Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1228: Twenty. The dice have been dropped! (6)

If a person is killed, he will die.

Life is only once, so it is precious.

A person who sins again and again can only be killed once, no matter how good or pure a person is, there is no chance of resurrection.

Micana is dead and disappears without a trace with the rest of the Holy City. Here are just the monsters made out of her shape. So it’s okay to kill her, just kill—


With vomiting and sourness pouring into the throat, Roland finally swallowed back the bitter bitterness of the mouth. With the louder nails scratching the sound of steel, the mouth became bitter.

From the other end of the creaky ceiling, there was something similar to that gentle girl's face.

The young mother healed the wound in Roland's heart like her sister. However, something with the same face and the same slender arms was tearing and scraping steel with bare hands in order to kill Roland.


The young man gasped and sweated from his head, back, and armpits.

He felt that he was fully conscious.

As a consciousness that humans raised their flags against the agents of the mind;

The consciousness that determines the goal and strives hard towards it;

If necessary, do not hesitate to become a mean and cruel consciousness;

Roland thinks he can do these things.


He only believes that he has done a good job of consciousness. When he really faces the choice of life and puts his life in Libra for a one-way choice, he will truly realize that his heart is still a teenager.

The only one who can fully implement Machiavellianism, treat everything as a unified calculation of numbers and symbols, and use efficiency and results as the only standard, is the ultimate power seeker like Li Lin. Humans cannot cut their emotions and memories as easily as doing math problems or dismantling machinery, and discard them, even adults can't say that they can do it, let alone Roland's age.

After all, humans cannot easily change.

Even if he knew he would die, even if he knew that it was something different, Roland still had to be shaken by the same faces as Mikana.

Instead, if any one encounters a similar situation, it cannot be shaken. It is better to say that someone who can act without hesitation or hesitation can be called a normal person.

Shaking is not a problem, nor is it impossible, but in such a life-and-death moment, shaking and wasting time is tautening his neck.


Roland clenched his teeth and clenched his fists.

What should I do?

The calm and calm boy's mind was cluttered.

There is both shaking and anxiety, and it is more helpless about the situation.

(What should I do?! Think about it! How can I just finish it! Too stupid! Even if the possibility is very low, in short --)


Everyone stunned and looked up at the ceiling where unusual noises were heard.

The two layers total 2o㎜, which is riveted and fixed with a large number of rivets with a diameter of 8㎜, and the armor plate that can never be moved separately by manpower is slightly loosened. A broken rivet fell and jumped on the deck, and the sound of crisp and sweet sounds was creeping in everyone's ears.

Monsters that can even pry open with their armor plate will soon be killed in droves.

The time for thinking is almost gone.

Subconsciously, Roland raised the beam Magnum rifle and aimed it at the ceiling.

A ray of light leaked from the jagged iron plate junction. I don’t know where the light from the Tianjing leaked into the hangar along the torn gap. Under the blue and white light, the girl was vaguely confused. Profile.


Looking at the empty eyes, Roland's trembling lips overflowed and moaned.


Rustenburg, Eagle Nest, 9:32 am.

Four hours and two minutes have passed since the revolving door started, and good news came from all fronts.

For example, if the march went smoothly, apart from removing physical obstacles such as roadblocks, I did not encounter any decent resistance;

For example, when encountering a Charman Cavalry unit somewhere, the other party cooperated to lay down their weapons, counted the number and equipment, and lined up to the truck to the prisoner of war camp;

For example, some troops dragged too fast and the follow-up troops opened a distance, and had to stop at Bastogne to wait for the follow-up troops to follow up;

Generally speaking, there are some big or small problems, but it does not affect the pace of marching. The only thing that can be counted as problems is probably that the timetable set before the war is too conservative and the time to complete the task may be less than Expected 6o hours.

The frequent news of the good news made the morale of the whole army soared, and the work efficiency was greatly improved. From the staff generals to the grassroots soldiers, they were very busy up and down, but all the officers and soldiers did not show any fatigue and slackness. Vigor and energy filled the Ardennes front.

Compared with the men who are busy hitting the back of their heads, the dictator is very "free". From the beginning to the end, after ordering the start of the campaign, he never gave an order or said a word, but just sat on his own seat and drank coffee. At most, I only occasionally lifted my eyelids and glanced at the display interface of the giant terminal.

No one in the headquarters felt abnormal.

This is not the time when the commander-in-chief or the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces must come to the front line to command the war. The combination of a highly convenient communication system and an efficient and capable general staff department can free the commander from a variety of "trivia" and "miscellaneous tasks" To focus on the general direction. The rest of the logistics support, bridge repairing, troop mobilization, coordination and consultation, intelligence collation and analysis, etc., are left to the staff to deal with in order to improve work efficiency.

The dictator thinks about important issues such as the general situation of the world, the future of the country, and national rejuvenation. Using a few trivial matters to disturb him is a crime against the country and the nation-the General Staff said.

Of course, as an efficiency supremacist, Li Lin will not allow wasted precious time to spend meaninglessly. However, after the revolving door started, he did not put too much attention and interference.

What is the need and reason to do that?

Not to mention that he had sent the ministry down to deal with the only force that might cause obstruction. Even if Roland succeeded in creating a miracle, the revolving door would be stuck for two or even three days. Charlemagne can escape the arranged ending, and the world will then turn to another exhibition track. Humans and gods will sit on equal footing. Even the future above the gods will appear at the end of the road?

Never possible.

Some people compare history to blood-stained wheels. In fact, this abstract concept is not just an image description.

To stop the wheel, only try to get stuck before the wheel starts to turn, instead of continuing to turn the wheel and accumulate the degree and potential energy, then stop it. At that time, no matter whether the brave mantis is in front of the wheel or the humble mantis Little Pebble ~www.readwn.com~ Eventually it will only be crushed into powder.

The so-called historical inertia is such a heavy and cruel existence.

Specific to the situation at hand, after a long period of accumulation and operation, the accumulated strength of Yalfheim can not only eliminate Charlemagne, but also have the ability to refuse the interference of foreign forces in the process. One or two battle plans have been frustrated-even if the revolving door has caused major delays-still can not recover the end of Charlemagne's failure. On the contrary, Charlemagne may also be the first large-scale actual combat object of nbc weapons in the world because of the failure to be thorough and rapid. I believe that after pneumonic plague, Bacillus anthracis, botulinum, smallpox, cholera, Ebola virus, sarin, tabun, soman, vx, neutron bomb, thermite incendiary bomb, no country will This piece of waste land came to face Alfheim. After that, the world will still enter the stage of game confrontation, but the atmosphere will be more tense, and the zero-sum game will be more and more intense.

In the total war era, the gap between technology and industrial capacity was measured by the number of dead bodies. If it was two or thirty years ago, when Alfheim was just getting started, Charlemagne might have a chance to change history. It is too late, too late to want to fight back against the plump plump after getting stuck in the quagmire.

From the moment he completed the most important layout-laying task, he did not need to interfere with the specific details of the operation, just wait for the final result. At this time, too much interference will cause unnecessary pressure on the following, but it will affect the final completion of the task.

So he just had to show a calm and calm posture while paying attention to the progress of Roland, and occasionally understand the progress of the Group B army group-so enough.


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