Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1204: Twenty-five. Deadline (29)

No one likes to betray, and nobody likes to betrayed.

It's hard to understand the kind of bone-chilling chill and despair that seems to be crushed and deprived by the whole world. Only when they are truly betrayed and harmed, the talent will understand how interpersonal relationships-affection, friendship, love, faith, worship-these things constructed by the emptiness of the human heart are invincible in the face of absolute power. .

Perhaps it is not illusory, and people can always find the bond that can truly stand the test, and not everyone in the world is necessarily a traitor. But no matter how insignificant the betrayal will eventually leave traces deep inside. If you believe in everyone and the whole world, the result is betrayed by everything you believe, even facing each other. So even if this person is completely broken, it is no surprise that he curses the world and humans while dying in despair and madness.

From this point of view, Roland, who has not been mad yet, is even special enough to be sensible. It is not good to say. It can be said to be abnormal.

Betrayed by the people who bet on their lives to save and protect, the swords fighting side by side came from behind, and even the people who valued were attacked and chased because they have the value of being hostages-normal people are in this kind of The situation should have been desperate for everything, and the head filled with anger and disappointment will only have the idea of ​​revenge on the world. No matter how rational, no matter how wise and loving people, there can be no more positive emotions in the mind at this time. After all, it is not something that can be accepted reasonably. As long as there is one breath, it will continue to curse the world, no matter how cursing or resentment is enough.

Roland, who can maintain reason, does not project hatred and anger on those betrayers. It does seem a little...special.

Only Roland knew that the reason why he was able to maintain reason and calmness was neither sympathy overflowing nor spiritual strength beyond remedy. The reason why he is in such a desperate situation can maintain his state of mind, only that he had long predicted that such a thing would happen.

The church does not trust him, he also does not trust the church. To put it bluntly, the relationship between them is not an ally at all, but an opponent who has come together with a common enemy. Once the outcome of the battle with Li Lin—whether winning or losing—is when the two sides begin a military dialogue.

This is not a dispute between ideas and ideas. This is a life-and-death struggle. Without personal will or emotion as a shift, contradictions will inevitably erupt, and until one side falls, they both die together, and neither side can afford the cost of continuing the war. Will not stop.

Betrayed by the church and abnormally pious soldiers, stabbed in the back. It had long been within his expectations.

I really want to say that there is nothing unexpected, and only Li Lin will help the church and the army to turn their backs.

Hidden behind the scenes and manipulate everything after provoking disputes. This is indeed in line with Li Lin’s usual style, but now he is in the second form, which is an excellent opportunity to show his strength. Why did he suddenly think of what kind of witch hunting game? How could the guy who is always right be in this kind of way Suddenly the chain suddenly fell off? What on earth did he want to do?!

"May I?"

The encrypted brain quantum wave communication came over, and the subtle breath was like a wry smile.

"It's terribly distracting to think about problems in battle."

——You dare to say that!

Without wandering at all, Roland's anger turned back.

-Actually using this method! !

The anger that has been barely suppressed has exploded, and hatred, resentment, and resentment that are even hotter than the flames flood into the encrypted communication circuit.


"You are not mistaken."

The voice feedback lacks emotional fluctuations.

"This is a life-and-death struggle. It's not a turn-based game, it's not a knightly contest, it's not a kid playing a house wine.'To completely defeat the opponent' is the only absolute goal. As for the means-who do you think would really care?"

War has never been a noble thing. How can it be noble at all costs in order to win? Especially after entering the era of total war, in order to completely destroy the opponent's ability to continue the war, the belligerents have no scruples. The words of a famous general in the American Civil War may best explain this problem-if people find me cruel and cruel, I will tell them that war is war, and its purpose is not to win people’s favor! War is Hell! If you want to stop all this and want peace, you and your loved ones should put down their weapons to stop this battlefield! We must remove and destroy all obstacles, and kill everyone as long as we think it is necessary, Take away every inch of land and confiscate every property. In a word-ruthlessly destroy everything we see... Then the general practiced his motto, and his army went to scorched earth. Sixty percent of male strong men were killed, ninety percent of towns and plantations were burned, and the fifth-richest Mississippi in the United States was the poorest state in the United States until a century later before the war~www.readwn.com~ will dispute whether the behavior of the warring parties It is basically a spectator who does not care about whether it is in line with moral standards, whether it violates the rules of engagement, or whether it is "humane". Because of being in a safe place, and knowing that he will not be affected by danger, only bystanders can talk about the **** hell, and criticize the **** belligerents. Once they are also involved in the vortex of struggle, they will not have the leisure to comment and distinguish.

No one questioned, and no one dared to question.

Even if there are one or two who dare to question, in order not to be affected by the disaster above the head, the people around these brave prophets will stop them in the first place, or draw a line.

-These are all because of you! !

"Yes, I forced them to betray, I let them stab them from behind. Then what?"

--you……! !

"They can choose to fight with you to the last moment, even if they die tragically at the end, they are still heroic soldiers. However, they did not do so. In order to survive, they did not hesitate to fight against the heroes who stood up for them. , And even figure out what a good price to sell you."

There are more and more cross-fires from the ground. Whether they can get it or not, the soldiers, clergymen, and civilians are pouring into the air with all the weapons they can get at hand.

Looking down at the picture from the sky, one can't help but feel ironic, it seems that this is not the present world, but a **** of sinners. Everyone fought for the spider silk hanging from the air.

"Recognize reality. The so-called heroes cannot save the world. Those people are not worth and do not expect salvation. In order to prevent these beasts from hurting themselves and others, it is necessary to impose management and restraint on them. The possibility of your persistent pursuit Sex and diversity are not the correct answer."

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