Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1203: Twenty-five. Deadline(28)

Do not take it lightly at any time, especially if the opponent is a human.

Li Lin will set such a commandment for himself, which is somewhat inexplicable. As the guardian of the planet, the agent of the gods, and the strongest apex of this world, how could humans like ants touch him? Not to mention defeat him. What is the point of caution?

If it was just completed, Li Lin might unconditionally agree with this logic. After all, no matter which formula is used for calculation, the possibility of human beings standing on the same horizon with him is infinitely close to zero, and even his back can not be seen, let alone touched by hand.

However, on that day, this absolute legal principle was broken.

A series of humans left scars on Li Lin's face.

Although it was a trivial injury, it disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye. But can the absolute who is absolutely perfect and unmatched the absolute be hurt by the humble human? The moment Dirandal crossed his cheek, Li Lin was no longer absolute and no longer perfect. No matter what reasons and excuses are used, the fact that "human beings touched God at that moment" cannot be changed.

Since that day, Li Lin has never underestimated humans. After receiving the task of "managing the world" from the mother goddess, he even thought about how to deal with "the collective unconsciousness of human beings", the biggest potential opponent of Alaya.

Alaya is troublesome.

Not strong, but trouble.

Judging from the comparison of pure power levels, Li Lin still has an absolute advantage, and can still maintain the advantage for a long time. But in order to completely solve Alaya, there is only one way, that is, to wipe out all the intelligent life-to eradicate the collective unconsciousness of intelligent creatures connected by the common idea of ​​"live", only to eliminate all wisdom from the flesh biological. This price is obviously unbearable, so Li Lin can only choose one of the less violent options.

Finally, after repeated argumentation, Li Lin chose the "early cancer treatment plan."

Cancer is a product of the failure of human cells to replicate. Normal healthy people can remove and destroy diseased cells through the immune system to maintain health. However, when the body's immune function declines, and carcinogenic chemicals accumulate in the body, the immune system cannot clear the cancer cells. The cancer cells quickly absorb nutrients and begin to multiply, forming diseased tissues in the body, that is, tumors. At this stage, the cancer broke out.

From a purely theoretical point of view, cancer is incurable. What people can do is to find out as soon as possible, to suppress the disease through surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, gene-targeted drugs and other means, to curb the disease into a chronic disease, after a long period of conditioning The process eventually healed. The above measures can only be effective for patients in the early stages of cancer, that is, benign tumor stages. Once advanced, cancer cells metastasize and spread throughout the body, all people can do is to relieve the patient's pain as much as possible, and let the patient die away with stability and dignity.

If we compare the planet to a huge living body, then Alaya can be regarded as a kind of cancer to some extent. It is still an early benign stage, and it has neither deteriorated nor grown in troublesome areas such as the pancreas. It is entirely possible to remove the lesion by minimally invasive surgery, and then add adjuvant chemotherapy, control the stable condition through gene-targeted drugs, and finally cure.

This battle is an operation. The first stage goal is to remove the tumors that have been diseased—Church and Charlemagne. The second stage is the adjuvant chemotherapy stage, which injects a powerful medicine into the world to exterminate potential cancer cells in the body.

In order to ensure the efficacy and minimize the side effects, Li Lin carefully chose the drug named "Show Ugly Show".

Since ancient times, there have been countless literary works praising the good side of human nature, and there are relatively few works describing human darkness. But it is also a great work, and works that describe humanity and evil are always more impressive. Those profoundly straightforward and almost cruel performances are like nightmares, lingering in the minds of generations of audiences.

This is not to say that the audience has any strange hobbies, or that people are always keen to indulge in negative aesthetics. Everyone likes to be bathed in the sun, and no normal person likes to stay in the dark and wet sewers. Just because of the needs of mental health and the moral standards necessary for collective life, people will subconsciously avoid ugly things in order to put themselves in the position of "normal people" and "good people", not the other way around. If someone who likes to stand alone and advertise "rebellious" or "non-mainstream" wants to deny this mechanism and is keen to go the other way, then those guys who go against the social trend will end up being eliminated by society or by violent institutions. .

The works that describe human darkness can give people a strong impact and deep impression, and can break through the public’s aversion to dark and ugly things. It has become an enduring topic. The root cause is actually very simple-as a key nerve directly related to life and death The signal, the pain is stronger than any sense. The impact of facing the dark side of human nature is equal to the pain on the spiritual level. Of course, it is much more profound than the fleeting sense of happiness and happiness.

The works depicting the darkness of humanity can still cause such an impact. If it is replaced with a more direct and straightforward live show, how will people react? Through video and audio images, what do people feel when they are not acting in close proximity but acting in a situation where the animalism of all people is completely exploded?

I'm afraid that can no longer be called a shock, it is more appropriate to say it is a mental poison.

No one has seen that kind of dirty and dirty things and can still remain calm. Seeing that human beings can be so simple to become beasts, loyalty, faith, friendship, mercy... All virtues can be abandoned and trampled so easily, people can Such a cruel treatment of an admired hero they once worshipped. Even bystanders cannot continue to be at ease.

do not know? do not understand? Don't understand?

These excuses and reasons are just a bunch of pale and weak words in front of the facts. Everyone actually knows how despicable people can become, and what kind of beasts are housed in everyone's heart. It's just that everyone pretends to have forgotten ~www.readwn.com~ Try not to indulge in it as much as possible, so as to ensure that they will not fall into a beast. When everyone can no longer turn a blind eye and is forced to face these problems, someone can point to the crazy bloodthirsty bipeds in the picture-those humans who are exactly like themselves-saying "human nature is good", "Humans still have hope Words like "?" Can everyone turn their eyes on others with kindness and trust?


Even if an adult can still manage to self-justify and hypnotize to maintain, what about a child like a blank paper? Face the scene when the darkest part of human nature is released, and see the adult's depraved and decadent appearance grow up What will it become?

As long as this kind of spiritual baptism can sow the seeds of "resistance meaningless" and "human hopelessness" deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, the initial stage of treatment will be completed. Although there is still the risk of repeated illness, as the most dangerous lesions are removed and adjuvant chemotherapy continues, the cancer is even controlled. The next step is a long period of conditioning and control. I believe that through long-term and persistent combination treatment, it should be finally cured.

This is the core purpose of this battle.

The church, Charlemagne, and even Roland are all sacrifices prepared for this purpose. As for what kind of struggle they will make, can they reproduce the previous miracle... who cares about a thing whose outcome has been determined? Even if there is a so-called expectation, only Roland can cross this desperate situation. , Only to grow further.

Believe in mankind, believe in the world, believe in possibility-but eventually betrayed by everything he believes, will Roland be helpless, or will he cross this **** and grow into a more amazing person.

If he can survive... crossing the dead line.

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