Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1195: Twenty-five. Deadline (21)

When the crimson light appeared in the field of vision, everyone immediately understood "that is absolutely unusual."

Speaking of understanding, but not the cognition obtained through intellectual observation and calculation. But from a deeper level of consciousness, "something" that reaches the root of the soul directly injects the answer of "unusual" into his own cognition. Just a glance, everyone already knew what kind of miracle it was, and many people even fell into tears.

That is the most famous miracle in many stories of the canon—that is, the savior's sentence.

After the savior who was betrayed by the betrayal with 30 silver coins was crucified, the soldier responsible for execution executed a lance to pierce the savior's flanks to confirm whether the savior died. It is said that the soldiers who were splashed by the blood of the savior were convinced that the savior was the son of God, and later they were baptized.

The soldier's name is Lankinus, and the spear that pierced the savior's body is called the Lankinus gun.

This is the only "sacred thing to kill God" recognized by holy books and church theologians. For ordinary people, Longinus is synonymous with "killing the gods".

Burning the crimson light that is even inferior to the flaming lava, the spear descended from the sky forcibly tore the turbulent energy and the gust of wind and lightning, while advancing straight, while bringing the quiet sky back to the world.

——The Scripture has cloud:

Longinus, who was originally the executioner, saw the miracle that accompanied the death of the savior and embarked on the road of faith.

The crimson spear is extremely fast, but it is no faster than the speed of light, and it is not faster than the "wall of sigh". The crimson light hit the golden regular octagonal light film straight.

——The Scripture has cloud:

When the savior lost his life, in the eyes of St. Rankinus, the sun lost its light, the rock shattered, and the earth tore itself by the sadness.

Now, too.

The direct impact of a hydrogen bomb with hundreds of millions of tons of TNT explosion equivalent at zero distance will not shake the "wall of sigh", even God only sighs in front of this golden wall.

At this moment, a crack appeared on the golden light film that was impacted by the Lankinus gun.


The roar resembling shattered glass rang through the sky. At this moment, the whole Rhine shook and the world was amazed.

The surface of the "sigh wall" that should be able to withstand any energy and physical attack is covered with cracks like spider webs. The roots of the plant begin to infiltrate into the next layer of "sigh wall". Within less than a second, the cracks have crawled All fourteen layers of "wall of sighs", golden light film peeled off and collapsed like broken glass.

After breaking through the Wall of Sighs, the speed and momentum were not reduced, and the red spear pierced at full speed to Li Lin who was unprepared and did not dodge at all.

-Can do it.

-This blow works!

-Finally defeated that monster!

-The age of God is coming to an end!

Countless people clenched their fists, and hundreds of thoughts turned into a cry from the same voice.

The cry of mixed joy and panic spreads and resonates throughout the world, and is about to turn into a loud noise that shakes the trend of the times, and time solidifies.

This is a metaphor and a reality.

Excitement, trance, piety, weeping with joy, cheering and cheering-witnessing the miracle and witnessing the moment when humans defeated the gods, the emotions and impact brought by the thousands of expressions, and will soon be transformed into a variety of shouting cheers and dancing Occasion. People's expressions are frozen at this moment.

This is not really time to stop. It's just that when people are about to usher in an unprecedented shocking historical moment, they suddenly encounter too abrupt, and even deviate from all the knowledge, theory, and even imagined reversal pictures that they recognize, and the emotional processing function cannot accept this. Reality, which leads to dysfunction of body movements, looks like it was frozen at that moment. However, the scene that caused them to look like this is somewhat similar to time stillness.

The spear with a gleaming red light did not disappear. The light that was brighter than blood and deeper than dusk still shone in the sky of the Rhine.

The light remained the same, the power was not reduced, but he stopped moving forward and hovered motionlessly in front of Li Lin's forehead less than three meters.

Suddenly stopped as if meeting an invisible wall.

"Lankinus gun. Killing the miracle of God. You really did not disappoint me. If it is this miracle, once the target is stabbed, whether it is a **** or a divine agent, I am afraid that it will really die. Maybe. -"

The red pupil and the crimson spear intersect, and the handsome face raises a playful smile.

"No matter how powerful the attack, it doesn't make sense to miss it."

Roland and the church know what restrictions Li Lin is subject to, and what tactical policies will be set against these restrictions-as Roland expected, Li Lin is not only well-informed, but also incorporated into his own script.

It is easy to succumb to the moment with strength, but it is only momentary after all. Using candy and whip to restrain can get relatively long stability, but eventually it will gradually get out of order. If you want to completely control people's hearts, even if time goes by, no one dares to challenge the order. Only by absolute power... the power of God.

