Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1227: Twenty. The dice have been dropped! (5)

Humans are creatures with extremely strong adaptability.

Even if threats are entrenched daily, people will paralyze their feelings, regard disaster as "daily life", rationalize and accept fear and despair with self-hypnotic insights, eventually people will get used to and understand, pain and despair will not Re-understood as pain and despair, new and distorted values ​​interpret it as salvation and trial, which is the only way to happiness.

This is meaningless.

The stimulus of fear must maintain a certain fresh stimulus so as not to evolve into anger and optimism. By letting the target torture in the fear like the abyss, so as to ignore some things that should have been noticed, and finally achieve the goal, then destroy it completely.

"Actually, I like to let people make the most beautiful dreams first, such as achieving some things that are not expected in reality in dreams, and turning the dream into the worst nightmare at the peak of happiness. Those The face of the guy who was crushed by misfortune, the twisted expressions, I couldn’t help looking at it again and again.

"Then you just let the young masters fall asleep?"

"This little trick is useless to him, but will cause uncontrollable side effects."

The human heart is like a chemical reagent. Dropping different reagents will produce different reactions. These reactions are somewhat controllable and some are uncontrollable. Depending on the difference in environment and purpose, sometimes it will have a positive effect, sometimes it will be the opposite.

Like now rashly pulling Roland and his team into a dream, there is a high probability that the results will be counterproductive.

"The tougher and more emotional the guy is, the more difficult it is to endure being trampled underneath. Don’t look at the sensible appearance of the young master and make him angry, he can do everything. If he drives the boat to b The group army has committed suicide attacks. With the current march situation, even if the losses are not large, the impact is still unbearable."

"So let him feel the nightmarish reality? You are really a cruel guy."

"Cruel? No, no, I just let the young master meet the old friend. Don't people often say that? Even if it's a piece of meat, a piece of meat, we always hope that the cherished person will survive. We let the little ones The benefactor of the young master appeared to him in an original state. This is the best dream and the best nightmare."

"No, you are just targeting the young master, aren't you?"


Silos, who had been talking about it for the first time, got stuck for the first time, and Gulatoni continued to say:

"There are so many candidates, people who died in the night of the sword, people who died on the battlefield, people who died on the dark side of the consortium... can shake the form of the members on that ship so much, but you only chose the biggest Limit the attack on the young master’s woman. You who are excited about the diverse responses of human suffering will have a reason for this choice. There is no other reasonable explanation except for Roland Dalk."

What was put into the cabin of the "Endeavour" was a biological weapon called "Attack Body" that was created using a part of Guratoni's body.

Guratoni originally possessed characteristics similar to the "Genesis" of biological weapons, and it was more outstanding than the "Genesis" in terms of explosive proliferation and infection spread. A piece of meat the size of a fingernail can turn a large and medium-sized city into a **** of pink meat everywhere in a few hours.

The "attack body" partly inherits the fusion and predatory ability of Guratoni, on this basis, the attack function is strengthened, and whether it is given a shape is actually a question of dispensability. After all, arthropods and mollusks are more suitable for mopping up in a closed environment than humanoids.

But Silos injects the function of "attack body" into the form of Mikana's girl, and writes this form into the self-replicating function in programming language.

No matter how you look at it, this is not natural. It can only be interpreted as action taken against a specific object.

"...Yeah, maybe so."

"This is not a good tendency, it is not efficient, and it lacks logic."

"Logic?...I just want to say, I just see him uncomfortable."

Sloth's sudden calmness was stained with emotion.

"I hate'change'."

The situation changes.


Emotional changes.

In Sloss's eyes, most of the changes are toward "deterioration" and "weakness".

As a major sin symbolizing "laziness", he was tired and disgusted with any form of change.

He is passionate about "unchanging" in a perfect state forever.

