Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1211: Twenty-five. Deadline(36)

Jumping, sprinting, emergency stop, turning at right angles, lying down-all kinds of tactics to evade movements in one go, tracers of various colors and calibers continue to pass by the body, the two complement each other, like a dance dancing in the starry sky By.

The beauty and power are intertwined, and people can't help but have a beautiful picture of a sense of elegance.

However, if asked whether he would like to be in the "floating" picture, when he dances with the **** of death, the answer including the person concerned is "NO".

Even if he was as bold as Roland, he was a little bit burned by the "Legion" attack.

When it comes to group charging, people can easily think of "human sea tactics" or line-up infantry. All sighted are intrepid soldiers, greeted by guns and rain, and cannons roaring, shouting slogans and moving forward. The bullets and shrapnel cannot stop their footsteps, nor can the blood and minced meat splashed on their faces and clothes extinguish their fanaticism. They won't stop until they are favored by Death or burst into the enemy line to completely destroy their opponents. This is the common image of the public's charge against the infantry group. The actual infantry charge is far more complicated and cruel. Take the line infantry as an example. What is the size of each charge group, what is the pace, how far does it need to be, how far from the enemy can you shoot, how should the cavalry and artillery cooperate...all have strict regulations. After the widespread use of automatic weapons and the fact that armored forces became the absolute main force in land warfare, the infantry group charge gradually began to subside. After World War II, people could only find the infantry group from the fearless soldiers who charged the mushroom cloud from the Cold War military exercise documentary. Charge the after rhyme.

The cluster attacks launched by the "Legion" basically followed the human assault tactics, except that soldiers and armored vehicles scattered all over the mountain were replaced with various types of inorganic life weapons. Moreover, the explosive force and the crushing momentum displayed by the "Legion" even exceeded the steel torrent of the Soviet Red Army during the peak of the Cold War (the period from the end of the Vietnam War to the time before the Afghan War, if Mao Zi really fluttered, if he did hard work, at most You can drink the Atlantic Ocean in a few months, and all of Europe except Britain will raise a red flag). The details of the use of tactics are even higher than the gang of fighting nations.

Roland has a deep understanding of this.

In terms of the performance of a single individual, the inorganic life weapon is not particularly outstanding. Generally speaking, it is the upgrade of the chariot or MDS. The performance parameters are not stronger than the "unicorn". In many aspects, it is even far behind. It can be combined with a huge base and precise tactical use, and it has become a powerful opponent even he feels pressured.

From the source, inorganic life weapons and "unicorns" are products that extend from two opposing concepts. One side is the pursuit of cheap and quantity consumables based on the premise of the overall war and the consumption war; the other side is a limited edition artwork carefully crafted according to special requirements. Strictly speaking, there is no difference between the two in terms of pros and cons, only the question of whether to adapt.

At this moment, it is the inorganic life weapon that shows stronger adaptability.

As individuals, inorganic life weapons do lack characteristics, and in turn they do not need that kind of thing.

Unless it is a very special case, inorganic life weapons will basically not play one-on-one head-to-head with their opponents. Even ten-to-one and hundred-to-one situations are rare. The other party is either a single person, a hundred people, a thousand people, or 10,000 people. They all deal with the whole group. In other words, from beginning to end, their opponents are facing giant creatures constructed from an entire biological population.

Even if it is repelled for a while, and then encounters setbacks and losses, it is only a price for the entire population to accumulate experience and seek countermeasures. It will soon make a comeback, and it will be more fierce and more destructive than before.

-Just like this.

The barrage of the fire shooting had just passed, and the three melee versions immediately forced them from different directions.

The melee weapon is very simple, with a flat streamlined carcass built with a triple-mounted anti-armor missile launcher; the tentacle-like part of the head is an electric heating whip heated by current, which can easily split the metal like a knife cutting butter. ; The front part of the first pair of feet is a high-frequency sharp blade. Whether it is an armored vehicle or a chariot, all are cut off for you.

Compared with the sturdy weapon configuration, the level of protection is a bit terrible. Armor that is almost as thin as paper can defend up to 9㎜ pistol bullets and shrapnel, and assault rifles can penetrate protective armor. The six feet used for support and movement also looked long and thin, and seemed to break with a slight fold. You can’t help but wonder if “this kind of thing can really be used?”

If someone really thinks so, he must have misunderstood something.

First, the inorganic life weapon never considered the issue of "survival";

Second, the so-called protection does not necessarily have to use heavy armor to resist the attack of the enemy. Speed ​​is also a defense.

A famous naval general once famously said, "Speed ​​is the best weapon! Speed ​​is the best defense!"

Regardless of the crunchy battlecruiser built according to the idea of ​​the old man, he was slinged in various poses to perform self-detonation in the largest battleship battle in human history (this glorious tradition continued until World War II...) In terms of basic logic, he is right.

As long as the speed is so fast that the enemy is too late to launch an attack, it is enough to cut off the opponent's first level before the enemy responds~ www.readwn.com~ In order to achieve that speed, the melee body is extremely lightweight and the shape is also designed It is flat and popular, and looks similar to cockroaches and longicorn from afar.

This worm eats people.

The hexapods stepped on the ground, seeming to get rid of gravity, and the three melee models between the breaths had completed the net. The electric whip that glowed with yellow light waved like an octopus, six electric whips sealed off the space where Roland dodged, and six high-frequency blades followed.

A cautious and thoughtful blow, the timing and angle are exactly the same.

Facing the crushing death cage, Roland stepped forward, spreading the beam saber while waving an upward slash. The flash and blast burst together, the lightsaber collided with the electric whip, and after a flash of sparks, the melted electric whip and high-frequency blade fell into the ground.

The melee type didn't stop, and while dropping the missile, it accelerated towards Roland.

The final kill of the melee type that lost all its weapons was self-detonation.

A large amount of liquid oxygen is stored in their bodies, and they will explode violently when they encounter an open flame. Detonating at a position close to zero distance, even a "unicorn" cannot retreat.

The exploding fireball flashed, almost at the same time, more missiles were killed, and the light warfare models whose pitch angles were adjusted also began to shell.

As before, the storm-like attack still failed to reach Roland. But Roland's movement was showing a little bit of fatigue. At the same time as the bombardment, another team of melee type passed through the reconnaissance type that was firing and fired, and walked into the front of the array to pinch. A new round of attack is imminent.

At first glance it is awkward, but in fact, under the simple appearance is a meticulous calculation that makes people chill. With minimal sacrifice, Roland continues to consume and eventually wins with one blow.

The simplest tactics are often the most effective.

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