Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1194: Twenty-five. Deadline(20)

Li Lin is perfect.

His existence seems to explain what the so-called "perfect" should look like, in order to show the world what the height of the individual and even the race can't reach.

It has to be said that even if the state of mind is good, after seeing the power that surpasses the miracle, and seeing the posture like the artwork created by the gods, there is only the reaction of despair, jealousy, and resentment.

The so-called perfection is so dreadful that it probably means him like that.

However, it is because of perfection and the pursuit of correctness and high efficiency that everything is the first priority, only to leave gaps that can be used for strategy, and there are still three places.

Li Lin’s basic tactics are defensive counterattacks. On the basis of not causing irreparable damage to the environment, he observes the tactics and actions of the target, formulates the most reasonable tactical countermeasures, and then adjusts and revises the results according to the actual implementation.

The most terrifying thing in this tactic is the speed at which Li Lin processes and analyzes information.

Analyze the information, predict the development of the battle situation, adjust the enemy or your own deficiencies, and guide the direction of the war-just like playing chess, the party that can calculate the future direction faster, longer, and more accurately will win. But when humans calculated three moves, Li Lin had already calculated all the remaining moves, and even started to calculate the next game. With this alone, Li Lin won the game.

This is what Roland is aiming for.

War is not a chess board. No matter how precise and brilliant the plan is, on the battlefield, due to various unexpected accidents, problems in execution, errors in information omissions, pure accidents, and other "uncontrollable frictions", the battle situation has developed rapidly Out of the control of planners and executors.

It can eliminate these interferences, predict the battlefield changes with great accuracy, and make the best response. It is necessary to grab massive amounts of information, analyze and calculate it.

There is a problem.

——Priority level of information processing.

When dealing with intelligence, a paradox is often encountered. Should I give priority to confirming the authenticity of the information? Or even if it is not correct, I must immediately tell where there is a problem?

The commanding class prefers the former, while the front-line officers and soldiers desire the latter. Such deviations are mainly caused by different positions on both sides. As a commander, you must consider that it is very difficult to temporarily adjust the direction and deployment of large-scale troops once they start operations, and sometimes even cause confusion. Therefore, they are more inclined to the accuracy of intelligence than the speed of intelligence. The soldiers on the front line, fighting with guns and bullets, pay more attention to whether they can get the information in time, because it is directly related to their life and death. It should be said that there is no problem between the two. Basically, as long as the military structure is sound, the internal division of labor is clear, and the two tendencies do not overlap, there will be no paradox.

However, as the top commander of the Defense Forces of Alfheim, Li Lin personally appeared on the battlefield and singled out the coalition forces of Charlemagne and the Church. This behavior undoubtedly broke the level barrier between the scene and the rear, that is, the commander is also a soldier on the scene. When the two identities are confused, there will inevitably be a "paradox of intelligence priority."

With Li Lin's computing power, it is still possible to cope with this degree of paradox. But there is a second problem here, his own strategic planning.

War is not an end, but a means.

After all, this grand farce-like power show is, in the final analysis, merely intimidating other nations by demonstrating power to establish a new order.

For this reason, it is more important to show strength as much as possible than to solve opponents efficiently and quickly so that the public can see the strength gap between the two sides as much as possible. This caused Li Lin to choose tactics only under this framework, increasing the probability of opponents predicting success.

For example, even if he knows that his opponent is preparing to press the bottom of the box, he will still choose to wait for the opponent to play this card, or urge the opponent to quickly play this card instead of hitting the killer before the opponent is ready to finish. To end everything easily. Only because crushing that ace in front of everyone can achieve a deterrent effect.

In another example, when the opponent has been forced to the corner of the dead end, because suddenly a person made an unexpectedly good performance. He didn't concentrate on dealing with the weak opponent first, and then concentrated his efforts to deal with the strong enemy. It's like losing interest in the weak, throwing away targets that can be forced to death with just one breath, and turning around to deal with new enemies.

These are all actions that do not conform to the basic tactical principle of "concentrating forces to quickly attack opponents." However, if combined with the intention behind the war, it seems very reasonable.

After all, war is a continuation of politics. This is the major premise of everything.

"...What you do is really correct and reasonable. Even the most demanding people can't pick out your mistakes. However, you are too correct and too reasonable. As long as you understand your purpose, Your direction of action is easy to predict, and it’s easier to respond!"

Roland roared loudly through the storm of energy.

