Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1218: Twenty-five. Deadline(43)

The sunset was about to sink into the horizon, and the blood-red halo left scars that seemed to be bleeding on the coming night, and the battlefield was dead.

Human limbs, the remains of the "Legion" covered the battlefield, and the blood with dark hair and brown core overlapped with the core of bright red flowers. Heaven and earth are filled with red and black hell.

"Holy, holy, holy. Dust goes to dust, earth goes to earth. God Lamb, who exempts sins from the world, give them eternal sighs and let them shine forever ("Three Sacraments" and Some of the lyrics in "Lamb Ode.""

The solemn prayers drifted with the wind, and the crystals that turned from dark to gray weathered and drifted at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the dim red light of the head sensor flickered.

——It’s really embarrassing, but it’s so troublesome to you in the end

The undead stayed in the command plane gave a dying grin, even if they fell into such a field, they could be sent by the most admired colleagues at the end of the last journey, even if they were not oiled and not accompanied by relatives. There is no mourning funeral. For the poor worm who has become a member of the army of undead, destined to linger on the battlefield forever, this is the ultimate luxury.

The speed of weathering is accelerating, the flashing red light is slowly extinguishing, and the brain hidden under the protective layer is about to be revealed. The signal of peace and happiness sings the last words of the man before sinking to sleep.

——You... come to bury...we...were so good...

"...You're welcome, I'm going to everyone soon."

Saying goodbye calmly, the gentleness of Father Andersen's face faded, and the scornful face turned to the empty side.

"So, are you satisfied? Sitting in the special seat all the way and looking at the director of the third-hand drama directed by you."


Withdrawing the optical camouflage, a hunting-type tilted his head and asked in a calm, unquestionable tone:

"Your question is so widespread, how can you be satisfied?"

The so-called satisfaction is a temporary emotion. After reaching a certain stage of the goal, the brain nerves are stimulated by the sense of accomplishment to release various chemical components to form a sense of well-being in the brain. This physical and psychological reward mechanism is the truth of satisfaction. Soon the sense of well-being will calmly retreat. In order to desire more and more exciting sense of well-being, people will pursue the next goal of climbing.

As a result, mankind has progressed and so has society.

This can also be said to be the truth of progress-driven by endless desires, constantly seeking and conquering.

What else is worth pursuing and exploring for the existence of reaching the end point of "perfection and eternity" that has climbed to the culmination of all creatures' dreams?

"It's yours, you should understand it. The result is more important than satisfying such cheap emotions."

For Father Anderson, the task of accomplishing the task is the most important priority.

For Li Lin, the first-hand director of this tragedy, on the premise of ensuring the smooth progress of the grand strategy, can he promote the growth of Roland to obtain important data and promote the final answer that can be verified and reproduced-this is what he wants the result of.

The strategic objectives have been fully achieved. Nowadays, only the “Legis” and Charlemagne’s remnants of the coalition army are used to conduct some experiments that are not normally allowed to be let go, to fully demonstrate the past ideas and theories, and to review the data based on actual combat feedback. Later, make corresponding adjustments and amendments to future plans.

The calculation of the evolution of the "Legion" and the use of large-scale tactics;

After grabbing the human brain to enhance the level of combat effectiveness of the "Legion";

Insufficient use of the human brain and optimized solutions;

Feasibility plan for artificial intelligence development to replace human brain;

The reactions of various countries in the face of the overwhelming power of the "Legion";

The principle and corresponding strategy of the miracle user through the deep collective unconscious perception of the human brain


These are all things you can’t let go of in peacetime. Only on this Rhine front can you experiment as much as you want. Even if some people have doubts about this afterwards, there is a dead guy who wants to jump out for a group of people who have nothing to do with themselves. Stranger dead come to lose their lives.

"'This is war, so there is no way','Charlemagne and the church itself are not good people','that is the will of the gods'-people will always look for reasons for their powerlessness and arms folded. Just a storm of destruction Without falling on his own head, anyone can feel at ease to die."

"Yeah, humans are so hopeless."

Andersen sighed.

Incurable human beings-For this, he has profoundly understood countless times.

It doesn’t matter how to persuade it sincerely, how to pray sincerely, or how to tirelessly lead, or even drop the violent hammer, or wash it with blood. Human beings have not changed, everything is ugly, and all chronic diseases still exist.

But even so-

"Using the evil of humanity to justify your own malignancy, aren't you even more hopeless? Your exalted agent. You are not a messenger of gods, you are just a violent machine that executes the will of the mother goddess, a sad monster."

"It's like...it's like pitying the same kind."