"'The reason why people are born as people' and'the world in which people can live as people' sounds really beautiful and moving. But how should people be treated, the positioning and treatment of human beings in the world, is this kind of thing created by life? The human beings have the final say? Isn't this also a kind of blasphemy and arrogance? The human beings made of mud with God as their prototype, want to take over the authority from God? This is the same as humans imitating their own dolls What is the difference between wanting to replace humans? For humans, the former is correct, and the latter is a big injustice? If so, the truth in the world is really as free as you want."

"We are seven deadly sins."

"Yeah, I am one of the seven deadly sins. Sloth Sloth, the world of immutability and infinite reproduction is my favorite and my destination. Anyone who tries to hinder this eternal robbery, I will let him taste The taste of nowhere is lost."

"Your argument advocates that it does not contradict the big principles, but it is difficult to call it sound. I suggest you take the time to do a full set of checks."

"No need to worry about you."

Full of malicious whispers whispered in the void, the shadows drifted leisurely, overlooking the earth, watching the distant place transform into a world of purgatory.


Alfheim has always been inhumane in weapons research.

Mass production of disabled mines;

Poisonous gas and incendiary bombs capable of achieving "air massacre";

Bullets that roll over after entering the body;

White phosphorous bullets that will be burned to the point of corpses;

Among them, the most representative of the dark thinking and maliciousness of elf weapon designers are various organic biological weapons (b.o.), Chimera, mutant creatures, ghouls, etc. Regardless of shape and performance, from head to toe are full of elements that make people disgust and fear.

However, compared with "Genesis", those can only be regarded as pediatrics.

Compared with those entrenched in Endeavour, it can be called "purity and harmlessness".

The psychological distortion of putting the biological weapon on the girl's skin is necessary to do this kind of thing. People can't help but ask the guy who put forward this idea, what kind of stimulation did he get, what kind of growth has he experienced, and "endeavor" What kind of hatred did the crew of the ship and Roland have so much that they created such a killing machine against humanity.

If there is a chance to question the mixed ball, the crew of Endeavour will surely give each person a friendly butt, and finally send them to each other with kerosene and torches.

"If you have the opportunity, you must have a friendly exchange, and by the way, put the shotgun into the eyes of the mixed ball, and use the shotgun to help him wash his stomach."

Pressing the button to release the dress, a sound of mechanical operation sounded, and Favna came out of "Dendrobium". I saw her squeeze her fist, her knuckles made the sound of "card, card".

"Since it is a biological weapon for human beings, let me repair it, and by the way, relieve the pressure of these days."

"Favona~www.readwn.com~ Don't mess up!"

Roland stopped loudly.

"The other party is likely to have Gulatoni's'fusion and predation' ability. If you are stained with a drop of blood and a piece of meat, even you are dangerous."

This brave dragon princess must want to rely on his brute force and magic to kill a blood at a stretch.

With the brute force of the dragon race, even in human form, it can easily pick up dangerous species or Chimera, but it can attack the creatures that will die if normal creatures are killed. Whether the weapon is effective or not, no one can Can not guarantee. What's more, they are the terminals of Gulatoni, the "overeating", and there is no guarantee whether they have more terrible abilities.

If you now lose a key combat power like Fafna, the next battle will only be more difficult.

"But go on like this"

"I know."

Faced with Favna's restless rebuttal, Roland nodded bitterly.

Once the fighting time is prolonged, the B Group Army will rush through Arden in one breath and drink the Mamas River. Moreover, lengthening the battle will only increase the damage to personnel and equipment, and it will still be the same in the end.

The time has come to find a way to open the situation.

But what should I do?

Of course, the easiest and quickest is the use of high-power weapons or large-scale attacks, but this will inevitably involve all the crew. Even if you want to identify the "enemy" and "own person" to attack, the available spells are not powerful enough to ensure that the enemy can be eliminated.


His own thinking made Roland tremble.


Helped her own girl.

I want to... kill her by hand?

The body under the protection of the armor shuddered involuntarily, and the breathing was disordered again.


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