Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1196: Twenty-five. Deadline (22)

The old man wearing a white robe and a triple crown looked up to the sky. A rosy face that was still a few minutes ago showed a layer of gray symbolizing decay, always with a smiley mouth squeezed into a word and staring. The eyes of the sky have no focus.

Until the last moment, everything was smooth.

The condition for the priesthood to perform miracles is people's beliefs. Unconscious beliefs will pull miracles formed from the saint's anecdotes into reality.

Therefore, from a more rigorous academic point of view, the priesthood does not initiate a miracle, but many faiths and prayers start a miracle. The priesthood is a medium through which more effective absorption and use of the "power" formed by many consciousnesses, through numerous trials in hypothetical reality, imitate and successfully reproduce the miracle in the anecdote story-this is the priesthood The basic principle of clothing.

In the same way, if we can get more powerful "power", we can imitate and reproduce more powerful miracles.

Taking the Rhine front as a fulcrum, and taking advantage of the opportunity that the whole world can directly watch the whole process of the battle, it induces the dissatisfaction of all human beings on the fact that "they are dominated by inhuman things", which further induces resonance of thinking.

When many resonating beliefs and thoughts converged on the Rhine, this battlefield became a huge temple.

People’s beliefs and prayers, even in an unconscious state, will circulate in the huge array of spells constructed by the church, repeatedly refined and compressed, and injected into the Lankinus gun, eventually stabbing the monster that intends to come to humanity. wear.

-It should have been this way.

It's only a little short of success.

The Lankinus gun did not live up to expectations. The "wall of sighs" that had never been insurmountable was like glass in front of the Lankinus gun, shattered at the touch. Even the net of fire, which seemed to have no ends or gaps, could not stop the gun of killing God.

But at a distance of less than one metre from the monster's heart, the Lankinus gun that should have been advancing stopped at a mile before the end.

Do not.

This is not the case.

If it is a desperate endeavor, it will eventually collapse due to unpredictable accidents, which may be frankly accepted. But... all of this in front of me has long been in the bastard's plan. All the efforts, struggles, enlightenment, and abandonment are all just comics on stage in his palm. Every line and every action has been written in the script from the beginning. Everyone just staged a comedy that thought they were acting according to their own will.

This fact makes people feel more "desperate" than any humiliation and blow.

"This... this kind of thing..."

The voice overflowing from the lips was full of fear and trembling.

If everything accumulated so far, including every bit of detail in life, is just a script written by someone, even gambling on life and consciousness, and even sacrificing many of the revolts raised is only a link in the script. So, what is the meaning of your own life? What is yourself? What is the so-called will and self?

The so-called person, is it such a worthless existence? Only worthy to dance in someone's palm?

"To win..."

It is impossible and impossible to win the kind of "absolute existence" in the true sense.

This kind of thing-

"No no no no--!!!!!!"

The pope shouted in denial of his conclusion.

"It's just bluff!! We haven't lost yet!! The Lankinus gun is still there!!! As long as he disarms his defense, it's his death!!!!"

Even if it is very clear in the heart, the words spoken from one's mouth are illogical and unfounded, purely strong emotions burst into language. Whether you say it or not, there will be no change in the result.

However, after all, human beings are not completely rational.

He was right and truly fighting towards victory, but at this moment he was forced into desperation, not to mention an extremely cruel truth in front of him. No one can accept it, and it will definitely break out on the spot.

Of course, the wicked pope has already prepared several battle plans. However, since even the strongest ace Longinus gun can't win Li Lin, what other strategies can be formulated with human wisdom?

At this moment, all they can do is vent their emotions, and then pray that what they say can become a reality.

After all, reality is not a kind and kind god, and for those bereaved dogs, reality will only show the cruel side.

"The gods will not roll the dice."

When the famous saying of the famous science master was spoken by Li Linzhi, the huge invisible box was closed, and an invisible strong wave swept across the Rhine front. The terrifying ability called "Laplace Demon" dominated the entire battlefield.

The first thing that shows effects is always attractive.

The lines of bright red light all over the body of the Lankinus gun, like human blood vessels, disappeared instantly without a trace. The speed of the light faded so fast that people had no time to react to what happened and could only look at it dumbly. The gun of killing God broke down and shattered until it became a ray of dust in the breeze.

