Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1217: Twenty-five. Deadline(42)

Roland is no stranger to electromagnetic and optical camouflage. The Defense Force has invested a lot in this area. It is equipped on battleships and MDSs, and similar things are carried on unicorns.

Whether it is a projection type, protective color optical camouflage, or an electromagnetic signal stealth design and electromagnetic wave absorption material-those technologies traditionally called "invisible" are not strictly "invisible" in the strict sense, but will be "substantially shortened" "Discovered distance", "reducing the other party's warning time" technical means. Once the distance is shortened, it can be distinguished by carefully observing with the naked eye to enhance the ability to distinguish electronic signals.

The hunt type uses a real "invisibility", that is, the latest type of light refraction optical camouflage and plasma stealth technology. It refracts the surrounding light to hide itself, and uses a plasma generator to transform itself into a black hole of electromagnetic waves. Even if the hunting type is within easy reach, traditional detection methods cannot find any clues.

Coupled with the original lightweight model, coupled with the maglev mechanism, it will neither emit foot sounds nor leave footprints on the ground. Except for the strong winds generated when moving at high speed, there is almost no evidence to prove its existence.

But what if even the gusty wind whizzing in the ear is part of the trap?

Based on his understanding of his old colleagues, "He" is very clear that even if there are omnipotent stealth methods, it is still very difficult to get close to the target without being discovered and then cast a killing tactic.

The other party wielded a short knife in the dark, and the killer assassin poisoned in the dinner, using maliciousness and violence as a breathing killing machine. Silent stealth is their old practice. Even if the brain of the same master is installed, these hunters are still babies who have not yet passed through the run-in period. They are deeply planted in the brain before completely adapting to the new body. The skills and experience in this book have not been effectively used.

With the rich experience of the other party, once you fight, you will definitely see through this and then use it to fight back.

That being the case, the reverse is used to set traps.

It is not only the location of the hunting type that is difficult for the opponent to perceive, but also the number of hunting types.

On this premise, divide the hunting type into two groups, one group continues to move at high speed to contain the target, the other group slowly enters the latent position, and finally launches a fire attack at the same time, how?

The conclusion is that the feasibility is extremely high, and it is the highest probability of realization among several combat options.

So, the hunters who disappeared began to act.

The five melee equipment types continue to move around the target at high speed to unfold, driving the prey a little bit to the preset hunting ground. The three sniper gun-mounted models and four melee equipment models have entered the sniper position, a simple but A valid trap has been completed, and a little closer to the trigger.

I believe that the battle will end soon, and "he" will soon be assigned a new task, go to the next battlefield.

The sigh that turned into an electronic signal has not dissipated in the cold body, a corner of the field of vision was twisted at a rapid speed, and a rough voice was passed along the data link to the information processing terminal that shared information with the subordinates.

"It's so much trouble to clean up an old man and a child. It's really hard for you, stone slag."

The scarred face full of scum was grinning in front of the optical lens, and after a while, "he" only understood the meaning.

-It was found.

The moment the electronic signal was generated, the death that had been experienced once again oppressed again.

Shock-the double shock of spirit and physics is poured into the brain at the same time along the tactical data link. The huge fist and the boundless darkness become the last picture captured by the No. 3 aircraft, and then a burst of blind noise comes, followed by Completely silent, the green logo representing Unit 3 in the interface is covered by the red "LOST".

The flash and roar of the explosion was long overdue, and the black plume of smoke rose slowly—that was the explosion caused by the liquid oxygen built into Unit 3 being detonated.

Unable to understand the unexpected situation, and there is no way to determine what went wrong. But these are not problems that "he" authority can handle.

Focus on fighting-this is the meaning of existence he is given, nothing more.

-Change of tactical template.

——Start the emergency response template B4.

-Immediately began to wipe out.

The remaining bodies of the containment team swarmed up, and the ambush detachment immediately went to support.

The full-strike hunting type couldn't even catch up with its back with the naked eye and electronic equipment. Between the breathing, the four hunting types completed the surrounding net. The whip-like special high-frequency blade made a vibrating noise while waving at the priest. .

By outputting high-frequency vibration to destroy the material structure and then cut the high-frequency blade of the object, just a light touch, how strong armor will only be divided into two. The human body is touched by that kind of thing, even if it is not killed on the spot, it will shock and even go crazy because of severe pain after being subjected to high heat and high frequency vibration~www.readwn.com~ is invisible by Bajo, even if it can't be avoided Surrounded by cutting edges, the probability of survival is zero.

However, this seemingly fair and objective calculation result is just "him" wishful thinking.

In the face of human obsession, as well as miracles caused by obsession and restraint, even science has to revise the benchmarks for prediction.


The steel fist smashed hard, and the liquid metal protective layer burst like a burst. The frame was smashed like a crab shell with an iron hammer. The liquid nitrogen and liquid inside were oxidized into a white dense fog, which was released to the pressure of the leakage In the air, the high-frequency blade that was about to reach the man's body twisted convulsively a few times before finally falling down. The circuit controlling the blade vibration flashed a burst of sparks, and the violent explosion completely wiped out the traces of the hunting type existence.

At the same time, the remaining three machines that were penetrated by the key blade also exploded.

The flame illuminates the tall figure of the man, and the giant body like the rock of the iron tower looks exceptionally tall in the firelight, like a dark mountain. Regardless of the wind and rain, without fear of the sun and rain, it has always stood before people's eyes.

But somehow, the smile that was always full of enthusiasm and murderousness did not appear at this moment. The silent and serious expression and the gentle and compassionate eyes gave this man like a combat machine a human touch. Color.

"Goodbye, my friend. Farewell, hopeless fools. Rest in peace, devout hound brothers."

The man drew a cross on his chest with his remaining right hand, and his determined voice spread across the wasteland.

"Please wait a moment, on the way to hell, I will never leave you alone."

The sad-looking face did not look abrupt.

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