Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1200: Twenty-five. Deadline(25)


One of the most sturdy monsters in Greek mythology, its fierceness index may even exceed that of many brothers and sisters, including the watchdog of the Hades, Gerberus, and chase him directly (can shut Zeus in a small black house, When the gods of Olympia were slammed until they dared not go home, this ferocious index looked at the Greek mythology, that is, the father of the monster, and neither the Titan Titan nor the Mother Earth had done so.) In the hunting career of a Hercules with both IQ and EQ, this nine-headed dragon (in fact, whether Hydera is a dragon or a snake is actually controversial. In ancient Western languages ​​and ancient mythology, snakes and dragons are often The same thing, Hydera appeared in the movie "Percy Jackson and the Fire Thief" is also closer to the dragon than the snake.) is the only monster he needs others to help to kill. And in the end, the big barbarian also died under Hydera's venom. It can be said that this monster with nine heads laughed to the end.

In addition to Greece, there are legends of Hydra or Hydra in all countries in the world. For example, there are totems of the Hydra God Naga in ancient Cambodian architecture. There are also legends of Hydra in ancient China, namely the ancient fierce **** Xiangliu and Nine-headed snake and nine babies. In the Christian culture, there are seven-headed snakes that are enemies against God, and Japan also has the Baqi snake. The **** of the thousand snakes in India simply has more than a thousand heads. Not incomprehensible...). It can be said that since ancient times, the giant multi-headed dragon or snake has been a lingering nightmare in people's hearts, and it can be called a symbol of great disaster.

Li Lin's second battle form is exactly a huge nine-headed dragon. No hands, feet and claws, no body, no wings, and the smooth and shiny black crystal constructs a weird shape like a dragon head and an octopus wrist and foot. It is daunting. 9 pairs of **** eyes gaze at the creatures below.

Compared with styling, it is even more dizzy or even daunting because of its huge size. The nine faucets spread out on the ground to form a radial pattern covering an area of ​​15 kilometers in diameter. If any faucet raises its head and raises its head, it will rush to a height of 4 to 5 kilometers. At a distance of tens of kilometers, people can also see the penetration. The black giant pillars between the clouds-in front of such a huge size, people can only feel fear and despair.

There are many ways to make people feel shocked by shocks. The most direct and effective way is to show the difference in size between the two sides.

For example, no one would imagine ants, mice, etc. as absolutes that far surpass themselves. These are just objects that you can trample on and destroy at will, and you can't connect with the concept of "absolutely powerful".

As an "incarnation of powerful forces" that can be easily understood, God or God's surrogate must finally appear on the stage with a huge image to be easily accepted.

One step on the ground can cause the ground to collapse and the mountains and rivers to break;

Random movements will cause towering skyscrapers to fall to the ground and turn into rubble;

Ordinary breathing is like a gust of wind and thunder billowing to a tiny human;

I don’t know if it’s intentional or unintentional. People always look for such easy-to-understand and overwhelming power in gods. In order to persuade myself to accept the unreasonable and unfair fate in the face of it-in front of God, he is only one of hundreds of millions of dust, and God does not particularly treat any dust, so it is reasonable to accept the fate of fate.

It is precisely this overwhelming gap that people are seeking to die.

In this sense. Li Lin, who exhibits the second form, is probably the most veritable idol.

I am afraid that it is also the most powerful and perfect idol in the whole world.

The nine-headed dragon standing on the earth justly interprets all the elements that people demand from the gods.

Everyone held their breath and looked up at the Nine-Headed Dragon that was huddled together. In the face of overly large and outrageous facts, people can only be overwhelmed.

In the next moment, the dragon's head rose high—


The roar shook the whole world.

The whole front of the Rhine was a storm.

Regardless of the few people who have prepared for the shock in advance, the vast majority of survivors have absolutely no spare power to deal with it, so they are exposed to the storm.

Before the hurricane, the transparent wall, the shock wave, overwhelmed the soldiers and clerics who were caught off guard and flew into the air. For a time, the sound of the wind and the roar, howling and weeping, equipment, trees and human bodies breaking, and the earth being torn apart screamed everywhere. People whose internal organs were impacted spit out blood and internal organ fragments before they fell to the ground.

This happened in an instant. As literally meant, with the nine-headed dragon as the center and within a radius of 50 kilometers, those who tried to be the enemy of Li Lin were almost completely destroyed.

