Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1199: Twenty-five. Deadline(24)

The battlefield was suddenly quiet.

The strong wind stopped roaring, the earth no longer roared, and the dark clouds formed by condensed doom and misfortune dispersed. The dazzling sunlight and the boundless sky appeared again above people's heads. The light curtain that broke through the heavy clouds even made people feel that they had passed the trial of **** and once again received God's pity and salvation. The people who witnessed this scene through the live broadcast were all convinced by the sacred atmosphere. The people who were no longer tortured by various accidents and disasters on the scene fell under the ray of light and prayed prayerfully.

Legend has it that the messenger of God came to the world and conveyed the oracle to God's people or selected prophets. This is probably the same situation.

Looking up at the sky, in the gap between the heavy clouds, under the clear sky, people saw angels spreading their wings.

The angel is smiling.

Very sad.

The ordinary, transparent smile will soon disappear.

That's all, the crowd understands.

It was a pity smile thrown at the dull people from the other side that he could not understand.

Very beautiful, but also extremely cruel.

Because it was the angel of death who declared death and judgment, the quietness and peace at the moment was just a sign before the arrival of a larger storm.

Under the sacred appearance, a series of inorganic sounds are rapidly exchanging messages, brewing a huge disaster.

——Confirm status.

——The collection of the feedback data of each terminal's response to the crowd is completed.

——Analyze and organize the data.

-Take the response of 200,000 randomly selected subjects as a reference.

——93.2% of human psychology conforms to the 74th mental state.

——Good health.

-It is recommended to enter the second battle form.





——Confirm to enter the final stage of the operation, and start the second battle form.

——Activate the secret code "Hydra" (Hydra).

——Confirmed by secret code and started

With a click, a large area of ​​cracks appeared in the wings behind Li Lin.

It was black mist erupting from the cracked crack.

It was darker than night and stranger than shadow, as if the bottomless abyss, black mist-like material quickly spread radially from the cracks of the "wing of death".

The true face of those black mists is silicon-based lifeforms at the nanometer level. These unusually tiny lifeforms are usually responsible for constructing circuits, forming weapons, or propelling power units. This is the time for them to show their "original power".

The basic purpose of nano-mechanical insects is to reorganize the material structure from the micro level, just like alchemy to turn stones into gold, and reorganize the genetic information of the organism to promote species variation. There are also uses like the "Boiling Mirror World" that consumes everything with explosive appreciation. It can be said that the "initial usage" is actually used to make "giant multifunctional machinery", that is, military and civilian things such as giant robots and giant machine monsters.

Through controllable self-proliferation and material reorganization, various giant machines are combined on site to meet various changing needs. For example, the deep sea with complicated sea conditions, high-temperature and high-pressure ground, vacuum universe, etc. Through nano-machine worms to form a variety of construction machinery and weapons, to relieve the pressure of scheduling and logistics.

In other words, as long as the energy is sufficient, it is not difficult to construct a giant monster that only exists in science fiction movies with mechanical nanoworms.

Li Lin, whose core is the semi-permanent machine "retreat furnace", does not lack energy. After receiving the activation code, the nano-mechanical insect swarm will be released to the outside world, undergo large-scale proliferation and reorganization, and combine a brand-new gesture- -That is the second battle form in Li Linkou.

Li Lin in the human form is generally called a conventional form or a suppression form. Its main task is to deal with various combat missions in the atmosphere. The weapon configuration and characteristics are more inclined to suppression than annihilation (in terms of designers' standards) . Overall, although there is enough power to destroy the entire ecosystem, it can perfectly control the intensity, thereby ensuring the efficient use of power and reducing the damage to the environment to an acceptable range.

The main combat object of the second battle form is set as "enemy with the size of a space fleet", facing opponents who can make space jumps and smash asteroids as mass bombs to destroy cosmic colonies and terrestrial planets. This attitude emphasizes destructive power more than controlling power. In order to strengthen the output of firepower and form interference ability, and face multiple powerful enemy siege at the same time, you must have a bigger body.

Huge... a body like a fortress.

"Since ancient times, all culture circles have circulated the saying of "invincible". No matter what kind of cultural system and religious belief, everyone is very consistent on this point."

The dense black fog completely enveloped Li Lin, and the brain quantum waves directly injected into Roland's brain were like whispers from another world.

"Everyone thinks they are just and expects to be a'righteous partner' who can overcome evil. Just a thousand people have a thousand kinds of justice and a thousand different kinds of madness, so how to distinguish'who Is it true justice?? The answer is simple, of course, the difference between victory and defeat is of course. The talent who wins is justice, and what the loser does is naturally unjust."

A king defeated.

Weak meat and strong food.

Truth that has not changed since ancient times.

"Heartbeat speed up~www.readwn.com~ There are also signs of disorder in the brain quantum waves. Are you confused? Or is this conclusion unacceptable and unacceptable? Don't worry."

The black mist began to expand at a rapid speed. I don't know when, FAU also cut off the traction beam and fell into the embrace of black mist. Dragging the rainbow phosphorescence pouring out again, the "unicorn" pulled away from the black mist mass at full speed.

The constantly expanding and rolling black mist is like an abyss monster that keeps making laughter, and the voice of ridicule grips Roland tightly.

"In the future without choice, there is no need to worry at all."

The black mist spread like a blast in one breath. Within a minute, everything within 30 kilometers in diameter was shrouded in darkness that was darker than midnight. The sky, the earth, the hills, the dead, the living who had no time to escape Sink into the dark mist. After a few screams, everything in the dark mist is silent. The nano-machine worm quickly decomposes organic and inorganic substances, converts energy, multiplies the same kind, and forms part of a huge body.

"Feel glorious! In the past, when I battled with Lenado Dalk, I won in a normal form and won a lot. Is there not much chance of seeing this form? Just think of this experience as all your efforts Appreciate, accept gratefully, and then embrace those naive and childish ideals to die!"

As soon as the voice fell, the faucet of nine small hills detected black mist, and nine pairs of red eyes gazed at the beings of the earth. As the nine dragon heads roared together with earth-shattering screams, people understood from their hearts what it means to fight with the existence above mankind, the divine agent.

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