Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1216: Twenty-five. Deadline(41)

Wisdom creatures are proud of having a healthy body and spirit, but this view is just the restraint and arrogance of the wisdom creatures.

In front of the "Dead Army", even the minimal self-consolation of "I think, therefore I am" seems meaningless.

——An unknown historian.

People are afraid of the "Legion" behavior and trembling in front of their cruel marching queue, but are puzzled by their behavior of grabbing the human brain.

Unfatigued, why does the army fearing death insist on that part?

Thanks to the noble class’ long-term monopoly of knowledge and the impeachment and suppression of various exploration attempts by the church, the vast majority of ordinary people at that time, even some doctors, knew almost nothing about the use and working principle of the brain. Most people still hold the "brain? Isn't that a useless organ used to produce snot?" This old fallacy.

However, even if there are many professionals on the scene and people who have a certain understanding of the role of the brain, they cannot understand the inexplicable behavior of the "Legion".

——What are these alien-shaped aliens thinking about?

In their view, the behavior of the "Legion" is simply illogical.

Not to mention that even if the deceased's brain can be successfully activated, it is still doubtful whether he can still think normally. Even if there is any unknown technology in the "Legion", the brain of the deceased can function again to steal and use human wisdom. But why should they destroy the memory center?

The so-called wisdom is the product of experience accumulation. The so-called experience is the result of memory.

Destroying memory is equivalent to zeroing out all the experience and wisdom accumulated by this brain so far. Isn't this contrary to the original intention of effectively using the brain? Why do these machines with the same profile do such contradictory things?

This is not at all contradictory. Humans cannot understand the actions of the "Legion" simply because they are still using their preconceived logic to interpret the very different existence of the "Legion".

Memory is not only the foundation of wisdom and experience, but also the source of self and personality.

Accumulate all kinds of memories in a diverse world, and in the contact friction with all kinds of people and things, a unique self that is cut and shaped a little bit-a weapon that is completely equalized and whose only goal is to kill It is said that this is completely unnecessary, and it is an irreconcilable contradiction.

When seeing people who look exactly like themselves, people will feel somewhat shaken. And when he wakes up, not only does he become alien, but all around is exactly the same thing. The response at that time will not only be shaken.

The self-cognitive disorder occurs at least, and the mental breakdown occurs on the spot. Either way, it means this is a defective product that doesn’t come in handy.

Therefore, when harvesting the brain, the recovery type will definitely cut off the memory center, and then cram the brain that is fully processed and retains the intellectual function into the various models waiting to be equipped.

In principle, there are very few exceptions.

For example, the heavy-duty vehicle model and heavy-light type that are responsible for the commander, in order to make use of the brain of an excellent processor, an excellent human commander, all the potential of the brain neural circuit strengthened by countless battles is tapped, and they must be retained as much as possible. Talents and experience. With this in mind, the "Legion" did not remove the memory center, but branded the master-slave logic that was absolutely irresistible into those brains, thereby further strengthening the "Legion" tactical use and command ability.

These special commander types also include hunting types.

"He" was lurking in the audience, breathing his breath, and the real-time information uploaded by the front-line unit via the shared data link was able to grasp the full picture of the battle.

A sigh-like pulse flashed through the data stream.

When the **** did not succeed, the poor worm that was left behind-this sentence is used to describe that he really is no longer appropriate.

In this battlefield where even "people die in the form and form of humans" becomes a luxury nightmare, it is undoubtedly the most miserable among the many endings to retain complete memory and personality and become part of the "Legion". From the moment the brain was removed and placed in the ugly body, the time of "his" was fixed. Until one day is destroyed or decayed, "he" will be imprisoned in the cracks that will not pass away or advance, as an active undead continue to perish.

If you have eyes that can shed tears, if you have a mouth that can cry, it’s good to be able to cry, at least to let yourself accept all this through this catharsis.

Even this has become an unattainable luxury.

However, fate does not seem to give up "him".

Commanding the hunting type that carries the undead colleagues, the first task received is actually to fight with the former companions. Even if he had already realized his consciousness, "he" could not help lamenting the fate of fate.

——Maybe this is fate.

A pulse signal with a bitter smile floating in the formatted brain marrow ~ www.readwn.com ~ The brain nerves that were polished by the battle to shine brightly operate at high speed.

The magnetic levitation mechanism offsets the mass, and the stealth-hunting hunter leaps continuously in the wilderness.

The basis of the hunting type-the high-mobile stealth special combat type was originally a model that is known for its power. Since there is no need to worry about the cumbersome bearing limit of the rider, in theory, as long as the technology can reach them, their overload limit can be infinitely increased. After accepting the data feedback of the previous battle and further optimizing the design, the hunting type did not reduce the maneuverability due to the additional load of the human brain. On the contrary, the motive power was improved.

Previously, jumping like a grasshopper was already staggering. At this moment, the hunt-type movements are completely like a dragonfly. Even without the protection of optical camouflage and silent noise reduction measures, human naked eyes and electronic equipment cannot lock the crazy dance steps. With the blind eye method that can deceive any detection method, they are even more powerful.

Coupled with the specially equipped movable high-frequency blade, it seems to be a group of invisible death.

"...It's really good to learn, obviously just a group of stone monsters."

A seemingly casual sip, Father Andersen suppressed his inner anxiety, all senses were mobilized, and all information around him was carefully captured.

Roland on the side also tried to use various unicorn detection devices to search for the trail of the enemy aircraft. What surprised him was that radar, electromagnetic waves, infrared, thermal induction, ground vibration, magnetic field-every kind of detection All means showed that they were empty.


The wind generated by the high-speed movement of the object is whistling in the ear, and sometimes the strong wind may even blow directly on the face.

They are here.

It seems that he is showing off his excellent disappearance performance, constantly using high-speed movement to declare his existence, waiting for the opportunity to reach out.

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