Of course, many of them still survived, and some of them still retain the fighting strength. But the vast majority of people, roughly 100,000 people, either lost their lives on the spot, or lay on the ground, spitting out blood and mourning. These survivors couldn't even stand up, let alone take up arms to continue the fight. Even if they were forced to stand up and take up their weapons, they were unable to face the outrageous enemies, and no commander would drive the ministry to engage in such meaningless suicide.

Meaningless. It really doesn't make any sense.

The incomparable blow in the eyes of the crowd, at present, Li Lin at most yawned when getting up-just this kind of action, for the humble human, it is already a deadly threat.

Now he can indeed be called an apostle of theocracy.

The surface of the dark dragon began to flash a dark red light, the mist and dust covering the sky and the sun were drawn into the atmospheric vortex, and the huge body slowly but surely began to leave the ground.

The huge body of the Nine-headed Dragon whirled and floated with incredible dexterous movements. The nine faucets that roared majesticly flew into the sky with dazzling sunlight, projecting the terrible extinction onto the ground and people's hearts.

This is probably the picture that best matches the main goal of "declaring the Divine Power". Fully display the overwhelming power and beauty, but also with a sense of unrealistic fantasy. As if to speak silently, the miracles generated by human ingenuity and even prayers are nothing but, under the support of absolute power, the era of a new order is coming, no one can change this determined future, and no one can Get rid of the new order.

The red flashing eye pupil moved slightly.

With just such a simple action, people have the illusion that they are staring, and they shrink subconsciously. In fact, everyone knows that the giant does not pay special attention to a ant at the foot, let alone intersects with the sight of the ants. But precisely because of the gigantic physique and sense of existence that are beyond common sense, people still can't help producing the illusion that they are being stared at, and thus produce unspeakable terror.

Seemingly seeing through the crowd's fear of themselves, the dragon's red pupil narrowed slightly, and from a distance it seemed to mock human cowardice and stupidity.


The voice suddenly sounded.

The dragon didn't open his mouth to speak, and the majestic voice rang in everyone's mind at the same time.

"All beings, listen to everything."

The large-scale communication of brain quantum waves that are not aimed at a specific object resounded through the world again. After the voice that could not be refused or doubted came, the world was quiet.

Most people succumb to the absolute power and existence, while a small number of people want to know what Li Lin wants to say.

"At this point, either the declaration of victory or the sentence of "hurry to die" or "will not let you die too easily" is the next step."

Ji Aier sighed.

The winner’s demand for the loser is one of the rules of war that has been established since ancient times. After humans have played all the trump cards, Li Lin can still easily take over, and now shows the second form. It is now that the world has entered a new order, through slaughter. The best time for the rebels to establish authority.

After all, Li Lin is about to rule the world on behalf of a new order, and there is no other existence that has the actual effect to exercise this power. Any objections will be rejected and will be completely eliminated. Issuing one or two terrorist declarations announcing entry into autocracy/authoritarianism is no big deal at all.

It's not that no one thought that Li Lin would say something like "Stop surrender", but this lucky inference was quickly overthrown by themselves.

Switching to the position of themselves and Li Lin, it is also impossible to miss the perfect opportunity to cut the grass and get rid of the roots once and for all. How can you be kind and give a way to potential threats?

"I am the agent of the Divine Will~www.readwn.com~ Based on the law of the mother goddess, sanctions were imposed on the believers who rebelled against the gods, and the seeds of the disaster were eliminated. My goal is nothing more."

As the announcement spread around the world, the expressions of Roland, Ji Aier, Spider and others froze on the spot.

"Actually... actually came this hand. That bastard..."

The spider murmured its teeth, and the trembling sound was mixed with the murmur of teeth hitting each other.

The threat really cannot be ignored, and the golden opportunity is not missed in vain.


It is not necessary to do anything yourself.

In many cases, the most effective way to eliminate beasts and pests is not to kill them one by one, but to drive them to a desperate situation where there is no food or food is not enough to feed the entire group, letting them fight for their chances of survival. Cannibalism. If all the pests belong to the best of nature, even if there are only a few that can survive, it is relatively easy to destroy a few ants with scaly wounds.

This is true for pests, as is humans.

In order to survive, or even just to move himself back in the execution queue, people can easily betray anyone-to friends and relatives, flesh and blood relatives... even idols who once used to rely on and worship.

"As a confession of foolishness to oneself, a symbol of loyalty to the gods again, son of man, give the first level of Jean de Dalc. This is the only way for you to wait for redemption."

The sound resounding through the world is calm and natural, without the slightest haze.

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