Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1205: Twenty-five. Deadline(30)

What is a hero? It is a device, a tool, an idol, a container that can faithfully absorb and respond to the prayers of the public, but not ordinary people with flesh and blood.

The moment of becoming a hero, the "ordinary" exemption symbol also disappears automatically, and it is impossible to claim that you are "just an ordinary member without having to bear responsibility, suffering, and harshness." The hero who carries people's irresponsible expectations and prayers, and is examined by infinite magnification in words and deeds will not disappoint or disappoint people. If it is impossible to respond to expectations, heroes—or once heroes—are just a channel for the people to vent their hatred and commodities used for profit.

Since ancient times, there have been very few heroes who have achieved a good end. The vast majority of heroes are always killed by dark arrows from behind after victory or only one step away from victory. It can be said that the best way for heroes to end their lives is to do as much as possible, and to cook with rabbits and dogs. That kind of brave and princess tied the knot, and lived a happy life together only in fairy tales.

After all, people are realistic. After a moment of touching and passion, everyone still has to face reality. Cold and refined realism and egoism will replace enthusiasm, carefully examine and evaluate heroes, and make further choices that are most beneficial to you.

The hero defeated the devil, and then was killed. The betrayer was betrayed by others. The last laughter was the preparation of a perfect planner-the main theme of history has always been the same.

"In terms of heroic stories, this ending can be said to be boring. But this is ultimately'the choice made by most people based on their own will'. Do you want to deny this choice if you advocate democracy and promote'freedom and equality'? ?"

Minority obeying the majority and respecting the minority is one of the basic principles of democracy. However, when life and death are critical, one must choose one to sacrifice. “Saving the majority with minimal sacrifice” becomes the basic principle. If only one person can be exchanged for the peace and happiness of thousands of people, I believe no one will question this choice. Even if it is unfair to the victim, as long as it is topped with the violent justice of "This is for the world, for all," all unfairness and injustice can be justified.

Most justice-even injustice can become unshakable justice.

-You are stealing the concept!

A trace of confusion and anxiety floated in the angry thoughts.

——Use force to force others to succumb, then force others to degenerate, and finally pack it into justice!

"Yes, that is true. Everyone knows this, and no one will deny it. But no one has reached out to you."

A simple sentence, sharper than any sword, repeatedly puncturing Roland's chest.

-That kind of thing.

"It's really miserable."

--no! I'm……!

"You have been betrayed by everything you want to protect, your life, your efforts so far, everything you have done is meaningless."

--no! I still have something to protect! I want to change the world! ! Change a closed world that does not treat people as human beings, ignores human nature, and excludes other possibilities!

"Protect? What protect? Protect those who betray you? Change? Change the world into a traitor's paradise? Such a world is what you expect?"

--no! The world I expect is a better and hopeful future!

"Then the answer you are looking for is now presented. Congratulations, you finally saw the world you want to see."

--you! ! !

The silent fiasco slowly soaked into the mind and body like a chronic toxin, looking at the human beings shouting, roaring, and facing his sword. The bitterness and sourness spread quickly.

"'The world dominated by people'--break the old **** system, and then extend the ugly struggle and killing indefinitely, until everything is dragged into the abyss of destruction. This is how your expectations of the world will eventually appear Look, don't you?"

The history of mankind is the history of war. The struggle of bloodshed is the main axis of the history of civilization, and peace is nothing more than a fleeting embellishment and foil.

As long as the competitive instinct as a creature does not disappear, as long as human beings are still human beings, the world dominated by humans will continue to repeat disputes and death. This is an inevitable result and the most fundamental essence. One or two people or a group of people cannot be changed at all. To deny this is to deny the race of humanity.

"How ironic this is, the end of the beautiful pursuit has turned into a poison that denies humanity. In the end, under the new order I established, the lifespan of the human population has been extended to the maximum extent~www.readwn.com~Arrogant Joking down, facing the indifferent voice that seemed to boast of victory, Roland couldn't say a word.

"The ridiculous miracle has disappeared, and the expectations for the world have been shattered. Then let me draw a rest for the old era and kick off the upcoming era of the new order."

This time it is no longer brain quantum wave encrypted communication, nine faucets let out a low roar together, the world is listening to Li Lin's announcement.

The hustle and bustle stopped again, and countless eyes stared at one of the faucets that slowly opened its mouth.

Li Lin in the second battle form is basically not a creature. The huge body is not simply a giant or cell proliferation. To be precise, Li Lin in this form should be regarded as a settlement consisting of trillions of inorganic life forms, a huge warship or mobile fortress composed of countless crew members.

By liberating the compression rate of the retreat furnace and increasing the output power, the Nine-headed Dragon does not need to take energy from the outside. The so-called "mouth" part is naturally not an organ for ingesting food and nutrition, but a huge fort.

"The main weapon is activated, the vector wave main gun ‘Tanhh? (Tannh?user)’ is working well, and the output power is adjusted to 3.1%.”

"Space coordinate input, 51°03'N, 002°23'E."

"The coordinates are confirmed and the adjustment of the space-time axis is completed."

"Target, Dunkirk. Countdown 10 seconds before launch."

A strange arc leaps around the opened Longkou, the space begins to distort, and the scene before people's eyes is also distorted.

Over the twisted space, over the roaring approaching teenager, Li Lin looked into the distance.

A small port city appeared in his vision, where there were a large number of ships, as well as the crowd waiting to board, including soldiers, civilians,

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