"This is..."

A Charlemagne soldier who still failed to understand the situation whispered, and suddenly a gunshot came, and the impact through the chest turned into burning pain, and then quickly flowed out of the body along with the spurting blood and heat. The faceless soldier turned his face, and the panicked face in the robe and the smoky firearm became the last sight he saw.

The soldier who fired the gun hurried forward, trying to help his comrades and check his injury. Suddenly the foot slipped, and the whole person fell forward. A sharp piece of wood exposed to the ground accurately penetrated his open mouth, and the wood stained with the brain marrow and blood came out from behind the brain.

The soldiers who were stimulated by two consecutive unfortunate incidents took a subconscious step back. They hurriedly drew a cross on their chests and were about to pray for the comrades who had died in misfortune. A bomb in a grenadier's backpack It exploded...

There are unfortunate accidents everywhere, one after another, and every minute and every second someone is killed in an inexplicable "accident". In less than a minute, the Rhine Front, which was already like hell, has been turned into an exhibition of accidents and an exhibition of horrible corpses. Even the horror movies of serial death are dwarfed by comparison.

Moreover, this is only part of the problem, and sudden anomalies are much more than that.

"Favona, you..."

The spider looked at the golden dragon lying on the ground in front of his eyes in amazement. In a blink of an eye, the giant magic array of a kilometer circle disappeared, and the dragon princess also became this look. Look again at the panic of the magicians in the surrounding church, the Atoners. A speculation crossed her mind.

"Magic... disappeared?"

Inadvertent speculation is almost in the middle of the bullseye.

It is not just magic that disappears.

All "unreasonable", "possible", "accidental"-all were eliminated at the moment Li Lin launched the Laplace demon.

The Laplace demon (Dé) is a French mathematician Pierre-Simon Laplace who absorbed the concept of Pythagoras "everything is everything", combined with the essence of celestial mechanics, probability theory and other ideas in 1814 A hypothesis. This "demon" knows the exact position and momentum of each atom in the universe, and can use Newton's law to show the entire process of the universe's events, past and future.

With the development of thermodynamics and quantum mechanics, the concept of Laplace demon has been rejected by Kelvin and Heisenberg. However, this classic paradox that should be buried in the history of physics has become Li Lin's four trump cards. First, it is the strongest and the most troublesome trump card.

The law of cause and effect is not applicable in the microcosm full of chaos. If you want to intervene in the microcosm, it will be a huge issue for Li Lin.

However, in a limited enclosed space, it is possible to implement "specific rules".

Now the entire Rhine front has been locked in a cage called the "Laplace Box". The world in this invisible box is different from the outside.

First of all, the world inside the "box" is already the "normal world" that Li Lin recognizes.

Here is a space where things fall from top to bottom, and the law of course is fully applicable.

No one here can fly in the air without the aid of tools, freehand launching fireballs and other "impossible things" space.

At the moment of launch, the random number named "Magic" completely disappeared from the battlefield~www.readwn.com~ Secondly, in this space, fate and order are absolute.

In this space, Li Lin is the absolute **** of destiny. When and where will there be a butterfly flapping its wings, and what kind of storms will be catalyzed by what factors-these are all under Li Lin's control.

In other words, the accidents happening one after another are not "accidental" but "absolute necessity".

The slender hands of the artwork are raised gently, and the hands sway like dance. With each swing, the waves of mourning and roar rise and fall.

At this moment, all the people who were standing on the Rhine-fronted soil soaked with blood and brain marrow became a musical instrument. Hell symphony was played in unison with the command gesture of the agent of God.

In the unsullied sky, **** is at the foot, Li Lin sings the ballad in a low voice.

"The supreme honor, the magnificent fate of the waves, is not something I can control after all.

I look forward to it earnestly, what I get is-I lose all hope.

No longer melancholy, he moved Qin Xuan and sang a sad song.

The fateful blow, even the most powerful person, was also broken into pieces..."

God does not roll dice.

God just silently wrote the destiny of everyone and the world.

In the face of absolute destiny, everything is meaningless.

"War is dedicated to angels, rest is dedicated to soldiers."

The hand that directed the **** symphony slowly lowered, and the reopened red pupil reflected the approaching white body.

"Don't you think this is the right destination? Roland?"

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