mutual restraint and guarding against each other within the alliance, the urge to sigh cannot stop. Come up.

"Oh...you're saying that again."

A wry voice came.

Fafna and the spider turned their faces together, and in front of their eyes stood the smiling Lady Ji Aier with a standard smile. Within half a step behind her, the two guards stood hand in hand.

Maybe it was to show sincerity, maybe it was to know the strength of the two girls, or it was really desperate about the reliability of the imitation automatic weapons, neither **** carried weapons. But even if they are defenseless, these guards still have the ability to complete their tasks. If necessary, they can even turn into bombs without hesitation and involve everything around them in an explosion.

"Because it is such an opponent that is equivalent to a natural disaster, we cannot fight against it with human power alone, so we have to reach out to the miracle. Even if it comes in chaos, no matter what means, the choice before us is only this one. ."

"……I know."

Favna frowned slightly and nodded gently.

This is the conclusion drawn after repeating the discussion hundreds of times. Even if the discussion is repeated thousands of tens of thousands of times, the result is the same.

In this world, there is no way to reach Li Lin with the help of a miracle~www.readwn.com~.

Dominate the world with an overwhelming force, and realize the perpetual cycle of the world’s torrent—a transcendental species that was born only for this purpose, rather than being treated as a creature or an individual, it is better to say that it is a law, an invincible truth. No matter how powerful and wise human beings are, it is impossible to subvert the established law-let the river flow backward, let the sun rise from the west, and let the ripe apple fly to the sky instead of falling to the ground.

"Once that guy's dominance system is established, I don't think anyone dares to stand up again?"

"……no doubt."

Fafna nodded slightly and asked in a slightly suspicious tone:

"Our only concern is whether the miracles you prayed for, as you said, have the power to break through even the defense of God."

"You can rest assured about this."

Ji Aier's smile became deeper.

"There is nothing that will not end, nor anything that will not be destroyed. Everything is destined to disappear because of its existence, and even intangible things are no exception. As long as it is something that exists, even God will surely usher in destruction. The miracle that will be revealed next is the final miracle of death for the gods. No matter what kind of **** or agent, it is impossible to withstand this blow."

"Just by word of mouth--"

"Not just verbal."

The old but energetic voice sounded, and Favna and the spider deflected their eyes again. When the half-old man wearing the gorgeous white robe and wearing the triple crown appeared in front of him, the girls held their breath at the same time.

"Miss, please join us in witnessing the divine moment of theocracy."

The supposedly dead man smiled happily.


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