Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1209: Twenty-five. Deadline(34)

That gesture is neither human nor demon. It is neither day nor night.

It was God's apostle, God's power, and God's punishment for the ignorant and ignorant fool.

Strategy, power, and even omniscience and omnipotence are just appearances, because they are pure, so beautiful; because they are simple, they are strong; because they are consistent, they are good at strategy.

Siegfried Otto Li Lin is neither a human being nor a monster. He is an agent of God and a tool of faithful devotion.

The tool has no good intentions and no malicious intentions. The knife will not hurt people by itself, the bullet will not find the target by itself, and the missile will not launch by itself. The driving tools are evil, always malicious by creators and users.

He was the one who killed the people, and he destroyed the city, and it was him who fell the disaster, but he ordered the mother goddess with white gloves on his back and silently watching everything.

"It's a pleasure! I'm so happy! I want to cheer if I'm satisfied! Yes, I got such a satisfying tool, the highest masterpiece so far, and everyone will cheer when I change it! Yeah, create the world and nurture all beings. Mother Tiamat!"

That is indeed something worth cheering for.

Throughout the ages, the most perfect killing machine and theocracy maintenance machine have been completed. Even without using the power of mortals and using their own power, God can indeed intervene in the operation of the world. Starting from today, the so-called "human-dominated world" has come to nothing, and all resistance and struggle will be meaningless. In the face of absolute destiny, all beings can only bow down.

As far as the gods are concerned, this is also a grand undertaking, and the moment of witnessing its completion, there is nothing to be questioned when it cheers for it.

"Although hateful! But... it is indeed a great masterpiece and great work."

After melancholy and admiration dissipated in the dissipated air, after losing his ambition and enthusiasm, Father Andersen felt relieved. The mad, clear eyes stared at the Nine-headed Dragon in the sky.


"Master Father!"

Several nuns and priests hurried forward, and after standing behind Andersen, they could not catch their breath and hurriedly said:

"The highest priority order, code Z-13!"

The last letter Z, the church’s most taboo number 13, the combination of the two codes means that the situation is extremely deteriorating, and emergency measures must be taken, that is, immediate retreat.


"……That's too late."

"Master Father?"

"I can't hide, I can't escape, even if I escape to the end of the world or the end of hell, the guy will chase like a hound. From the moment I stepped on this Rhine front, no, in Siegfried Otto Lee The moment Lin finished, everything was doomed. No one could escape from the fate of fate."

The nun who was in charge of the order tried to refute Andersen's failures and disrespectful words and deeds, but he couldn't say it in his mouth.

Can't win.

In the face of the divine agent, no matter how hard it is, what kind of awareness and sacrifice you make, the result is the same.

From the beginning, the ending has been destined, either hard or not, the ending that has already been written is waiting for you at the end. Even if you try to resist the imposed fate, you may even create some kind of miracle at a certain time, but eventually you will find that you are still dancing on the palm of others according to the script.

Efforts will not be rewarded. Moving forward with hope will only see despair waiting there before the finish line-in this heavy destiny, it is impossible to breed hope and fighting spirit.

The so-called hope, the so-called tolerant load, the so-called "as long as you live, there will always be the next time"-these perseverance in despair and darkness are premised on the ultimate achievement of results. No matter how powerful the aliens are, and how powerful the tyrants are, after all, they are imprisoned by the limit. In other words, regardless of whether the organization or the individual, eventually face the end of "life". Even if you can't defeat a powerful enemy for a while, as long as you can survive for a while, while waiting for your opponent to age and decay, while accumulating and strengthening your own strength, you will eventually usher in victory. The effectiveness of this tactic has been repeatedly verified by history.

But in front of Li Lin, even this trick is meaningless.

It's not only unwise, it's crazy to go against the life-limiting creatures and the immortal transcendence. Even if the last man died before him, Li Lin was still alive and kicking. Compared with him? This is an idea that can't be imagined with a blind mind. As for the accumulation of strength to prepare for the next war, it is also unrealistic.

As long as he has that idea, any place in the world where resistance forces exist will enter the same fate as Dunkirk, and all resistance will be eliminated in the budding stage.

Having said that, who else has the courage to try to resist and dare to face that monster?

As Andersen said, no one can escape from the already woven net.

"From the beginning to the end, our... everyone's every move is under his control, there is no chance. Even if he escapes, I am afraid that it will just open a new script and prepare us to perform on a new stage."


The clerical clerks stared at the ground, and by this time, even fanatics who were unwilling to face reality had to understand that they had failed, and even the dying struggle was meaningless and desperate.

They are not new to failure~www.readwn.com~ and they are not afraid of failure. If through their failures and failures to survive, the Holy Church can be more surely closer to victory in the next battle, they are even very happy to dedicate their lives, and feel infinitely gratified and honored.

But when they learned that there was no such thing as the "next time", no matter whether they sacrificed or not, everything they sacrificed for would end today, and the world they stood on immediately collapsed.

The warriors who did not flinch in the face of strong enemies and smiled directly at death were standing like motionless puppets, standing motionless, staring at the roaring dragon in the distance. Standing like this, waiting for the advent of the death and fate.

If it was Andersen in the past, it would inevitably be loudly reprimanded at the moment for the depravity of these late-born descendants, and most of them would scream while rushing into the enemy formation and wielding the key. But at the moment Andersen just glanced at the discouraged colleagues silently and turned to take steps.


The bullets roared and the artillery boomed.

Metal storms sweep the sky and the earth back and forth. Raindrops of various calibers wash through every place where you can hide, leaving no dead ends and no gaps.

Along with the call for destruction, the **** of death repeatedly waved his scythe on the battlefield. Each wave was as exquisite as art. The trajectory depicted had an irresistible magic power.

However, Grim Reaper and the "Legion" failed to harvest their prey as expected.

This time the prey-the white human figure is more tenacious than any prey in the past. In any case, the ammunition is poured to cover the fire, and the target has not been crushed.

Reaper and the "Legion" will not be frustrated or angry.

They just blindly smashed the ammunition at Roland, nothing more.

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