Through the live broadcast of this duel between God and man, the world will show "absolute existence and power". Let everyone realize the concepts of "in front of the gods and their messengers, no matter how strong human beings are but ants", "whatever you do, you can't resist", "how hard you can't change the status of subordination", etc., when these concepts are in your heart When Li is deeply rooted and accepted by people as a phenomenon, the new order will stand firm.

This is the interpretation of the real purpose behind Li Lin by Roland and the church. From a political and strategic perspective, their inferences are completely reasonable. Switching to someone else in their position, they may not be able to make any smarter inferences, let alone find that the goals derived above are just incidental additions to Li Lin. The real goal is deeper , Fundamental things.

That's right, the real goal of this so-called "duel" is to increasingly show the awakening and activation of the group's unconsciousness-Alaya.

Human beings as individuals and organizations as groups, such as the army and the country, are not threats to Li Lin and the mother goddess. However, as the root of the common consciousness of human beings and all the intelligent life, it can be called the ultimate safety device born of the overall will of intelligent life as a prayer to avoid destruction and continue the population. Once Alaya’s knowledge is successfully activated, the strategies constructed so far will be overturned. No matter whether Li Lin and the mother **** behind him are willing, they must make a choice-to let go of the control of the world, and Creations and their group consciousness coexist; or do not hesitate to cause tremendous damage to the environment, but also to eradicate the intelligent species, reopen all civilizations, and start everything from scratch.

For that kind of thing, for the mother goddess, it is not a matter of complaining about "very troublesome".

Therefore, the church is constantly stimulating the subconscious of the group to obtain a miracle, it is necessary to use the status quo to spread the seeds of "cannot resist" to the maximum, and then re-block the Alaya that has appeared signs of activation awakening.

So there was this "duel."

"As a final struggle, this is really a masterpiece, and I have to give praise and applause."

Applause and smiles knocked on everyone's hearts, and people who fell into frustration, despair, regret, and remorse did not find that Li Lin's speech did not mean ridicule, only the true indifference.

This can be called a bet on the fate of humanity, and indeed the title of "masterpiece" can be obtained. After all, this blow not only completely broke through the "sighing wall", but even Li Lin pressed the bottom of the box.

It was a super puzzle that once plagued countless wise men. It was the product of unremitting exploration of wisdom and possibility. It was also the attempt of human beings to evolve into a god. It was the gesture that the gods raised in people's hearts showed in the form of concepts. .

The four great beasts of science-this is the nickname people have for these concepts.

Zeno's turtle

Schrodinger's cat;

Laplace demon

Maxwell Devil;

These four paradox concepts, which were given the title of "Divine Beast", respectively correspond to the second laws of calculus, quantum mechanics, classical mechanics, and thermodynamics, and the ability to be closely related to "Four Divine Beast" is Li Lin's trump card.

It was "Zeno's turtle" that trapped the Lankinus gun.

Zeno's turtle is also called Zeno's paradox. In the 5th century BC, Zeno, a famous mathematician and philosopher of the Elia School, once proposed a series of paradoxes~www.readwn.com~These paradoxes are widely circulated. Among them, the most famous and most frequently cited are "Achilles and Turtle Race" and "Feiya Fudo". Both paradoxes are inextricably linked to time and space. And Li Lin’s ability to exert is precisely the use of Zeno’s paradox. With Li Lin as the center, the finite time within a radius of 3 meters is divided into infinite. On the time axis of the determined direction, the motion of the object will be Present a static state.

Beams of light moving forward at high speed, rockets flying at supersonic speed, bullets released from the bore, and even the miracle of killing gods-all can't pass the high wall of this time, only frozen in an infinitely divided limited time.

"Since you have worked hard to play the final trump card, it is too much to make this gun of killing gods so ornamental. Besides, it is not appropriate to abuse such miracles, isn't it? Words—This generation is an evil generation, and they ask for miracles. There are no miracles other than Jonah’s (Luke 11:29). If so, let me say— —”

The slender palm stretched forward, as if to hold the whole world in your hand, gently grasp it.

"God will not roll the dice ()."

In an instant, with Li Lin as the center, a strong sense of distortion swept the entire battlefield.

People outside Li Lin may think that it is a strong sense of disobedience that distorts the world.

In fact, on the contrary, from Li Lin’s standpoint, that is the power to correct the distorted world.

One of the four trump cards, Laplace demon, is launched.

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