Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1231: Twenty. The dice have been dropped! (9)

The so-called killing is not necessarily limited to legal, physical and physical definitions, and it can kill people at the spiritual level.

There is no need to cut off the head, and there is no need to bleed into the river. As long as the information in the human brain is replaced by zero, the personality can be completely erased.

The basis of personality is a large amount of accumulated memory and intelligence information. Compared with the human level of consciousness, it is more delicate and fragile. Once destroyed, there is no possibility of repair. In this regard, obliterating a personality can wipe out a person more completely than obliterating. If you can replace a new personality, you can also use some unexpected uses. In terms of efficiency alone, mental killing is more efficient than murder.

The above discussion can be established in theory, but the actual operation is not easy.

Human spirits are indeed fragile. Many times, violence and drugs alone can destroy a person’s personality, but for those who have received special training, have special hobbies, and strong mental strength, the effect is not ideal.

But even these guys, who would make professionals, sadists and killers feel tricky, were placed in front of Slos, but they were nothing but toys.

Among the seven deadly sins, Silos specializes in the spiritual realm, which implies that the ability is strong, and can even directly damage the target through the spirit. Manipulating dreams to brainwash a living person into an empty shell with no ability to think, but it is nothing to him. As long as the nightmare is used to make the other party feel deprived of all despair, destroy the target's psychological endurance line, when the target's spirit falls into the blank area of ​​hopelessness, instill the written script, and then add some beautiful false memories to serve as sweetness and Working motivation, a perfect automatic figure was born.

The principle is not complicated, but it is the application of human weaknesses and psychological defense mechanisms. As long as there is sufficient research in the field of psychology and spirit, and sufficient funds and equipment, any organization or individual can be washed in mass production like screws. Automatic figure of the brain. In the second form, Sloss can even brainwash tens of thousands of people at the same time. Later, he will lead to large-scale riots or legion-level pre-colonial battles, depending on Slos' mood.

It stands to reason that Sloss, who appeared in the second form, was brainwashing a human being as a waste of resources and abilities. With that effort, he directly manipulated the "attack body" or brainwashed other crew members to beat Roland to the scum. Is it faster and more convenient?

If you can, without warning, Slos will do the same.

The reason for such a roundaboutness and a lot of trouble is that it is because the head boss does not sympathize with his subordinates and gives orders to do whatever he wants.

A big boss indeed ordered "It doesn't matter if you kill Roland", but there is a line in the specific command that is too small to be careless and will miss. On the premise of ensuring the ability to reproduce future generations, it does not matter how it is done.


There is this kind of bird order that makes people watch the table lift on the spot and roar with a voice of "There is a mmp I don't know if I should talk about it". It is not possible to kill Roland in fact. It is impossible to see that the seven deadly technical gods can break Roland into pieces on the premise of keeping the integrity and sustainable operation of a single organ. Even if you missed or pretended to miss the additional instructions, no matter whether Roland was killed on March 31, there was also a **** pot of "twisting foremost" and "forging orders" waiting. .

What does it mean to kill a person at Guan Da level; what does it mean to move the mouth above and run off the leg below; what does it mean to dig above the pit and jump below;

With this tight spell, until it was confirmed that Roland did indeed have a heir, seven deadly sins could not kill the killer.

Conversely, as long as it's okay and you can perform male duties normally, it doesn't matter what you do.

After all, killing is not necessarily limited to.

It is true that once memory and consciousness are destroyed, there is absolutely no way to go back. But intervention in brain tissue and nervous system to maintain physiological function is no problem.

In a nutshell, Sloss's calculation was to smash Roland's spirit, and then brainwashed it into a "seeding machine", so that the "mass production subject candidate" not only achieved the task, but also did not violate the instructions, and by the way, it was slightly satisfied. A little personal interest and revenge. Think about it a little bit excited.

Excited back to excitement, there is a lot of time to be excited after the event, let’s focus on how to destroy Roland that is finally pulled into the nightmare world.

With a grin, Sloss's consciousness sank into the endless abyss.


A world full of sense of disobedience.

There is no clear evidence, nor a particularly obvious feeling, but Roland does feel a trace of abnormality.

It seemed as if the world around me had been stolen and replaced by a few realistic scenes, and the reality was replaced by a false one without flaws.

Perhaps this is a sudden and deep dive into the spiritual realm from the sober state to bring about a sense of dislocation, or this is the unique effect that comes with the dream that Sloth deliberately created.

The teenager unconsciously stretched his hand to his waist, with a very real feel of the hilt from the palm of his hand. There is no difference in the weight and touch when he holds Dirandal on a normal day, even something that runs along the arm into the body Subtle senses are faithfully reproduced.

To do this, should I say that Slos is kind and considerate? Or is that "lazy" actually a paranoid?

At the time of sighing and voicing, the surroundings gradually became brighter, and the void that was originally empty, and the marginal void gradually appeared.

Little church.

There is neither the grandeur of the metropolitan churches, nor the vicissitudes of the churches of the size of the Holy City. Condensed the elements of ordinary, ordinary, etc., it can be called a realistic explanation of the term "country church".

The hand that gripped the hilt shivered, and the original smooth breath suddenly became heavy~www.readwn.com~ The alert eyes flashed a trace of confusion and burst into anger.

The spotless seats and the ground, the air is very refreshing, the sun casts the shadow of the mother **** on the ground through the carefully wiped colored shard glass, and the children dressed in simple clothes stand on the altar and sit around the priest.

The atmosphere makes people feel at ease, can't help but want to sit down and take a sip of tea, close your eyes and rest on the back of the chair for a moment.

But for Roland, it was a situation that tilted his counterscale and spread salt on his wounds.

Because this is the scene of his deep memory, and his eternal pain.

The priest's sermon seemed to be over. The children got up and saluted one after another and left the church in order. The faces full of laughter and laughter crossed the sides of the teenager.

The priest was very young, and he did not look frivolous in his heavy vestments. His correct facial features, manicured neat head, steady footsteps, and gentle eyes brewed a breath of youthful aging.

Anyone will think that this is a very serious and pious priest. The believers who fall under his sermons will continually flow. Even if this is a saint, even if there is no real evidence, there are countless believers.

But in Roland's eyes, it was a disguised disguise, and it was also the source of his enthusiasm.

"long time no see."

The young priest gently clamped the cross hanging on his chest with his right index finger and middle finger, and an impeccable business smile appeared on his face.

"It looks very spiritual, did you encounter any good things?"

There was no serious hello, the dark slender eyes were revealed among the dark silk, and the **** crimson eyes reflected the juvenile.


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