Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1230: Twenty. The dice have been dropped! (8)

Between the fingers of a wide steel gap, densely packed with the same empty girl face.

The moment the boy moaned out the girl's name, his heart also denied the name.


Just a glance, Roland understood.

It wasn't Micana who peered at him through the gap in the iron plate.

These... how could it be that gentle and considerate, like the big sister next door, Micana!

These exist only in the name of "something", not even people!


Unknown despair is tormenting the teenager, and the pain that cannot be described in words can tear his soul.

(how come……)

Unreasonable, cruel, abnormal, rude... Why is there such a thing added to the dead Mikana, why must he face such a miserable thing?

In front of the world, human power is still weak, and personal power is as insignificant as gravel.

As individual human beings, no matter how strong they are, what they can protect is limited.

Facing the cruel reality, people are always forced to face choices.


Not even this kind of thing can be achieved.

For ever-correct gods and divine agents, the so-called hope, the so-called personal will and freedom are simply things that do not exist and are not allowed to exist.

Since living people do not need these, let alone the dead.

The dead have no subject representing human beings.

The dead will not be sad, the dead will not be angry, and the dead will not laugh.

Therefore, no matter whether it is exposed to the bones and carrion, or buried in the magnificent cemetery in the prayer of the priest and the tears of everyone, the body will not be dissatisfied or satisfied.

It is also impossible to question or oppose the deceased friends and friends by borrowing appearance and form. For those who implement this tactic, as long as they can achieve results, there is naturally no problem. In the end, there will be no problems other than those under attack who will scold “despicable and shameless” or “indecent”. Even these scoldings, because they have no right to speak, no strength, and no victorious dogs to speak out, are not worth the effort.


Li Lin is always correct and always correct.

The right behavior and the right words are superimposed together, maybe it is possible to create a pretty beautiful world, where there is no hunger, no disputes, no pain, no trouble... Just like the "ideal town" (ava1on) in the story ", "Taoyuan Township (utopia)" and "e1ysium" are the same.

But there was no hope.

Those who pass this gate must give up all hope.

This is the legendary seal carved on the gate of hell, and it is also what Li Lin envisions in the future to try to achieve.

Everything and a fixed number;

People's lives, lives, and destiny have long been determined, and even resistance and unrest have been institutionalized and become part of social circular production. By that time, what is the point of hope, free will, and even life itself?

Everyone will become a young girl with the same appearance of Mikana in front of her, become a humanoid tool, a part of the national machine, and continuously contribute to the operation of the entire social system. From life to death until it is replaced by new parts, a new cycle begins...

No one will like this "paradise", at least Roland and his friends can not like it, and do not want to accept this future.

You are no different from escaping reality.

Suddenly, a mocking chuckling sounded in Roland's head. The voice had been heard once and still has an impression.

Challenge your destiny? change destiny? Is this just your self-satisfaction, or is this a human psychological need? But no matter how you enjoy yourself, after all, it is just dancing in the palm of fate.


Roland gritted his teeth and said the name of the master of the voice. The strong anger and murderous intentions turned into an invisible "wind" that blew across the ship, and resonated with the mocking of Slos in the minds of hundreds of people.

Long time greetings, young master, ladies, and fellow passersby. Below is Slos, one of the seven deadly sins, "slack", and also the guide for you to the underworld. Ah, it’s not that beautiful Wang Ergure offered you the kiss of death leading to the Hall of Heroes. Are you a bit disappointed? It doesn't matter, the "attack body" created below will beat other parts of you, leaving only the mouth for kissing. The so-called "only one mouth" is probably like this? Hey, I seem to have a very good joke? a ha ha ha! !

Unbridled and contrived laughter sounded, and across the laughter, the crew seemed to be able to see each other leaning forward and back. Each fist squeezed, but it only glared at the air.

In fact, even if Sloss appeared in front of them, it was impossible for him to do anything to him with human power. In the end, it was nothing more than humiliation and remorse.

After understanding this, the laughter was no longer harsh, and even the restless heart began to calm down.

To be honest, at first I was full of joy... Ah, no, I was worried. If the game is over in two or three games, the adult would be bored.

"Only you will find it interesting."

The calm and cold answer cooled the air that was about to burn a lot, and the almost angry crew regained their composure and listened quietly to the words of the Supreme Commander.

"That guy doesn't respond to anything, all he cares about is the result."

That's right, but your answer is also very boring. I wasted it to give you the opportunity to turn over the salted fish.


Uh-huh, this is a good disguise, just like the real one.

The word "sure enough" flashed through his mind, and Roland frowned slightly.

As I said before, the thing that looks like Micana is based on the fragments of Guratoni, combined with the malicious weapon created by Slos' malicious.

Since it is a weapon, there must be "rules of use."

Uncontrollable weapons are meaningless. It is too dangerous to take them with the enemy.

Even Guratoni, which can "proliferate indefinitely," also has the iron law of "only in sealed areas, which will eventually self-destruct because of self-swallowing." In the last battle with Guratoni, Roland used this One strategy repelled Guratoni.

This time the biological weapon has increased the maneuverability on the basis of retaining the two capabilities of "proliferation" and "self-healing". Although it is still doubtful whether those messy behaviors can be called "tactics", it does effectively " The "Endeavour" forced a dilemma.

A question arises here, in the end, what method is used to control these biological weapons.

As for who is operating, there is no need to think about it.

Guratoni is full of food and drink, and can't do the delicate work at all, and can only command the murder puppets to push everyone to the limit, only Slos.

Sloss's ability is to pull people into a nightmare and kill them. In other words, he can use brain quantum waves to resonate with other people's brains, so as to intervene in other people's spiritual world. If he improves this ability and applies it to the manipulation of biological weapon attacks, it makes sense.

Knowing this, the originally bleak way of counterattack also became clear.

Unicorns are high-end mds created using a large number of brain quantum wave induction frameworks, and originally have the function of amplifying the quantum waves of users' brains. As long as it is consistent with my wavelength, I directly attack my core countercurrently along the control network of the "attack body". What a bold plan.

Both parties apparently thought of going together.

Now that everyone knows each other's intentions.

how about it? Do you want to continue? Or just give up like this? This is not bad~www.readwn.com~ To the extent of human beings, you are working very hard.

The ridicule turned into gentle tenderness wrapped in poison.

No one will blame you. After all, human beings want to change the world as soon as they are introduced. How can such things be just a fantasy?


It is impossible to change the mood and wake up a certain consciousness to save the world. Wouldn’t it be good to just give up like this? Right?


The teenager exhaled.

"thank you"

The teenager murmured.

"Yes, I'm just a human being, just a kid."

Humans are extremely small.

But precisely because we can face our own smallness and powerlessness, human beings can move forward and advance step by step.

The history of mankind and the history of wisdom have never been created overnight. They are all built up bit by bit with errors, failures, and bitter pains.

Wanting more God, wanting more Li Lin, and wanting more cruel reality, the same can only continue to fall and climb in the desperate desert, and tirelessly move forward.

You guys...

For the first time, Sloss sighed. There are some feelings mixed in the sigh, like gentleness, like joy, and sadness.

Colors like human emotion flashed by, and the next moment Roland shuddered.

The swaying light overflowed from the "attack bodies", and the cold phosphorous air lodged in the cold phosphorous breath.

It was like a demon hiding in the girls came out and appeared.

So... so attached to you.

The viper-like voice suddenly stopped, and at the same time, Roland's consciousness was sucked into the far abyss.


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