Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1210: Twenty-five. Deadline(35)

Everything evolved.

Sometimes it's evolution, sometimes it's degradation. When the environment changes, the creatures will change on their own to adapt to the environment.

The same is true for weapons.

Whenever technology breakthroughs are made and the shape of the battlefield changes, a variety of new weapons—from panic-patting inventions to the results of natural development after long-term technology accumulation—will emerge in large numbers. The complexity of its evolution, the complexity of its types, and the speed of its speed are comparable to the course of biological evolution.

But there is a decisive difference between the evolution of weapons and creatures-the root, or the source of evolution.

Whether the organism is evolution or evolution, its ultimate goal is to continue the population as much as possible, in other words, to make changes for survival. The weapon is aimed at killing other lives and is a product of malicious implementation. There is no concept or idea of ​​continuation of the population, and all actions are only around the elimination of the enemy. For this reason, weapons with autonomous actions neither fear death nor hurt, they just move forward, destroy, destroy, and destroy.

From the sky, the black moldy masses were fainting on the ground, and the battlefield mixed with blood and fire was gradually replaced by the uniform darkness.

The movement of the "Legion" is extremely rigorous.

The so-called rigorous does not mean that the queue is neat, as meticulous as the parade queue. It refers to the fact that it always adjusts the force configuration of the arms in response to the situation, while maintaining the momentum and rhythm of the march. Understand that under normal circumstances, this can only be done by veterans and elite teachers who have been in the military for many years. These inorganic lifeforms, which are only a little over an hour from birth to now, have mastered this skill, and they are naturally used like breathing.

This alone is enough to make people sweat.

Respond to circumstances according to circumstances-this is not incomprehensible, and regardless of the level, everyone has some adaptability, even if the brain is not good, imitating the response of others can cope with it all at once. But have you always mastered the rhythm, and constantly improve the speed and accuracy of coping? Humans can’t achieve this technique, but the black crystal crystals are so easy, and they use this skill as a matter of course. Seen as a nightmare in the eyes of human beings.

Not to mention, this skill is multiplied by the growing cardinalities, and the effect is even more chilling.

The forefront of the queue is always various models of drones. They are responsible for capturing air control, long-range attack observation, battlefield sheltering, reconnaissance, electronic warfare, ground attack, fixed-point clearance, etc. They are the pioneers of the "Legion". As long as their black figures appeared in the sky, the large army of the "Legion" was not far away. If a drone swarm appears, who is not scared and wants to report to the rear, he must immediately race against time, because if he cannot complete this task within 30 seconds, then he is likely to never again Opportunity to complete your mission. After the drone attacked the ground in turn, there would be no more living people in the trench, and the communication facilities would be completely destroyed.

Of course, things are not always so absolute. According to the experience of modern warfare, in Afghanistan and Vietnam, even after toxic gas, flooding, gas explosions, and fuel-air bombs, the survivors of the tunnel construction have survived, and many of them have maintained their combat effectiveness. When the survivors who survived the air raid climbed out of the underground fortifications and came to the ground full of ruins and charred corpses, they still had no chance to warn the rear. First, all communication lines have been destroyed, and the air is full of jamming radio waves blocked in the whole frequency band. Second, the main force of the "Legion"-a large multi-legged walking force is coming up soon.

Generally speaking, multi-legged mobile devices are not popular with technical researchers.

Although the adaptation and stability of complex terrain is much better than the wheeled or tracked structure, it is only the difference between the war nine **** and the war five slag. What's more, in order to improve the terrain adaptability and reduce the ground pressure, the more walking feet, the better (on soft ground, such as mud, swamps, multi-pedal walking devices are more likely to fall into the track than crawlers, and you don't want to fall into a centipede Bar), and the more walking feet, the more complicated the structure and the harder it is to write control programs. When conducting armored group charges in open areas such as the Great Plains, the performance of multi-pedal walking did not perform better than that of tracked and wheeled armored vehicles, and the economic cost and operating cost were largely cut off. In the end, you can only go to the mountain and street fighting environment to play the waste heat.

Despite these shortcomings, the main forces of the "Legion" have evolved into multi-pedestrian walks. The reason is that they are not machines, but inorganic organisms. Their special ecological structure determines that they are only suitable for this kind of bystander. Complex and inefficient way of acting.

The blood of silicon-based organisms is liquid oxygen.

They breathe air like carbon-based organisms and sustain life by ingesting oxygen and substances. Unlike carbon-based organisms, they do not need and never consume carbohydrates. For silicon-based organisms, it is extremely violent and highly toxic.

The foundation of silicon-based life-the tiny crystals that control the intermolecular forces will get out of control once they contact carbon molecules~www.readwn.com~ causes microscopic collapse, when this collapse spreads to memory media, even basic The shape can not be maintained, and the regeneration repair function is completely shut down.

Carbon molecules are the source of organic organisms, but ubiquitous substances that flood the entire world.

In order to survive in this highly toxic environment, inorganic organisms have evolved a unique life cycle system. First, they store liquid nitrogen in the body, and then cover it with heat insulation materials, use liquid nitrogen to separate liquid oxygen from the atmosphere, and store it in the body like blood to circulate. In this compression cooling process, oxygen and nitrogen will evaporate first, and finally insoluble carbon dioxide will be discharged in the form of dry ice.

In order to store liquid nitrogen and liquid oxygen in the body and effectively use oxygen and nitrogen, inorganic living organisms generally adopt exoskeleton structure, which does not rely on muscles during exercise but generates power through high-pressure oxygen (similar to hydraulic transmission). In addition, the generated liquid oxygen can also be used as an oxidant, generating high temperatures that not only organic matter, but even inorganic matter can dissolve. Whether it is used as the charge and propulsion power of the guns and missiles, or as the fuel of the flamethrower, it is very sufficient (the powerful acid...).

When hundreds of walking inorganic life weapons launch a group charge, there are no individuals or organizations that can withstand this storm-there is no such thing.

-It should have been this way.

However, the battle has passed for 15 minutes, whether it is a melee high-frequency blade, an electric whip, a rocket, a high-speed tungsten barrage poured by a reconnaissance Gatling gun, a double-armed 88mm magnetic rail gun for a light combat model, The three-unit 125mm coil gun of the heavy battle model, the light-type laser gun, and the heavy-beam type charged particle gun-all failed to take Roland's life, bathed in the deadly bullet rain, and the youth continued to dance.

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