"Similar? The word is really used in seconds. Yeah... Even now, I think you are actually very dazzling, powerful, and deadly. The most important thing is that you have no doubt about your role and are performing you wholeheartedly. The assigned mission takes that as an absolute and unique meaning. I... I used to envy you like that."

I want to be the blade of God, a blade that is only used to carry God's punishment.

How beautiful it would be if it was a storm.

How good it would be if you were born a threat.

If it is just a bomb, how easy it is.

No longer as a person, no longer have a self, no longer think, just used to carry the container of the power of God.

As a veritable "pious hound", this is probably the ultimate ideal of tireless pursuit. Therefore, in their view, Li Linzheng can be described as the ultimate embodiment of the ideal, and he will envy or even look forward to it, which can be taken for granted.

When seeing his ideals appear in the world in a concrete form, even if he met in a hostile position, Father Andersen couldn't help but feel moved.

"At that time, I really felt that you were the ideal I pursued and the end of my long-cherished dream. But ah... I saw your "dead army"... I did not hesitate to take other people's brains into my body, just to pursue I understand the more efficient killing. After all, I can’t become the same as the undead, I can’t abandon myself, I can’t abandon the original Alexander Andersen, and become a group creature that transcends humanity by faith or something. "

Ego—Once upon a time this was Andersen’s biggest headache.

I once hated my personality. Thanks to his formidable physique and terrifying face, everyone dare not approach him. Even if you want to get along well with others, it will only make the other person feel terrified, just like the poor man who was forced to blackmail into the alley, while trembling out of the money, while begging him not to cry hurt ourselved. Even his parents respected him, and the most basic relationship between parents and children was gone, let alone communication.

So Andersen chose to join the church. If it is an all-powerful goddess and brothers and sisters who also have religious beliefs, he should be acceptable.

Afterwards, he did feel a certain degree of acceptance in the church, although only a few people-the companions of Iscarlo, the children of the orphanage and the grandma-were also great comforts for Andersen. In order to protect the faith and the place, he is willing to become a weapon carrying God's punishment.

But after seeing Li Lin and the "Legion", this belief was shaken violently, and even collapsed.

The so-called "weapon carrying God's punishment" means that even people are not, and furthermore, to become agents of the expression of God's will, but the weapon in the hands of God is just like a human.

"As a result, I still have no way to abandon my self and personality. I clearly hate my personality, and in the end I can't abandon it. I am me, not anyone else, or the only Alexander Andersen in the world. I decided it myself. "

Father Andersen shrugged.

Somewhat unexpected answers to this, the hunting type sent a question with a bitter smile.

"Don't hesitate to disobey the Pope's order for this, and even lose his life?"

"The moment I decided not to abandon myself, I understood. The church or Iscalo, even you, are not suitable for the role of god. Because what you and we are doing The same is to standardize everyone. Unify everyone from the geographical, political, and spiritual levels, and then fear, hate, contempt, and eliminate all people or organizations that do not meet the specifications. This kind of thing is actually the same everywhere. The only difference is that it is common sense ~ www.readwn.com ~ ideology or belief in doctrine. In the end, it just becomes an organization that is fat and stiff, only to protect and maintain order, and tramples on the minority and the weak."

"So you decided to place your bet on a child, betting on the possibility of being illusory?"

"Who knows. It may be looking forward to the struggle of young people, or it may be looking forward to the distant future of young people creating miracles. However, the most important thing is to see that dreams are the privilege of children. And when children wake up from dreams Come and protect their dreams before being overwhelmed by cruel reality...that is the task and privilege of adults."

The crystallized pinky finger separated from the palm and shattered on the ground, leaving only three fingers between the two handle blades. An evening breeze blew past, under the tattered coat, at the cross section of the broken arm, obsidian-like crystals could be seen everywhere.

"However, the beautiful dream will eventually be ruthlessly defeated by reality. Instead of daydreaming unrealistically, it is better to admit the reality at the beginning and give up the ridiculous and unreal dreams. Those who cannot understand this, whether it is you or him, are only A group of children who love dreaming."

The hunt-and-go type threw firm assertions.

A little red light flashed in the middle of the night, and the endless "Legion" surged toward Andersen.

Andersen smiled recklessly, staring at the red stars that couldn't see the end moving in the darkness.

——What have I been driven by all the time?

——What is this emotion that is in my heart?

——If I believe from the bottom of my heart that this world has no death, no misery, only endless happiness... Then I would like to pray for it, and pray that this moment will last forever.

Fifteen minutes later, Father Alexander Anderson died in battle.

Until the end, this man was not knocked down by any enemy. He exhausted the miracle and stood to become a pillar of salt.

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