The distance from the exit of the space channel to the location of Roland is no more than a few hundred meters. Compared with the maximum range of the "third impact", this distance is almost equal to zero. Even if the power and speed are slightly reduced due to the air barrier, it is only a negligible loss. The huge energy flow is still interlaced in the sky at a speed that humans cannot react to.

But the "third impact" that was supposed to wipe out the opponent in one blow failed one after another, each time passing by Roland by a few centimetres and disappearing across the sky.

It's like reading the opponent's "breath", predicting the opponent's movements, and grabbing the opponent's shot to evade the moment.

This is impossible.

Li Lin has no intention of killing, no guilt, and no so-called touch and excitement. Once in combat, there are no so-called "individuals" or "individuals" in his eyes, and only humanoid targets with labels such as "target", "priority target", and "non-target" remain in his vision. He just carried out the corresponding processing according to the established processing flow, and there is no emotion in it, so there is no so-called murderousness. The kind of trick that predicts the timing of the opponent's emotional thinking by sensing the fluctuation of the opponent's emotions has no effect on Li Lin.

There is only one reason why he can catch up with Li Lin's speed, even one step ahead of him.

"...You probably already guessed it, no, it was in your calculations at the beginning. Assemble all the prayers to create a miracle that has never been seen before, and then use your own power to destroy this miracle, terror and despair. The seeds are buried deep in everyone's heart-this is your script outline. You will not think of'gathering a large number of prayers will not only increase the power of large miracles, but also increase the various abilities of individual miracle users. If you predict this, you decide to make full use of this, fully mobilize the tension in the scene, and let more hope fill the balloon of "miracle", so that the greater the counter-effect when the balloon is detonated, it is Right!"

The world in front of Roland is very clear and wide.

It was not a description or a metaphor. It was something he had experienced personally, and it was a very different field than he had so far.

There is a birch tree one kilometer below the foot. Under the wind, the big tree was shaking and the leaves were flying all over the sky.

In Roland’s eyes, the attitude of each leaf as it dances is clearly visible, the flowers and trees, the rocks and the water, the conversational actions of the crowd, the attitude of the missile and the beam flight-all under his observation, and the trend of everything .

Where do the general and intertwined things go, and how they relate. A butterfly on the opposite side of the mainland is flapping its wings. The breeze generated under the wings of the butterfly undergoes a series of superimposed associations, which eventually triggers a storm on the other side-a transitional phenomenon in which countless elements are superimposed on each other.

Observing these phenomena, he grasped the current of the world and avoided Li Lin's attack.

In contrast, Li Lin is also inducing that current to create gaps and dead ends in thinking, and then counters opponents.

Comparing the two, although Li Lin is subject to various constraints and cannot fully take advantage of its computational efficiency, it is not impossible for him to surpass Roland's current computational accuracy and speed.

The reason for not doing that is as Roland said. This is already in Li Lin's script. Of course, he doesn't need to destroy his script.

"Under such a mess of confusion, he can still hang his opponent fancyly... he can do this kind of thing."

With this alone, Li Lin is enough to be called the strongest existence ever.

"It might be impossible to overpower him from strength. Even if you give one thousand more years of preparation, you may not be able to achieve it. But the so-called victory~www.readwn.com~ or the victory of mankind, I don’t see it. You have to do it in a way of'playing beyond the kind'. In turn, there is only one kind of victory for you."

God is not wrong, always correct, and will not die or change, so it is called God. In terms of results, God should be omnipotent and absolute, and always exist in the right direction.

Therefore, in the battle between God and man, there is only one way for God to win.

There are no scars and a complete overwhelming victory.

"Suppress the whole world with one's own strength-to achieve this goal, you must achieve that kind of harsh victory. Any other form, even if it is only a small scrape,'Human touched God , And the fact that it left a scar on God will also become unshakable. From the moment of injury, Siegfried Otto Li Lin is no longer absolute, and the “new order” is no longer rock-solid. Once the seeds of'overthrowing God's dictatorship' are planted, it will not be so easy to eradicate it."

This is the last and the biggest flaw.

Roland knew the above three flaws, and Li Lin knew. The fierce offensive and defensive actions of the two sides revolved around these three flaws until the moment of final victory came. And this moment came earlier than Roland expected.

As if to have received apocalypse, it was like the appearance of some kind of miracle. The raging storm subsided, the lightning that ripped the sky and the earth disappeared, and the sky returned to the clear blue.

At the next moment, a crimson ray of light descended from the sky and pierced straight at the agent.

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